Official Carmelo Anthony Trade Rumors Thread (Carmelo is Officially a Knick)

except the only part about that you have wrong is that Melo wasn't bluffing when he said he wants the extension. if Knicks didn't offer enough to Denver, they would've told Melo it's Nets or nothing, take it or leave it, and Melo would've signed. NY knew that, that's why they offered up more. Melo was about the MONEY more than he was about the Knicks.
except the only part about that you have wrong is that Melo wasn't bluffing when he said he wants the extension. if Knicks didn't offer enough to Denver, they would've told Melo it's Nets or nothing, take it or leave it, and Melo would've signed. NY knew that, that's why they offered up more. Melo was about the MONEY more than he was about the Knicks.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Yeah spot on. Denver isn't no contender hell maybe not even a playoff team this year. But they played their cards the best they could and won.

I bet Denver still makes the playoffs. Did you see all that talent they got in return?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Yeah spot on. Denver isn't no contender hell maybe not even a playoff team this year. But they played their cards the best they could and won.

I bet Denver still makes the playoffs. Did you see all that talent they got in return?
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Nuggets played this hand like Phil Ivey, and the Knicks ended up playing it like Antoine Walker.

From what I gather this is how it played out:

-Nuggets figure out that Melo isn't willing to sign the extension, and send out the word that they're willing to come to the table.
-Nets and Knicks are down to play cards.
-Hand is dealt (Carmelo is only willing to sign with NY, won't sign extension, is unhappy, etc.)
-Donnie, being the shrewd basketball mind that he is, reads the hand correctly, and is assured of his side's leverage. He makes the appropriate offer, which was his Plan A (boss is satisfied, fans are satisfied, his blueprint is upheld). Plan B would obviously be to wait and sign him in the off season, Plan C to skip Melo entirely, and wait for the next big FA class, a class that has three superior players.
-Nuggets say no thanks, and the Nets then make their offer, which is seemingly good enough for Denver, but not for Melo.
-Denver then waits till the 11th hour, and then talks to Anthony. They tell him "you scratch our back, and we'll scratch yours." He wants to go to NY, and they want assets. Word is then leaked that Melo is sitting down with Prok, and Melo tells NY that he MUST get his 65 mil from someone, although he'd prefer it from NY.
-Donnie sees bluff for what it is, Dolan (and perhaps Isiah) shockingly do not. /sarcasm
-Dolan comes to table and offers up the sun and the moon.
-Deal gets made.

What NY fans should understand is that while they are closer to being a contender now than before, they are still rather far away, and that Walsh's original plan was probably the fastest way to reaching that status.

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Nuggets played this hand like Phil Ivey, and the Knicks ended up playing it like Antoine Walker.

From what I gather this is how it played out:

-Nuggets figure out that Melo isn't willing to sign the extension, and send out the word that they're willing to come to the table.
-Nets and Knicks are down to play cards.
-Hand is dealt (Carmelo is only willing to sign with NY, won't sign extension, is unhappy, etc.)
-Donnie, being the shrewd basketball mind that he is, reads the hand correctly, and is assured of his side's leverage. He makes the appropriate offer, which was his Plan A (boss is satisfied, fans are satisfied, his blueprint is upheld). Plan B would obviously be to wait and sign him in the off season, Plan C to skip Melo entirely, and wait for the next big FA class, a class that has three superior players.
-Nuggets say no thanks, and the Nets then make their offer, which is seemingly good enough for Denver, but not for Melo.
-Denver then waits till the 11th hour, and then talks to Anthony. They tell him "you scratch our back, and we'll scratch yours." He wants to go to NY, and they want assets. Word is then leaked that Melo is sitting down with Prok, and Melo tells NY that he MUST get his 65 mil from someone, although he'd prefer it from NY.
-Donnie sees bluff for what it is, Dolan (and perhaps Isiah) shockingly do not. /sarcasm
-Dolan comes to table and offers up the sun and the moon.
-Deal gets made.

What NY fans should understand is that while they are closer to being a contender now than before, they are still rather far away, and that Walsh's original plan was probably the fastest way to reaching that status.

