Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I don't think anyone knows. The writers haven't made it clear. We saw this season he can warg into a group of crows or were they ravens.
.......Just now getting a good look at Rhaegar. John Cena think he slick in that blonde wig. >D

Don't be ignoring my questions damnit :lol:

I assume he has to see the animal(hodor those 2 times) initially and is able to do it over long distances after he starts. for example warging into ravens at winterfell and flying them all past the wall by eastwatch.
lyanna is the crazy teenager who obsesses over a serial killer in The Fall. She liked him even more after she found out.
If they do prequels for that time period, please use different actors. For the purposes of brief flashbacks, it's cool but no mas.
Pic on the right make her look like she a recovering pill addict who tryna get back into Hollywood.
Wow... that took forever to catch up on the thread. I bailed this thread when the season started. I almost went spoiler free too until the leaked episode, I saw a huge pic of a blue eyed dragon the next morning. It was a good season but not on par with the series and the intriquitly woven story lines of the past. After rewatching I kinda feel short changed, it could have been such an incredible season but they just left it on autopilot & gave most fans what they wanted to see. I realize most fans aren't us, but I can't for the life of me figure out why D&D did this (If it was me I would have wanted to finish just as strong as when I started)and on top of that it took around a year and a half to get here. At this point I don't really expect season 8 to be much different I mean 6 episodes and the series is done... I don't see them having the time to tie up all the story lines unless they kill off half the cast at the start of the season. 1 question I have that's really not significant is where was Gendry in the finale he wasn't at KL, Winterfell or Eastwatch or did I miss him?.?
They explain warging better in the books. You're not supposed to warg into humans because you can get "lost" or stuck inside IIRC.
this is what the wikia says:

After Daenerys saves the remainder of the group that went beyond the wall, Gendry parts ways with Beric Dondarrion and Tormund Giantsbane, leaving on the Targaryen ship with Jon, Daenerys, Davos, Jorah and The Hound.​

But he didn't appear in the season finale so I'm not sure where they got this info.
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