Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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not Tywin's only heir. Aerys took Tywin's preferred heir. Also Aerys didn't let Tywin's daughter marry Rhaegar

Semantics. Tyrion will never inherit anything and will always be hated on, so never I count him in this scenario.

Rhaegar was married. Robert was betrothed and aerys was burning people alive and asking for the heads of Robert and ned from their father figure Jon arryn.
Rhaegar still basically stole Lyanna away. What they both did was practically unworthy and against all laws. So yes the rebellion started because of a little of column A but it was mainly because of column B. Lyanna is just as guilty in my eyes (even tho book wise I still don't think this will be the case)

Right. So, you just elaborated on my statement. The underlined quote above happened after R+L ran away. I get where you're coming from since Jon Arryn refused to do this and held an open rebellion shortly afterwards, but in Brans point of view (and mine), the main reason was that the Starks/Baratheons thought Lyanna was abducted, otherwise, the eventsleading up to Jon raising his banners wouldn't have happened at all.
Yea. That dude Robert was a simp for Lyanna. First thing he does is go to the crypts and pays his respects. Doesn't hurt that the Lannisters wanted power as well.

I remember when he was saying he couldn't even remember what her face looked like. I'm like you big effin idiot, you did all that crap and loved her so much and you can't remember what she looked like anymore?
Also Lyanna was cool to me on the show, but to have Rhaegar dip on his fam and Robert be a simp, she really should of been some off the chain looking girl.

Why does beauty have to be only physical? Lyanna was called the She-Wolf of the North because of her supreme fighting skills and her strengths. I think of it like this: Rhaegar saw her for who she was so no need to downplay it because she simply wasn't "hot."

I remember when he was saying he couldn't even remember what her face looked like. I'm like you big effin idiot, you did all that crap and loved her so much and you can't remember what she looked like anymore?

This. Maybe if his drunk **** was sober for more than 10 minutes in the day, he'd actually remember. He acted like he was all in love with her but it was the fact that he wanted to keep Ned's loyalty and grace in this. Without Ned, and the Starks in general, the Baratheons Lannisters and their hoard of inbreeders would still be at Casterly Rock.
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Lannisters own Casterly Rock, Baratheons homeland was Storm's End IIRC

Sorry, wrote too fast. Yes, to edit my response above, the Lannisters wouldn't be anyone and be back at Casterly Rock, and then the Baratheons wouldn't have come to the regency of the Realm.
I wonder if the idea that lyanna might've run away with rhaegar the prettiest dude in the land who gave her flowers or whatever at that jousting event was even brought up to them. Maybe robert's pride and the starks' pride made them think she wouldn't have ran away. But it has been said how she was kinda wild and a free spirit.
I thought the other houses was aligning to get rid of the Mad King beforehand but the "Kidnapping" of Lyanna sped things up?
I thought the other houses was aligning to get rid of the Mad King beforehand but the "Kidnapping" of Lyanna sped things up?

Nope. Most of the Southern Houses were still loyal to the crown including most of the Reach and Dorne.
The Lannisters were probably the only ones that felt betrayed, and yet were still loyal to a point. When the rebellion started, Lannisters were neutral until later on in the rebellion.

He was kidnapped and imprisoned by mutineers some time before and when he was saved, he became paranoid and never left the Red Keep and slowly went insane. The Mad King wasn't all that 'mad' until the lead up to the rebellion. He just slowly became more crazy and paranoid. Maybe burned some people alive, but not to the extent that it triggered a war.
Just watched the last episode, time to listen to audiobooks and I want to pick up the encyclopedia to get myself more familiar with the creatures and Targaryans, too many to keep up with. I also plan to do more research on the history to see if it correlates with what happening in the present. With that being said, do you guys think the nightking was someone significant in the past. I think he could be Bran The Builder and the present Bran is mentally connected with him.
Just watched the last episode, time to listen to audiobooks and I want to pick up the encyclopedia to get myself more familiar with the creatures and Targaryans, too many to keep up with. I also plan to do more research on the history to see if it correlates with what happening in the present. With that being said, do you guys think the nightking was someone significant in the past. I think he could be Bran The Builder and the present Bran is mentally connected with him.