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

DoubleJs07 wrote:

I read this ont he BDL blog:

But these are your Knicks, New York. And though Anthony will be an improvement over Gallinari, he won't help the team on the defensive end. He'll help the squad offensively, where the Knicks are ranked eighth overall, but that will only go so far. He won't help the team's interior defense, he won't help the squad's transition offense, and he won't help Chauncey Billups pretend that it's 2006 all over again. He will score over 20 points per game, sometimes he'll make more than half his shots, and in the 2013-14 season he will earn nearly half as much as the NBA salary cap is for that particular season. Again, it's not the trade, it's the extension.

Knicks fans -- and the New York-area columnists that double as mouthpieces for Isiah Thomas -- can prattle on all they want about how free agents will look past money from other outlets to come play for New York. Because of AAU history or the supposed love of Isiah's game, even if Isiah retired well before some upcoming free agents were even allowed to watch cable at night. What we do know now is that Anthony and Stoudemire could make about 80 percent of New York's cap-allowed payroll following this summer's lockout, and Billups won't help. Walsh put together a plan for the summer of 2012, and as it stands the Knicks will have just Stoudemire and Anthony on the books. But with those two set to make about $40 million combined on a salary cap that might only be around $48 million or so, what's the point?

And who's the point guard? Chris Paul(notes)? Because he liked Isiah when he was in diapers? Come on.

This is what happens when you let star-kissers run your team.

the last line of the article:

Just enjoy this moment, New York. Because this moment doesn't promise anything beyond what it's already given you.

If this is in fact the case...


Great article.
. Dumbest trade of all-time when you could've waited until next year. No wait, LaLa wants to live in N.Y.
No wait, he wants to get paid. No wait, he wants to play in N.Y.

And all you N.Y. fans are happy about this? Traded a legitimate tough seven footer with actual basketball skills. Who trades away height and toughness in the NBA these days? Who trades away a young 6'9" shooter who is getting better every year? Who trades away a tough player who can come off the bench and get you 12-16 points a night? Who trades away a good, young, fast point guard for a old, slow, on his way out the NBA in 3 years point guard? This is what makes yall happy?????????? This is what yall wanted????????????? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Trade all this for a player who ain't even a top 8 player in the NBA?
Yall think yall go contend for championships with this??????????
In the next couple of years, the Knicks won't even be better than the Nets once Favors gets it together. And don't let them get Barnes, Jones, or the cat from Texas in the draft, or it might be sooner.

Who trades away all that talent to get a player who does nothing but score, doesn't rebound his position, doesn't pass, doesn't play D, and quits on his teammates? Durant, Kobe, #6, Howard, Wade, Griffin, Paul, sure, yeah. But Carmelo????????

If Melo reaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllly wanted to play for the Knicks and a good team, he would have waited until next year and let the Knicks keep all their good young talent and deal with the fact that he wouldn't get the money he would get under the current CBA. At least he would be on a team with enough talent to compete with the Bulls, Celtics, and Heat. Hell I even put the Hawks ahead of them. But no, dude wanted his cake and eat it too, and now, now, the Knicks will be salary cap strapped for the next few years. Dumb dumb dumb dumb. Just dumb

Go ahead and roast me

You're trying way too hard. Melo couldn't trade himself. I think Melo played it the way he did because he didn't want Denver left high and dry. The Nets and the Nuggets played it they did because they wanted to drive the price up for NY. NY played it the way they did because they wanted the security of having Melo locked in now.

The way I see it, as long as Chauncey Billups is sold on playing alongside Melo and Amare, the Knicks are going to surprise some people, even in this season. D'Antoni has plenty of haters, but I've never heard anyone question his abilities as an offensive strategist. Melo has never played in an actual offensive system for the Nuggets. Amar'e is familiar with D'antoni's system and will help Melo acclimate quickly. Billups can obviously run an offense... especially now that he has an offense to run. There are obvioulsy gaps that need to be filled and of course defense will need to be played. But the Knicks already have a 3-headed-monster on the low.

