Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I can see it being Sansa but that would piss people off. She's the only character who is just there and has served little purpose. Tbh, I can see a situation in which nobody takes the iron throne and it begins obsolete
Feon is such a waste of space,hoping he gets a gruesome death at the hands of Urine but I get the feeling he's gonna ***** his way to surviving until the end

Sansa being on the iron throne at the end would be such a disappointing ending but I guess it'd be a testament to LF's strategic prowess
Regarding Sansa/Arya. That look tells me she's she's more in shock that her little sister could very well be an assassin and realizing that the 'list' that she has is completely real and is no joke. We see a bit of this when Bran points it out, and then her fighting skill against someone whose beaten the Hound confirms it. Her face is more "OMG, she IS an assassin", rather than "This b**** gon' kill me". Arya would never hurt anyone in her family that she's trained so long to protect. No matter how much they didn't get along in the past, it doesn't make sense.

When the 3 siblings were gathered around the Weirwood, Sansa mentions that Littlefinger wouldn't give Bran anything unless he wanted something in return, basically hinting her distrust for him, which would in turn, make Arya super aware of his presence and deems it suspect. The look Arya gave Littlefinger is more like "What are you up to? I'm going to find out" type of look IMO.

In other news:
I think Theon will redeem too.
I was shocked to see them write him back to a coward who ran. My heart sank a little bit tbh, I've developed a soft spot for his pitiful face.
Still wondering what the Lannisters next move is gonna be since they're almost cornered at the moment. Dany just destroyed all Cersei's supplies and food meant for KL when they've been in need. Dudes would be cut off completely if Dany takes Tyrions advice and blockades KL. Kinda feel Cersei's gonna get desperate and do something drastic just like the last time she was desperate...
Yeah some of yall are over thinking the Sansa Arya scene. :lol:

Anyway, seeing the Golden Company in action should be interesting.
Is the hound still on Arya list?

Does she even know he is alive?

I wonder if they'll meet up again, and if so would it be beef or love.

I think Arya gained a soft spot for the Hound during there adventures.
She probably still thinks he's dead so he must not be on her list anymore. Plus I think the waif made her realize that she really didn't hate the hound so if they do run into each other, I don't think there will be beef. Hound might still be mad, but after his last ep I think he'll be more forgiving.
Is the hound still on Arya list?

Does she even know he is alive?

I wonder if they'll meet up again, and if so would it be beef or love.

I think Arya gained a soft spot for the Hound during there adventures.

No, she took him off the list and left him injured on a rock after Brienne fought him.
I think they both gained a soft spot for each other after awhile, which is why she spared his life.
She probably thinks the Hound is dead somewhere. I'm hoping they meet, though. It will be interesting.

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Saw Battle of the Bastards, and nah that wasn't the one when it comes to top episode. The battle wasn't all that. And not to nitpick, but Jon looked horrible punching out Ramsey at the end. I never seen punches look so damn fake.


The cold part about what you say is the actor who plays Ramsey says he actually got punched a couple times by Jon on that scene :lol:
Here's a weird question. I noticed Ramsay and Jaime giving the same commands to the Archers. What are they saying?

EDIT: Looked it up. "Nock...Draw...Loose"
Theon will probably do something to redeem himself if he's still here at this point.

When he helped salsa we thought he finally turned a corner to be a somewhat decent person then he goes and ditches his sister with the quickness. It was a no win situation but he could've at least made her feel a little better by saying he'll save her later.
Saw Battle of the Bastards, and nah that wasn't the one when it comes to top episode. The battle wasn't all that. And not to nitpick, but Jon looked horrible punching out Ramsey at the end. I never seen punches look so damn fake.
Respectfully i have to strongly disagree. For me, arguably the illest battle ever on screen.
THis is the only way to watch TV.
Folks always come at me like "turn those off" and I'm like, learn a new skill like watching with the Captions on.

Went on a kick about 5years back where I watched heaps of Foreign films and shows and you HAVE to have Captions so, I never leave home without them now.
How in TF can you guys understand 100% of GOT without them?
They are needed imo.

Bad thing about subtitles/cc is that knowing the full line before the characters actually finish saying the sentence can be WOAT sometimes, especially when they are saying something important. I always try to make it through my first watch of anything without subs and then I'll rewatch with subs again if I have to.
I think Theon will redeem too.
I was shocked to see them write him back to a coward who ran. My heart sank a little bit tbh, I've developed a soft spot for his pitiful face.
yea i think ur right. Domehow he's gonna find a way to rescue his sister and possibly even take out his uncle
I'm not rolling with B.o.B over the Loot Train. Jon dropping his sheathe, drawing the sword and grounding his stance while the Boltons were charging him is really the only part gives Loot Train a run for its money. That was powerful. I have that gif saved in my phone for motivational purposes. :lol:

But nah man, Loot Train takes the cake imo. Jaime not leaving the men behind and thinking they stood a chance, the look on his and Bron's faces when Drogon roared, the Dothraki hopping on horsebacks to fire off arrows, Dany bossing up and pretty much taking matters into her own hands after being tired of taking L's because of Tyrion, Drogon turning men to ash, Bron getting his Captain Ahab on, Jaime thinking he could end the war in one fell swoop, Tyrion being visibly conflicted by seeing his family's forces defeated knowing his brother is leading them, Drogon saying "I eat those" and coming at Bron for the ultimate clap back season...

Loot Train was golden, man.
Cersei, again, is not very smart. Cries like a baby when her dad plans for her to re-marry. Influenced the rise of the High Sparrow, a man with strong religious values with no monetary motives (which is all Lannisters have to offer in this case), and she doesn't know him nor knows how to manipulate him. This play was so weak on so many levels, you give power to the faith who hold high regard to their religion knowing every noble house knows or suspects you of incest and the cousin you were banging on the side is part of that camp and she still rolls through with it all because she desperately wanted to avoid marrying Loras. She pretends to act like a Littlefinger, but fails. Class 1 stupidity.
I'm not rolling with B.o.B over the Loot Train. Jon dropping his sheathe, drawing the sword and grounding his stance while the Boltons were charging him is really the only part gives Loot Train a run for its money. That was powerful. I have that gif saved in my phone for motivational purposes. :lol:

But nah man, Loot Train takes the cake imo. Jaime not leaving the men behind and thinking they stood a chance, the look on his and Bron's faces when Drogon roared, the Dothraki hopping on horsebacks to fire off arrows, Dany bossing up and pretty much taking matters into her own hands after being tired of taking L's because of Tyrion, Drogon turning men to ash, Bron getting his Captain Ahab on, Jaime thinking he could end the war in one fell swoop, Tyrion being visibly conflicted by seeing his family's forces defeated knowing his brother is leading them, Drogon saying "I eat those" and coming at Bron for the ultimate clap back season...

Loot Train was golden, man.

Yeah Loot Train took my feels on a weird rollercoster b, I still have no ide who's side I was on, say what you want, but Jaimes character even if he supports Cersei has gone through a wild redeeming phase and dude shares some of that courage that has made Jon a great character, NEVER has Jaime backed down no matter the odds, dude jumped into a pit with a grizzlie to help out Jaime and I would have cried if he caught the fade.
Sansa and Arya beef?

NT making something out of nothing

There may not be beef and Arya may not be thinking of offing her sister, but Sansa certainly has her doubts, specially because she used to be a **** sister to all her siblings, so I can really see LF playing that angle and putting **** in her head, eventually forcing Aryas hand to off her, is very possible.
Yep one of the best episodes ever..I'm sick of it tho..seen it so many times already
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