Wow... that took forever to catch up on the thread. I bailed this thread when the season started. I almost went spoiler free too until the leaked episode, I saw a huge pic of a blue eyed dragon the next morning. It was a good season but not on par with the series and the intriquitly woven story lines of the past. After rewatching I kinda feel short changed, it could have been such an incredible season but they just left it on autopilot & gave most fans what they wanted to see. I realize most fans aren't us, but I can't for the life of me figure out why D&D did this (If it was me I would have wanted to finish just as strong as when I started)and on top of that it took around a year and a half to get here. At this point I don't really expect season 8 to be much different I mean 6 episodes and the series is done... I don't see them having the time to tie up all the story lines unless they kill off half the cast at the start of the season. 1 question I have that's really not significant is where was Gendry in the finale he wasn't at KL, Winterfell or Eastwatch or did I miss him?.?