The folks who keep comparing Amar'e/Melo to A.I./Melo need to realize that when Billups was swapped in for Iverson, things clicked for Denver (WCF). So Melo/Billups > Melo/A.I. already. I don't see how Melo/Billups + Amar'e + an actual offensive system could not be seen as an improvement.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

DoubleJs07 wrote:

I read this ont he BDL blog:

But these are your Knicks, New York. And though Anthony will be an improvement over Gallinari, he won't help the team on the defensive end. He'll help the squad offensively, where the Knicks are ranked eighth overall, but that will only go so far. He won't help the team's interior defense, he won't help the squad's transition offense, and he won't help Chauncey Billups pretend that it's 2006 all over again. He will score over 20 points per game, sometimes he'll make more than half his shots, and in the 2013-14 season he will earn nearly half as much as the NBA salary cap is for that particular season. Again, it's not the trade, it's the extension.

Knicks fans -- and the New York-area columnists that double as mouthpieces for Isiah Thomas -- can prattle on all they want about how free agents will look past money from other outlets to come play for New York. Because of AAU history or the supposed love of Isiah's game, even if Isiah retired well before some upcoming free agents were even allowed to watch cable at night. What we do know now is that Anthony and Stoudemire could make about 80 percent of New York's cap-allowed payroll following this summer's lockout, and Billups won't help. Walsh put together a plan for the summer of 2012, and as it stands the Knicks will have just Stoudemire and Anthony on the books. But with those two set to make about $40 million combined on a salary cap that might only be around $48 million or so, what's the point?

And who's the point guard? Chris Paul(notes)? Because he liked Isiah when he was in diapers? Come on.

This is what happens when you let star-kissers run your team.

the last line of the article:

Just enjoy this moment, New York. Because this moment doesn't promise anything beyond what it's already given you.

If this is in fact the case...


Great article.
. Dumbest trade of all-time when you could've waited until next year. No wait, LaLa wants to live in N.Y.
No wait, he wants to get paid. No wait, he wants to play in N.Y.

And all you N.Y. fans are happy about this? Traded a legitimate tough seven footer with actual basketball skills. Who trades away height and toughness in the NBA these days? Who trades away a young 6'9" shooter who is getting better every year? Who trades away a tough player who can come off the bench and get you 12-16 points a night? Who trades away a good, young, fast point guard for a old, slow, on his way out the NBA in 3 years point guard? This is what makes yall happy?????????? This is what yall wanted????????????? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Trade all this for a player who ain't even a top 8 player in the NBA?
Yall think yall go contend for championships with this??????????
In the next couple of years, the Knicks won't even be better than the Nets once Favors gets it together. And don't let them get Barnes, Jones, or the cat from Texas in the draft, or it might be sooner.

Who trades away all that talent to get a player who does nothing but score, doesn't rebound his position, doesn't pass, doesn't play D, and quits on his teammates? Durant, Kobe, #6, Howard, Wade, Griffin, Paul, sure, yeah. But Carmelo????????

If Melo reaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllly wanted to play for the Knicks and a good team, he would have waited until next year and let the Knicks keep all their good young talent and deal with the fact that he wouldn't get the money he would get under the current CBA. At least he would be on a team with enough talent to compete with the Bulls, Celtics, and Heat. Hell I even put the Hawks ahead of them. But no, dude wanted his cake and eat it too, and now, now, the Knicks will be salary cap strapped for the next few years. Dumb dumb dumb dumb. Just dumb

Go ahead and roast me

You're trying way too hard. Melo couldn't trade himself. I think Melo played it the way he did because he didn't want Denver left high and dry. The Nets and the Nuggets played it they did because they wanted to drive the price up for NY. NY played it the way they did because they wanted the security of having Melo locked in now.

The way I see it, as long as Chauncey Billups is sold on playing alongside Melo and Amare, the Knicks are going to surprise some people, even in this season. D'Antoni has plenty of haters, but I've never heard anyone question his abilities as an offensive strategist. Melo has never played in an actual offensive system for the Nuggets. Amar'e is familiar with D'antoni's system and will help Melo acclimate quickly. Billups can obviously run an offense... especially now that he has an offense to run. There are obvioulsy gaps that need to be filled and of course defense will need to be played. But the Knicks already have a 3-headed-monster on the low.

The folks who keep comparing Amar'e/Melo to A.I./Melo need to realize that when Billups was swapped in for Iverson, things clicked for Denver (WCF). So Melo/Billups > Melo/A.I. already. I don't see how Melo/Billups + Amar'e + an actual offensive system could not be seen as an improvement.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Nuggets played this hand like Phil Ivey, and the Knicks ended up playing it like Antoine Walker.
I'm lost. Antoine Walker plays poker now?

