Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Walt succeeded in executing his plan.

But maybe you dont understand plans.

Yea and Bran succeeded in executing his.

I suppose you think him handing Arya the dagger in the very spot where the NK was stabbed is purely coincidence, tho.

Like I said, you love pointless back and forths even if it means looking like a total moron.
Naw man. I call BS.

"Everybody dies." This was drilled into our heads FOR 7+ SEASONS. Everybody dies........except against the war vs the Dead, then nobody that matters dies, just the nobodies.

S8E2, at the fire place, Tyrion, Tormund, Brianne, Podric, Jamie, Davos. We're all going to die tomorrow, but at least we're doing it together. ZEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO of them died. Bruh, Davos don't eem ****in fight man, and he's alive.


Bran sat in a chair protected by 6 dudes.

Dany was surrounded by dead. No dragon. Alive.

Jon was SURROUNDED by freshly raised Dothraki/Unsullied. By himself. He alive.

Jamie with one arm. Alive.

Brianne, tackled by like 10 dead, alive.

THOUSANDS are dead. 4 minor characters with actual names among them. One of them was 10, crushed to death, but managed to take down a Giant. In fact, when they took down the wall, there were multiple Giants. How many we see last night? How many White Walkers did we see at the end of Ep 2? They killed exactly nobody. The Night King managed to kill 1 at least, Theon. After he ran half a mile.

2 years. They spent 2 years workin on this. This is what they came up with? Saying goodbye in Ep2, so they can live vs the Dead, when they were getting MURKED.

And now the Northern army of.......65? 12? How many they have left to go fight the 20,000 well paid Southerners? A hundred? I swear if they walk South and they suddenly have thousands again, I'm only gonna get louder on this bull****.

We got screwed man. Straight up. 8 seasons, since 2011, THE FIRST SCENE was fake Matt Damon walking out beyond the wall encountering White Walkers. Winter is Coming. Everybody dies. Welp.....

Tywin v Robb lasted 3 damn seasons. We cleaned up the White Walker war in an episode. Without any major deaths, just random nobodies.

Superstar Arya was getting her *** handed to her by the ugly broom girl a season ago, now she's taking on Brianne and her enormous sword.....with needle. NEEDLE.
And they follow that up by doin the Night King. Jumping from.......where, exactly? With 500+ wights + multiple Generals just sitting there.

To sum this all up, Season 7. Jon rides south to beg for help in the great war. (and dragon glass) He gets the help. Then he walks up north of the wall, to get one dead guy and travel back to King's Landing. To beg for help in the great war. They got ONE soldier. One. With one hand. And wiped out the dead army anyways. Now we need 3 eps to handle the pregnant wine drinker who traded in her brother for a pirate?
What was Season 7 for again?

****, I haven't even *****ed about lets have 6 guys north of the wall, oh ****, there's 100K here, you, Gendry, run on foot back to the wall, send a bird south to Dragonstone, have Dany fly back up north for us, we'll all be sittin here waiting. That's DAYS worth of travel. :lol: :rofl:
Then we'll have the dead army take down the wall, somehow there will be multiple survivors from that, and not only that, they will PASS the dead on the way to Winterfell. ??????????????????????

We writing good? We don't have any plot armor goin on here? The first 4 seasons, were you gettin this type of "quality"?

We killed Hound, oh, nope, brought him back.
We killed Jon, sike, we got him back too.
Everybody lives vs the dead "war" *cough, pillow fight, cough*

I will at least give HBO some credit if they look me in the face next week and march 18 people down to King's Landing to take on Cersei. Do it. Show me the superstars that can't die and match them up vs the 20K. I'll respect that more than them suddenly having a few thousand still alive (that were nowhere to be seen last night)

Look man if you came to this show to watch Brienne get squashed by some nameless faceless undead, sam to get devoured, jamie to torn to bits, and to learn more about the night king, we just enjoy different things in life. *shrugs*

once they decided it was time to end, it was inevitable there would a moment like this, we are in the endgame, there is no more time for mis direction,

and ultimately

if this leads to Sam, Brienne, Jamie, THe hound ect ect having satisfying endings, no one will remember or care about this episode when they caght a glimpse off the strings on the puppets.
Yea and Bran succeeded in executing his.

I suppose you think him handing Arya the dagger in the very spot where the NK was stabbed is purely coincidence, tho.

Like I said, you love pointless back and forths even if it means looking like a total moron.
No. That was the writers/showrunners/creators deciding Jon shouldnt be the one to kill the NK.

