Semantics. Tyrion will never inherit anything and will always be hated on, so never I count him in this scenario.
Right. So, you just elaborated on my statement. The underlined quote above happened after R+L ran away. I get where you're coming from since Jon Arryn refused to do this and held an open rebellion shortly afterwards, but in Brans point of view (and mine), the main reason was that the Starks/Baratheons thought Lyanna was abducted, otherwise, the eventsleading up to Jon raising his banners wouldn't have happened at all.
Funny you bold the part I agree with you on but not the part right under where I say a little from that but mainly from B.
Duskendale was already an indication people were tired of aerys.
The crown had been rebelled on through out his life time with Summerhall and the war of the ninepenny kings
Man was slaying mad women.. Including Joanna lannister. His wife was having still births he thought she was cheating.
He was turning on tywin and all of his ideas because tywin was winning the popular vote.
He was torturing and beheading people on whims
After duskendale his madness grew. The wild fire burning people began.
People were split worth loving king aerys and love for Rhaegar.
The tourney at harrenhall. Was presumed to be the gathering of lord s against aerys.
Aerys went but people were disgusted with him...
After all this the Lyanna and Rhaegar thing happened.
(which is still a mystery why other than "love"... I have my theory.. Check book thread)
With this said. Rebellion was going to happen. But the Rhaegar and Lyanna thing just sped it up but directed more anger towards all targaryeon instead of just aerys. So people were ready to get them up out of their.