I'd say we played this hand like Mike "The Mouth" Matusow; always getting bad beats but we didn't get shafted on the river.

Yall trying to say we gave up too much. Probably are lost on these players we gave up. Felton was always a rental pg for us. Chandler was not going to be a Knick after this season. Those players in the long run were not going to be Knicks when the team becomes a contender. We gave up Gallo and Mozgov for Melo and Billups along with picks.

I can't take all these posts seriously cuz if Donnie had made an announcement that the final offer was Chandler, Felton, and a pick or two. Then by Thursday Melo signs the extension with the Nets or whoever then the Knicks made a stupid mistake and missed out on a top 10 player. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Melo wanted the extension and wanted no parts of the CBA. There's no guarantee he even becomes a FA since he never verbally committed to that.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Nuggets played this hand like Phil Ivey, and the Knicks ended up playing it like Antoine Walker.
I'm lost. Antoine Walker plays poker now?

I'd say we played this hand like Mike "The Mouth" Matusow; always getting bad beats but we didn't get shafted on the river.

Yall trying to say we gave up too much. Probably are lost on these players we gave up. Felton was always a rental pg for us. Chandler was not going to be a Knick after this season. Those players in the long run were not going to be Knicks when the team becomes a contender. We gave up Gallo and Mozgov for Melo and Billups along with picks.

I can't take all these posts seriously cuz if Donnie had made an announcement that the final offer was Chandler, Felton, and a pick or two. Then by Thursday Melo signs the extension with the Nets or whoever then the Knicks made a stupid mistake and missed out on a top 10 player. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Melo wanted the extension and wanted no parts of the CBA. There's no guarantee he even becomes a FA since he never verbally committed to that.
had melo ended up in LA ppl on this thread would be riding the lakers hard now. just cuz the knicks got melo ppl dont see it as a great mesh with state. they didnt only get melo they got billups who is big time though he may have mileage. im sure they can take chicago out in a series
had melo ended up in LA ppl on this thread would be riding the lakers hard now. just cuz the knicks got melo ppl dont see it as a great mesh with state. they didnt only get melo they got billups who is big time though he may have mileage. im sure they can take chicago out in a series
also, I don't think Chauncey likes Melo too much. I don't think he'll like STAT either. not sure if this will really affect his game, but I don't think he was happy playing with Melo and I would bet he's twice as unhappy to be traded somewhere with him. it's good he'll get his money next year, but a shame he'll be stuck in that situation. it will be interesting to see how he does there. I think he'll have a good statistical year (since everybody will just be out there looking for their own shots, he might as well be too), but I don't think he'll be happy.

the only people who will be surprised will be the Knicks fans when they realize they're not a whole lot better than they already were with this trade.
also, I don't think Chauncey likes Melo too much. I don't think he'll like STAT either. not sure if this will really affect his game, but I don't think he was happy playing with Melo and I would bet he's twice as unhappy to be traded somewhere with him. it's good he'll get his money next year, but a shame he'll be stuck in that situation. it will be interesting to see how he does there. I think he'll have a good statistical year (since everybody will just be out there looking for their own shots, he might as well be too), but I don't think he'll be happy.

the only people who will be surprised will be the Knicks fans when they realize they're not a whole lot better than they already were with this trade.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Nuggets played this hand like Phil Ivey, and the Knicks ended up playing it like Antoine Walker.
I'm lost. Antoine Walker plays poker now?

I'd say we played this hand like Mike "The Mouth" Matusow; always getting bad beats but we didn't get shafted on the river.

Yall trying to say we gave up too much. Probably are lost on these players we gave up. Felton was always a rental pg for us. Chandler was not going to be a Knick after this season. Those players in the long run were not going to be Knicks when the team becomes a contender. We gave up Gallo and Mozgov for Melo and Billups along with picks.

I can't take all these posts seriously cuz if Donnie had made an announcement that the final offer was Chandler, Felton, and a pick or two. Then by Thursday Melo signs the extension with the Nets or whoever then the Knicks made a stupid mistake and missed out on a top 10 player. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Melo wanted the extension and wanted no parts of the CBA. There's no guarantee he even becomes a FA since he never verbally committed to that.

