***Official Eminem Thread New Album Announced TBA***

Ending of Bad Guy was dope
Parking Lot (skit) - Classic Eminem :lol:
Rhyme or Reason - :pimp:
So Much Better is nice
Survival - :rolleyes
Legacy is ok
A**hole - Uses Techn9ne's flow, beat and hook is bad
Berzerk - Got old quick
Rap God :pimp:
Brainless :pimp:
Stronger Than I Was :stoneface:
The Monster - Not my cup of tea
So Far...- :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:
Love Game :smh: Beat is terrible, dude wasted a Kendrick Lamar feature but it was nice to hear K. Dot on something unorthodox.
Headlights - I get the apology thing but this song sucks
Evil Twin - Cool song

Album isn't bad but the songs just aren't strong enough, these should have been throwaway songs and he definitely catered to his white audience. With all of this said, this "type" of album is from a 41 year old Eminem and it's obvious that he has nothing to rap about so it is what it is. Would have been kinda cool to hear a song with him and Tyler the Creator or Hopsin. I like the references to older songs tho, is this his last album?
Bad Guy - dope track once you relisten (after you figure out who's spitting), then that ending 

Parking Lot - "This puppy's lucky I didnt blast his *** yet" 

Rhyme or Reason - sick track, I really like the laid back vibe.

So Much Better - ok, nothing special

Survival - I don't understand all the hate on this track. Lyrically it's pretty on point and though the beat is nothing special, it's not horrid.

Legacy - 
 that last verse especially

******* - Really like Em's flow on this. The beat is very minimilistic but it serves the purpose well.

Bezerk - Still think its a nice throwback track, stands out like purple hat with an orange veil

Rap God - Sickest display or technical skill I've heard in a long

Brainless - Pretty decent track, again nothing too special, but will see if replay value holds up

Stronger Than I Was - Should have cut the first 3:10 of the song

The Monster - Clearly a pop single, but it's catchy as hell

So Far... - I see what he was going for, but no...just no. The beat switches to MMLP beats was unexpected and nice, but song is still terrible.

Love Game - After you get over the fact that this track is not what you expected, the verse stand out. Em's 3rd verse = Kendricks verse>>>>> Em's 1st 

Headlights - The honesty is so sick. Probably his most vulnerable and honest track ever

Evil Twin - Dope track - nuff said

For now - 7.5/10

NT will probably have it at a 4-5/10 
EM is baiting rappers to diss him on EVIL TWIN:

"My F*cking mouth was nightmare-ish
And from the start of it you felt like you were a part of this
And opposition felt the opposite.
Sometimes I listen and revisit them old albums
Often as I can and skim through all them b*tches
To make sure I keep up with my competition, haha.
Hogger of beats, hoarder of rhymes
Borderline genius who's bored of his lines
And that sort of defines where I'm at, and the way I feel now -
Feel like I might just strike first and ignore the replies."
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Typical NT over reaction.

Just gave it a full spin.
Of course there are a few HORRIBLE songs, and a few lame singing moments from Em.

But overall how is this trash? Seemed like some dudes just quickly skimmed and were ready to rag on it no matter what.

How can you listen to Bad Guy or Brainless and say this is ALL TRASH.

There's a few gems on this album. :pimp:
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Legacy though... :wow: :pimp:

I got MMLP EM flash backs in that last verse.

Straight chills yo... Don't care what anyone says some of these tracks are dope.
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First listen...

...Dope. I like this.

"Show's over, I'm hiding in Kroeger buying groceries
He just had front row seats, told me to sign this poster
Then insults me "'wow, up close didn't know you had crows feet'"

funny that the first people to comment are the full album are the ones calling it trash and everyone after that giving it actual serious reviews.

these no lifes waiting all week for the album to leak so they can call it trash before even listening to it
Give me an Eminem album where he features with a lot of other dope artist, that brings out his best now.
NT will bash the album, but there are some real good tracks (at least that I enjoyed a lot after the first listen).

Bad Guy, Brainless, Rap God, Rhyme or Reason, So Far, Love Game (wasn't expecting this track to go the way it did), and Evil Twin.

One less than half the album, but these definitely stood out as the solid tracks. Can't wait to hear the Deluxe Edition tracks :nerd: .
NT will bash the album, but there are some real good tracks (at least that I enjoyed a lot after the first listen).

Bad Guy, Brainless, Rap God, Rhyme or Reason, So Far, Love Game (wasn't expecting this track to go the way it did), and Evil Twin.

One less than half the album, but these definitely stood out as the solid tracks. Can't wait to hear the Deluxe Edition tracks
lets call it 50/50

the skit was perfect
I thought the album as a whole was dope. Didn't go in with unrealistic expectations and was pleasantly surprised.

Waits for NTers to say this has 0 replayability and all the beats are trash...
Y'all giving me hope again. I was just about to listen to it but imma wait till Tuesday when I buy the deluxe CD.
I thought the album as a whole was dope. Didn't go in with unrealistic expectations and was pleasantly surprised.

Waits for NTers to say this has 0 replayability and all the beats are trash...

Same here.

I think it's all about expectations. You go in not expecting anything perfect, you can actually enjoy the songs for what they are and not have to be dissapointed.

Some dudes were just ready to hate on it no matter how it sounded :lol:
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