Originally Posted by Notorious 858

This should be the official game thread and the other 2 threads by NT e-fame seekers need to get locked up.

Also mods: Method Man, Holden, SKA

We need a new rule put here on NT where NT posters on here who start game threads with 1 minute left in games & when games aren't done yet should get suspended the first time and if they continue to do it those posters should get PERMA BANNED and IP blocked from NT.
Can someone explain why it's so important for the right person to start the thread? Who cares if it's the same dude who started the last thread?

It's even worse that the first page is filled with people *****ing about who started it instead of the actual game. Those kinds of posts are the ones that lower the quality and should be hit with the "warning" if anything.

Game thread ONE minute left in the last game = Perma banned?!?
Originally Posted by Liquor Poker

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

This should be the official game thread and the other 2 threads by NT e-fame seekers need to get locked up.

Also mods: Method Man, Holden, SKA

We need a new rule put here on NT where NT posters on here who start game threads with 1 minute left in games & when games aren't done yet should get suspended the first time and if they continue to do it those posters should get PERMA BANNED and IP blocked from NT.
Can someone explain why it's so important for the right person to start the thread? Who cares if it's the same dude who started the last thread?

It's even worse that the first page is filled with people *****ing about who started it instead of the actual game. Those kinds of posts are the ones that lower the quality and should be hit with the "warning" if anything.

Game thread ONE minute left in the last game = Perma banned?!?
I respect this dude, its not that serious
Originally Posted by Liquor Poker

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

This should be the official game thread and the other 2 threads by NT e-fame seekers need to get locked up.

Also mods: Method Man, Holden, SKA

We need a new rule put here on NT where NT posters on here who start game threads with 1 minute left in games & when games aren't done yet should get suspended the first time and if they continue to do it those posters should get PERMA BANNED and IP blocked from NT.
Can someone explain why it's so important for the right person to start the thread? Who cares if it's the same dude who started the last thread?

It's even worse that the first page is filled with people *****ing about who started it instead of the actual game. Those kinds of posts are the ones that lower the quality and should be hit with the "warning" if anything.

Game thread ONE minute left in the last game = Perma banned?!?

This is real talk right here.  Who gives a damn.  If a thread needs to be made, it shouldnt matter who is the one who is making it.  
Agreed with everything said above me. It's a game thread, dudes need to stop complaining about who is making them.
let the lakers win and zodogg, prettyplaya, young cheezy, and about 5 or 6 sac kings fans still bitter from 2002 can all sit together and make the game threads for all i care.

just win on thursday and make sure that boston HAS to win the final 3 games in order to win the series which i highly doubt they'll be able to do.

rondo: "suck a @%@@ kobe"
kobe: "what'd you say boy?"
rondo: "i said go suck a-- "
ray: "--i'm sorry kobe, he wont talk out of turn again"
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by Liquor Poker

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

This should be the official game thread and the other 2 threads by NT e-fame seekers need to get locked up.

Also mods: Method Man, Holden, SKA

We need a new rule put here on NT where NT posters on here who start game threads with 1 minute left in games & when games aren't done yet should get suspended the first time and if they continue to do it those posters should get PERMA BANNED and IP blocked from NT.
Can someone explain why it's so important for the right person to start the thread? Who cares if it's the same dude who started the last thread?

It's even worse that the first page is filled with people *****ing about who started it instead of the actual game. Those kinds of posts are the ones that lower the quality and should be hit with the "warning" if anything.

Game thread ONE minute left in the last game = Perma banned?!?

This is real talk right here.  Who gives a damn.  If a thread needs to be made, it shouldnt matter who is the one who is making it.  
Freal though, who the hell cares WHO makes the thread? These teams chances really rely on some dude starting the thread on a message board?.. There SHOULD just be a series thread but people on here lovee to start Laker game threads for some reason.

Back to the game, this one is HUGE. If the Lakers win it, I will be buying game 6 tickets immediately after the game. No way in hell itll go to a game 7. Though I would love to see the Lakers celebrate on Bostons home court to be honest.

Kobe was really pissin' me off last game, just some of the shots he was taking were absolutely ridiculous. Shannon Brown does not deserve to play a minute, has this guy done ANYthing in these playoffs aside from that missed free throw tip-dunk? Hell I'd rather have Sasha in there spotting up, and chasing Ray around. Odom finally came through, huge bucket down the stretch tight roping the sideline.

This games going to be tough, Ray's not going to go 0-13 again. I wonder if Pierce will ever have a good game. What was KG pounding his chest on the floor for, dude barely got fouled, fell to the floor, missed the lay-up for an And 1 opportunity and dude is on the ground pounding his chest
. Loved watching him make terrible plays down the stretch to lose the game, classic KG.

If the game is close down the stretch, I cant see the Lakers losing. So unless the C's blow us out, I see us having a pretty good shot in this game..

Lakers 96
Celtics 90

--Wah wah wah..blah blah blah blah..
--Doc. You're better than this. Stop your griping and go back to the drawing board and figure out how your C's can beat LA in game 4.

