OFFICIAL Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) Thread - DK,FD vol. Addictive Personalities Beware

Jameer Nelson 
Jameer Nelson 
Something told me to fade him for Beverley in cash but i stuck with Nelson since he'll be highly owned. It wouldnt hurt me too bad if he bombs.

Thankfully i faded him in tournaments. He had a pretty bad game last night but turned it on in the 4th.
Got Bradley, LEbby, Faried and Rubio going now. If everyone keeps pace it sets me up nicely for the late night with Caspi, Collison, Randle, Monroe, and Giannis
Delly has a way of shutting down stud PG's.

He can do it from the bench with lip service, dude is a Magician.

And Sully, well he's just fat. He was probably bloated man
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Gary Harris suck so bad

I knew Kmart would be a bum tonight

Im never rostering both those clowns again.
Collison 100% owned in my qualifier but Harden 0%. Didn't see that one; watch he drops 73 DK pts

Harrell is active too, watch he drop a good 30 with 0.2 ownership
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AYO **** MONROE. WHAT A *****

Dude just ruined any chance I had for something nice. I legit had a shot to do big things.
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I wish I got the news on Monroe before the Houston game locked.

I could have spent that 3k to upgrade Donotas man.

Insider trading at it's finest.
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