They said so themselves.
Look man if you came to this show to watch Brienne get squashed by some nameless faceless undead, sam to get devoured, jamie to torn to bits, and to learn more about the night king, we just enjoy different things in life. *shrugs*

once they decided it was time to end, it was inevitable there would a moment like this, we are in the endgame, there is no more time for mis direction,

and ultimately

if this leads to Sam, Brienne, Jamie, THe hound ect ect having satisfying endings, no one will remember or care about this episode when they caght a glimpse off the strings on the puppets.
Main characters getting killed isnt misdirection. Just something to expect.

Even though it has been for a while its no surprise fans will feel a type of way when the show betrays itself.

Amd speaking of misdirection, given what they did with Jon i can only assume he's getting his due when it comes to Dany and Cersi.
No. That was the writers/showrunners/creators deciding Jon shouldnt be the one to kill the NK.

They said so themselves.

I'm not mad at the ending but I chuckled when I heard that.

I love how Jon's life mission is defeating the army of the dead. Famb took constant risk for it, died for it, come back to life seemingly for it and then they were like "Nahhhh, it doesn't feel right he ends it" .

I was "Like what!?" :lol:

Haters don't want Starboy to shine too bright :smh: :lol:
Yea and Bran succeeded in executing his.

I suppose you think him handing Arya the dagger in the very spot where the NK was stabbed is purely coincidence, tho.

Like I said, you love pointless back and forths even if it means looking like a total moron.
Where are some of you guys getting that this is the same Weirwood tree where the NK was created?

D&D said in the ITE that she stabbed him in the exact spot where the COTF stabbed him with dragon glass. NOT that that was the exact spot he was turned.
Arya was training for her list and avenging her family.. Jon encountered something and that was the bigger picture, like with bran

Arya still has motivation in this whole thing.. Jon had his honor, but then there is the whole aunt thing now

Hell, why would you even be in a rush to fight again after just going through all that.. I mean one would think you'd wanna take couple weeks off enjoy the offseason and then go back to war again
Where are some of you guys getting that this is the same Weirwood tree where the NK was created?

D&D said in the ITE that she stabbed him in the exact spot where the COTF stabbed him with dragon glass. NOT that that was the exact spot he was turned.

Where did I say it was?

I'm saying Bran handed the dagger to Arya there, :lol:

Hands her the dagger and says "you'll need this more than me" or something like that.

Then the next season NK is killed where Bran hands her the dagger.

Coincidence, tho.
I'm not mad at the ending but I chuckled when I heard that.

I love how Jon's life mission is defeating the army of the dead. Famb took constant risk for it, died for it, come back to life seemingly for it and then they were like "Nahhhh, it doesn't feel right he ends it" .

I was "Like what!?" :lol:

Haters don't want Starboy to shine too bright :smh: :lol:
I'm on the same page.

People can bring up all the past scenes and call it foreshadowing but Jon's the one that curbed his emotions and personal feelings with what was going on with his family to fight for a cause that saved everybody. Stared down the NK two times awaiting a fair one. They sidestep all of that.

I'm listening to these dudes talk and its like how could they seriously say this with a straight face? Like they were in deep thought about it.

Arya was training for her list and avenging her family.. Jon encountered something and that was the bigger picture, like with bran

Arya still has motivation in this whole thing.. Jon had his honor, but then there is the whole aunt thing now

Hell, why would you even be in a rush to fight again after just going through all that.. I mean one would think you'd wanna take couple weeks off enjoy the offseason and then go back to war again
They probably gonna pretend like a few days passed in between episodes or even during the ep make a week or two pass when they go from Winterfell to King's Landing.
Most of Your Criticisms are Dumb and Wrong. vol. 1. part a, section I.

Oh it sucked because Characters have plot Armor.

1. The idea that characters didn't have plot armor was a convincing illusion created by GRRM.

It was built on using the tropes of fantasy to convince you that certain characters were important when they actually weren't. That is IMPOSSIBLE to maintain and once we reached the endgame phase, we no longer have time for misdirection, no time to introduce new characters and pretended that they are important when they aren't

the characters that are needed in the ending do have to survive now.

2. Even if they did have plot armor I would argue that it only looks that way in retrospect,

during the entire episode, IT WAS NOT CLEAR who was going to live or die, when Brienne or Jamie or Sam were surrounded by wights you thought they were in REAL PERIL. The only reason you perceive it as plot armor NOW is because we only have 3 episodes left, if this happened in mid show you wouldn't have a problem.

did you call it plot armor the millions of times Johnny Snow came close to certain death during that past few seasons? The only reason we didn't see it as plot armor is because they could kill off a Oberyn, Ned, Robb, to mask that. but with the endgame in motion all the cards are on the table.