--Ray will show up again like he did in game 2. Kobe will too, as in he wont miss 19 shots. It'll be a good one.
"I think it was a ton of moving screens they got away with," Rivers said the day after theCeltics' 91-84 loss to the Lakers in Game 3 put the Celtics behind 2-1 in the best-of-7 series. "As far as off-the-ball action ... you are not allowed to hold, you are not allowed to bump, and you are not allowed to impede progress. I read that this morning, and I'm positive of it. So, you know, when that happens it has to be called."
Funny because the entire Celtic offense is predicated on moving screens. I've gotten so used to KG and Perk pushing guys off every time they set screens that I don't even complain about it anymore. 
i expect the refs to RIG this game in favor of the celtics like they did in game 2.

I saw game 2 again and those calls down the stretch in the 4th were just so obviously rigged. makes me sick.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME


co sign him & his buddy KVSM23vs24 who cries and gets butt hurt whenever they don't get start Laker game day threads.
when the hell have i cried to make a thread?

you be the one who has the finger on the click button right when the game is over.

i made two topics this year about Lakers playoff games.
at that Derek Fisher video.

Whoever the game goes to, it will be decided by fewer than 5 points. I think Boston will win.
Originally Posted by The Technodrome

Originally Posted by Liquor Poker

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

This should be the official game thread and the other 2 threads by NT e-fame seekers need to get locked up.

Also mods: Method Man, Holden, SKA

We need a new rule put here on NT where NT posters on here who start game threads with 1 minute left in games & when games aren't done yet should get suspended the first time and if they continue to do it those posters should get PERMA BANNED and IP blocked from NT.
Can someone explain why it's so important for the right person to start the thread? Who cares if it's the same dude who started the last thread?

It's even worse that the first page is filled with people *****ing about who started it instead of the actual game. Those kinds of posts are the ones that lower the quality and should be hit with the "warning" if anything.

Game thread ONE minute left in the last game = Perma banned?!?
I respect this dude, its not that serious

im just trying to see, if its not that serious why do you insist to make them?

you're all talk but with the second thread it was right after the game, as well as with the game 3 thread. you proceeded to make the thread a couple minutes before the game ended.

blah blah balh, yea it aint that serious. but you still do it.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

This should be the official game thread and the other 2 threads by NT e-fame seekers need to get locked up.

Also mods: Method Man, Holden, SKA

We need a new rule put here on NT where NT posters on here who start game threads with 1 minute left in games & when games aren't done yet should get suspended the first time and if they continue to do it those posters should get PERMA BANNED and IP blocked from NT.
Why do you care so much?
Lot of hate for me to make game threads just cause I ain't the one doin it in 2008 lol its still not that serious
I will take a double dose of Adivan before the game so I can control my anxiety...

None the less, LET'S GO LAKERS!!!
Originally Posted by NobleKane

*pokes head out of the ground*

the lakers are a horrible road team through the entire season. if they win game 3 ill tack on another 3 months to my self suspension.
if they win 2 on the road ill tack on another 3.

they aint gonna win none on the road
. boston got they number. a shame too because game 2 was winnable.

there will be no game 6 which i believe that LA crowd dont deserve it anyways bunch of low sounding hollywood big headed butt holes dont deserve to watch the lakers playinthe finals. what a disgrace of a crowd smh

you all asked for the celtics....well you got the celtics

*goes back into hole*
Originally Posted by Drizzyd

Originally Posted by NobleKane

*pokes head out of the ground*

the lakers are a horrible road team through the entire season. if they win game 3 ill tack on another 3 months to my self suspension.
if they win 2 on the road ill tack on another 3.

they aint gonna win none on the road
. boston got they number. a shame too because game 2 was winnable.

there will be no game 6 which i believe that LA crowd dont deserve it anyways bunch of low sounding hollywood big headed butt holes dont deserve to watch the lakers playinthe finals. what a disgrace of a crowd smh

you all asked for the celtics....well you got the celtics

*goes back into hole*
I'm saying... what's the point of a self-imposed ban if you don't adhere to it.

Lame as hell.
Originally Posted by Liquor Poker

Originally Posted by Drizzyd

Originally Posted by NobleKane

*pokes head out of the ground*

the lakers are a horrible road team through the entire season. if they win game 3 ill tack on another 3 months to my self suspension.
if they win 2 on the road ill tack on another 3.

they aint gonna win none on the road
. boston got they number. a shame too because game 2 was winnable.

there will be no game 6 which i believe that LA crowd dont deserve it anyways bunch of low sounding hollywood big headed butt holes dont deserve to watch the lakers playinthe finals. what a disgrace of a crowd smh

you all asked for the celtics....well you got the celtics

*goes back into hole*
I'm saying... what's the point of a self-imposed ban if you don't adhere to it.

Lame as hell.

just let him and 4wrestling fight to the death and a steel cage and lets all watch.
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