I'll bite at this theory. I read one of the fan theories is that Bran was warging into these important characters in order to stop the Long Night and the Great War from happening. But he got stuck and couldn't get back or out so he leap from character to character in hopes of stopping the next big event. His last attempt, he warg into the Night King to "stop" him but the NK trapped him and he forgot he was Bran. The NK had many chances to kill Jon but didn't, that's because Bran's inside.

Now the NK riding Viserion through Westeros.
Are the GoT audiobooks any good? May consider listening to that during my drive to CA.
I'll bite at this theory. I read one of the fan theories is that Bran was warging into these important characters in order to stop the Long Night and the Great War from happening. But he got stuck and couldn't get back or out so he leap from character to character in hopes of stopping the next big event. His last attempt, he warg into the Night King to "stop" him but the NK trapped him and he forgot he was Bran. The NK had many chances to kill Jon but didn't, that's because Bran's inside.

Now the NK riding Viserion through Westeros.

Ok now this theory i came across the other day but didn't read the full explanation of. This i can be down with. There's 2 identities inside the night king but he's stronger than Bran so he controls most of it but Bran's still able to influence.

Far fetched but I saw somewhere else that Bran is more connected to the wights and NK than we can think of. Like this is legit out the last episode,


Stark Wolf head!

Easter egg or deeper meaning?

Also Tyrion may have expected Cersei to betray and not send her armies but maybe not. Her confidence level is off the charts. She took some big Ls and even Jamie stating that their army can't beat the Unsullied or Dothraki didn't faze her. She feels untouchable with the Mountain at her side. And her focusing on 2 not 3 dragons shows that her ego is super blowing up. Now with having the Golden Company she maybe made a deal with Tyrion which is why he's concerned with the Jon and Dany bedroom tango but I'm sure he didn't expect Jamie to desert her. Tyrion feels Jamie is loyal to the crown and Cersei and wouldn't leave her side, much less to join Dany and him.

Also there are happy moments in GOT as the ones here:


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^^ I'm hella down with you, djlunchbox djlunchbox . These things make sense to me. Dude, I have not noticed that before in the last episode! A wolf! Also, Jon's sword handle "woke" when he climbed out of that water was a trip.

I'll always believe that any happy ending in GoT isn't possible. "Bittersweet" just means that only one made it out when everyone else died in Westeros.
Brrrrooooooo when i saw that I was like what?!?!?!?


Is Longclaw in fact Lightbringer now that it's in Jon, excuse me Aegon's hands?

That leaked script ending sounds somewhat plausible but that other one where this ends up being Sam telling Jon and Dany's kid a story ala Old Nan, maaaaaan :smh:
^^ I'm hella down with you, djlunchbox djlunchbox . These things make sense to me. Dude, I have not noticed that before in the last episode! A wolf! Also, Jon's sword handle "woke" when he climbed out of that water was a trip.

I'll always believe that any happy ending in GoT isn't possible. "Bittersweet" just means that only one made it out when everyone else died in Westeros.
Holy crap.
How does Bran's warging works? Does he have to touch it? Does he have to see it, in order to transfer?
Maybe burned some people alive, but not to the extent that it triggered a war.

him burning Ned's father and brother definitely played a good part in triggering the war.

As far as Longclaw goes, I think the director mentioned that eye thing was a mistake and it went unnoticed when they were reviewing it. Also, the finale also saw the blinking of Longclaw when they were on the ship arriving to the dragon's pit
thinking back to the books, when Robb was going to name Jon his heir, I think that's what Tyrion agreed to with Cersei since Dany can't have kids. Jon shooting up the club complicates the matter. Que Tyrion creeping behind the stairs
Might be mistaken, but Ned's pops and brother wouldn't have went to Kings Landing had the lie of being kidnapped not spread...

yeah, they went down to demand the release of Lyanna. But Aerys burned them, which further triggers Ned to push and join Robert's rebellion
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