 Walker lost a ton of his money gambling, good portion of it on poker. Dude started hanging with MJ, and playing the same stakes as him, which invariably led to ruin.

As for the deal, of course the Knicks came out with a good haul. But they played it wrong, plain and simple. Going along with the poker theme, say we're playing a hand, and you flop a straight, while I flop top pair. I raise, and you re-raise me big, causing me to fold. Clearly, you should have slow-played to maximize value, while I came away with minimal loss in a potentially damaging situation. Sometimes, even when you win, you lose, as Denver just did.

And how does everyone know for sure he was signing with the Nets or whoever? Carmelo doesn't want to meet with NJ, he'll never sign there, etc. and then a couple days before, he's willing to meet w/ Prok? If the Knicks played it coy, and called the bluff, who's to say that Denver isn't the team coming back to the negotiation table at the 11th hour with their tail between their legs, instead of New York? 
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Nuggets played this hand like Phil Ivey, and the Knicks ended up playing it like Antoine Walker.
I'm lost. Antoine Walker plays poker now?

I'd say we played this hand like Mike "The Mouth" Matusow; always getting bad beats but we didn't get shafted on the river.

Yall trying to say we gave up too much. Probably are lost on these players we gave up. Felton was always a rental pg for us. Chandler was not going to be a Knick after this season. Those players in the long run were not going to be Knicks when the team becomes a contender. We gave up Gallo and Mozgov for Melo and Billups along with picks.

I can't take all these posts seriously cuz if Donnie had made an announcement that the final offer was Chandler, Felton, and a pick or two. Then by Thursday Melo signs the extension with the Nets or whoever then the Knicks made a stupid mistake and missed out on a top 10 player. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Melo wanted the extension and wanted no parts of the CBA. There's no guarantee he even becomes a FA since he never verbally committed to that.

 Walker lost a ton of his money gambling, good portion of it on poker. Dude started hanging with MJ, and playing the same stakes as him, which invariably led to ruin.

As for the deal, of course the Knicks came out with a good haul. But they played it wrong, plain and simple. Going along with the poker theme, say we're playing a hand, and you flop a straight, while I flop top pair. I raise, and you re-raise me big, causing me to fold. Clearly, you should have slow-played to maximize value, while I came away with minimal loss in a potentially damaging situation. Sometimes, even when you win, you lose, as Denver just did.

And how does everyone know for sure he was signing with the Nets or whoever? Carmelo doesn't want to meet with NJ, he'll never sign there, etc. and then a couple days before, he's willing to meet w/ Prok? If the Knicks played it coy, and called the bluff, who's to say that Denver isn't the team coming back to the negotiation table at the 11th hour with their tail between their legs, instead of New York? 
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

There are obvioulsy gaps that need to be filled and of course defense will need to be played. But the Knicks already have a 3-headed-monster on the low.
lol, yeah, just minor things like building the rest of the team with no money, and learning how to play defense.  yeah that's all minor.  but you have a couple flashy scorers, so that should be good enough! 

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

The folks who keep comparing Amar'e/Melo to A.I./Melo need to realize that when Billups was swapped in for Iverson, things clicked for Denver (WCF). So Melo/Billups > Melo/A.I. already. I don't see how Melo/Billups + Amar'e + an actual offensive system could not be seen as an improvement.
you have this so entirely confused that I don't even know how to start.  first of all, the comparison with AI/Melo is to Melo/STAT, not to Melo/Billups.  STAT and Melo are similar types of players - selfish scorers who don't play defense.  all you get is offense.  teams can only score so many points in a game.  whether Stat is scoring 30 and Gallo is scoring 15, or Melo and STAT are divying up those 45-50 points night in night out, you still don't have a good basketball team around them, and scoring points isn't going to get you very far.  Billups wasn't a magical troll, he didn't just magically make the team better, he was the right fit with the players we already had.  you don't have those players in NY.  you have 2 selfish all-star scorers and some scrubs for him to play with.  the Knicks won't be any better than the Nuggets have been in the last 7 years, I don't even know if they'll make it out of the 1st round if they make the playoffs.  on top of that, as I've said, I don't think CB is too motivated to play with selfish players like these guys, so I don't see him "clicking" with that NY team all the way to the ECF any time soon.  yeah, you'll have a better "offensive system" (except it won't be a system, it will be, whoever has the ball between Melo, STAT and CB will shoot it), but you don't have a team that can compete for a championship. 
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

There are obvioulsy gaps that need to be filled and of course defense will need to be played. But the Knicks already have a 3-headed-monster on the low.
lol, yeah, just minor things like building the rest of the team with no money, and learning how to play defense.  yeah that's all minor.  but you have a couple flashy scorers, so that should be good enough! 

