Official Chicago Bulls @ Miami Heat 3/6 Game Thread 1 PM EST

LET THAT BOY COOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Juice2352

Originally Posted by NobleKane

heat by atleast 10 or more. no way they lose 4 in a row and at home. they need to attack attack attack the basket. no more settling for jumpers unless its miller, bibby, or jones open.

this game will probably decide spolstra's job. if they win he stays if they lose he goes.
 You've lost all credibility, anything you say is irrelevant.  Never have I heard so much hate for a coach and the players hold no accountability.  

the hell you talking about dummy? i aint hating the coach. thats just how the nba goes. its always the coaches fault in the owners eyes if a team loses.
Yea, when you're a lottery team...not a top 3 seed in your conference.  He's a good coach, Heat management knows this.  If they wanted Riley or someone else to coach the team, they would have done so from the start.  And how can you say a regular season game is going to determine a coach's job?  This isn't for the championship bro, don't put so much weight on the game just because the Heat have been struggling lately.
The Bulls bench.  

The Miami bench can't hold onto a lead.

  At Spo bringing in his starters back in at the 10 min mark
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