OFFICIAL Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) Thread - DK,FD vol. Addictive Personalities Beware

And I'll be taking down that late GPP tonight, watch.

With 1 lineup too
Not tonight pal.

But god bless Sullinger.

The Orlando-Utah game killed me.

Booker doing a big fat dump on my night... and then Oladipo was balling in the 1st half, I thought I had the clever pick there.. then proceeds to do nothing in the 3rd, then Nicholson gets it going and this dude hasn't played the 4th. Welp.. 

I have Mahinmi doing well, Thomas going off, Wade played well, so at this point I'm done for the night. Unless Cousins wants to go for 80 and Jeff Green drops 20 2nd half points.

I don't like playing Friday night slates either.. I work all day and have no computer access except for like a 30 minute break so I don't get a lot of time to do much research... then again, I researched this morning and look how my night went.. so none of this matters 
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Looks like ill be cashing tonight

Couldve cashed alot more in tournaments if Booker didnt wet the bed
Cashing is nice in the 50/50 because there is no if you're not first your last

I could care less about cashing in the GPP's, it's 1st or nothing. Cashing is over rated.

My bank roll hasn't moved up or down more than 10 bucks-ish since 10/27
$10 sunk with Russ and Cousins. smh dudes always underperforms when I play them. BOTH of them.

$1 lineup with 291 right now. Stacked BOS and TOR back court along with Miles and Crowder. If I just swapped Booker for Arthur I'd be looking good. Let a co worker talk me out of Ed Davis too smh.

Gotta stay away from these 5 figure guys. GPPs I gave a pass, but it's like every big play I make they fail. Boogie getting 50+ every game, Russ too, except when I play them. Neither one has hit value for me yet. Same with Any Davis.
I've been on a losing streak. Lost 16 k this week.
Damn. Bold man.

It's too damn early for me to even do $27 entries, much less the $300^ where the real players(who are average at best) play. 

I hope you hit tomorrow and make it all back G
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Damn I switched Booker out for Joffrey at the last minute. Good thing I did. Cashed in 1 out of 2 tonight. 
Wow I literally was one player away from $20,000. I had Booker instead of Darell Arthur!!!!! Wow
lol bruh... you know how many times ive been one player away haha it means nada

my highscore is 344 on FD and that was on a night batum got me like 11 pts i believe
^^^^ That infamous one player away. Happens every night. I was one player away from 7k last night :rolleyes

That player you asked? Paul George. I am not mad though. He hits value 90% of the time. I was at 306 with him only giving me 19 points, still cash in :smokin

On to Tonight. Who is every one liking? I am thinking KOBE???
Why is it only a 6 gamer tonight? Not that I'm complaining :lol:

It's gonna be TOUGH choosing between the top 4 tonight. I think Harden might be the top option with Dwight out. But you know Drummond is gonna wanna eat on Monroe again and I think Detroit will keep it closer this time around which will get him 30 mins. Then you have AD going up against Love and LeBron going up against the worst or 2nd worst defensive team in the league.
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