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

The folks who keep comparing Amar'e/Melo to A.I./Melo need to realize that when Billups was swapped in for Iverson, things clicked for Denver (WCF). So Melo/Billups > Melo/A.I. already. I don't see how Melo/Billups + Amar'e + an actual offensive system could not be seen as an improvement.
you have this so entirely confused that I don't even know how to start.  first of all, the comparison with AI/Melo is to Melo/STAT, not to Melo/Billups.  STAT and Melo are similar types of players - selfish scorers who don't play defense.  all you get is offense.  teams can only score so many points in a game.  whether Stat is scoring 30 and Gallo is scoring 15, or Melo and STAT are divying up those 45-50 points night in night out, you still don't have a good basketball team around them, and scoring points isn't going to get you very far.  Billups wasn't a magical troll, he didn't just magically make the team better, he was the right fit with the players we already had.  you don't have those players in NY.  you have 2 selfish all-star scorers and some scrubs for him to play with.  the Knicks won't be any better than the Nuggets have been in the last 7 years, I don't even know if they'll make it out of the 1st round if they make the playoffs.  on top of that, as I've said, I don't think CB is too motivated to play with selfish players like these guys, so I don't see him "clicking" with that NY team all the way to the ECF any time soon.  yeah, you'll have a better "offensive system" (except it won't be a system, it will be, whoever has the ball between Melo, STAT and CB will shoot it), but you don't have a team that can compete for a championship. 
Originally Posted by denverairforce

also, I don't think Chauncey likes Melo too much. I don't think he'll like STAT either. not sure if this will really affect his game, but I don't think he was happy playing with Melo and I would bet he's twice as unhappy to be traded somewhere with him. it's good he'll get his money next year, but a shame he'll be stuck in that situation. it will be interesting to see how he does there. I think he'll have a good statistical year (since everybody will just be out there looking for their own shots, he might as well be too), but I don't think he'll be happy.

the only people who will be surprised will be the Knicks fans when they realize they're not a whole lot better than they already were with this trade.
I don't think Felton (or Chandler for that matter) like Gallo. I bet Felton is thrice as unhappy to be traded with him. So the +%+# what? Play basketball or get traded again.

Billups should wake up and at least realize the fact that he should at least be trying to play hard and together with STAT and Melo so they could at least make a push in the playoffs.
Originally Posted by denverairforce

also, I don't think Chauncey likes Melo too much. I don't think he'll like STAT either. not sure if this will really affect his game, but I don't think he was happy playing with Melo and I would bet he's twice as unhappy to be traded somewhere with him. it's good he'll get his money next year, but a shame he'll be stuck in that situation. it will be interesting to see how he does there. I think he'll have a good statistical year (since everybody will just be out there looking for their own shots, he might as well be too), but I don't think he'll be happy.

the only people who will be surprised will be the Knicks fans when they realize they're not a whole lot better than they already were with this trade.
I don't think Felton (or Chandler for that matter) like Gallo. I bet Felton is thrice as unhappy to be traded with him. So the +%+# what? Play basketball or get traded again.

Billups should wake up and at least realize the fact that he should at least be trying to play hard and together with STAT and Melo so they could at least make a push in the playoffs.
Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Gallio is still trash. No matter where he is
Beyond happy to get rid of him, can't stand him. Running into our own players on D and embarrassing our uniforms 
Exactly... he insulted the uniform worn by these previous greats



Give me a break man... not saying he's the next great anything and he had his faults but let's not pretend this past decade of Knicks basketball has been something we're proud of. Gallo wanted to be here, accepted the big stage for good and bad, he's the kind of guy you want on your team. I'm not holding a candle light vigil in his honor or anything and it's a deal you had to make, but I'm not embarrassed he wore the Knicks orange and blue.
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