3. If the characters do have plot armor, do you think you can confidently pick who is going to live or die and in how long? I THINK NOT.

going forward, peril will still have stakes, because we are running out of time.

So really the only reason you are mad so many of our heroes survived is because of your OWN EXPECTATIONS, not some flaw in the storytelling.

4. Is a bunch of characters dying ignominiously under hordes of unleaded actually satisfying?

Like is that what you really wanted? would that have been a satisfying story arc close to Grey worm, Brienne, ect ect?
It actually would have been extremely lame, and would have reduced the show to a character death generator.

have them going out in against forces that we care about not hordes of nameless faceless undead. The writers made the correct decision.

2. hOw dID aRyA mAkE iT tO tHe nIgHt kInG!

Are y'all serious?? are y'all actually serious???

You guys are telling me WE WATCHED 3 GOD DAMN season of Arya going to ****ing BRAVOS, train to become a MAGICAL GOD DANM NINJA ASSASSIN

and you have the AUDACITY, THE UNMITIGATED GALL to ASK .....HOW SHE DID IT??!!!!


This criticism is no worth my time. :lol:


But what the **** about the night king?? The night king is. not. thanos.

he is a mute dude in a rubber costume, did you think he was going reveal his grand plan? His place in the cosmos, why? How, and with what time? Like do you really think it would be judicious use of storying telling minutes to focus on the god damn night king? are you crazy?

The night king was the least interesting villain on the show, was an existential threat to force the characters together.

his motivation? they told you his motivation. to kill all humans, why? because the children of the forces created him for that purpose. WHAT MORE info DO YOU NEED?

If you are mad about the lack of night king mythology be mad at GRRM, because the only place where you can do deep dive into his mythology of that type of character is IN A ****ING NOVEL.

The writers were totally right to wipe that dude off the board and get back to the drama that the show is actually build on, and that is HUMAN conflict and HUMAN drama. you should have known we weren't getting deep into the fantasy stuff when they sidelined bran for a whole season.

I'm still in awe over the music. Quite possibly the best thing to come out of GoT in 8 seasons.

Bruh I'm still not over how Bran went warging for no reason. Like there has to be an explanation next episode!

True. That was random, although like mentioned earlier it was probably just a cool way to give the viewers a glimpse of the Night King.

What I want to know is what Tyrion and Bran talked about in episode 2. They set it up as if Bran was going to tell Tyrion about everything, but then they cut to the next scene of Tyrion drinking at the fireplace.

There's definitely some key elements of Bran / NK that is yet to be revealed.
Damn near none of the strategy/actions anyone took make sense.

I mean, none of us are generals on here, but isn't not going into enemy territory/conditions the enemy thrives in just common sense?
I got you, man. No sweat.

Here's when the NK threw the ice pick at Dany's dragon:

Let’s put the kibosh on the squabble to unite on one thing...finna empty the clip on Samwell Tarly. Man’s was rolling on the ground like a pig in mud. Got the homie Edd murked for it. Outchea with his Ruben Studdard physique. Man, get your fat *** down in the crypt with the other helpless and useless folk like Sansa and Tyrion. As far as I’m concerned, House Tarly died when Dany hit Randyll and Dickon with the Dhalsim fade. I’m disgusted. Shorty that resembled Shireen had bundles more heart than Sam.

NK ran the six-second Rich Eisen 40-time approaching Bran at the Weirwood Tree. White Walkers choked like DJ at Chambers Bay in the 2015 USO.

Arya with the prime James White hops. Lady Mormont went out on her shield like a Spartan G. Theon came full circle. Rescuing Sansa from Ramsay was the first piece but protecting Bran with his life was the finishing touch for Stark redemption. Perhaps Thoros can restore Theon’s meat for ultimately stepping up.

I was beyond hyped when Grey Worm was commanding the Unsullied to protect the retreat and stand their ground in defense. Had me ready to go 30 rounds with Arturo Gatti. RIP, “Thunder.” Homie so close to cashing out the Roth IRA and retiring to sip caipirinhas on the beaches of Naath with Missandei. But you just know, surprises are in store from the producers and writers. They ‘only’ took Theon, Jorah Friendzone, Edd and Lyanna of Arc. Twists are coming in the battle for King’s Landing. Pepper your angus, lads.

And last but certainly not least, the score was impeccable this episode. Ramin Djawadi a monster, B. Perfect pacing. Ramped up the drama and suspense flawlessly. He’s done work for “Iron Man,” “Westworld” and “Prison Break” too.
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