***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

The quote regarding future is way off, and it was kinda a joke originally, but yeah, whatever gets yall the lulz. [emoji]128076[/emoji]
It's all jokes family :lol

cats still in here trying to put mask off on march madness level. smh. let it go. never gonna happen.
good song, yes. lots of people like it, yes. but i don't see it becoming an epic track.
the fact that the beat is a direct sample kinda lessened the value imo. MM is in its own stratosphere.

on another note, whenever chicks ask me how old i am, my reply is always 'the same age as future'. imo that makes 33 seem a lot 'cooler' than outright saying 33.

Wheres your confidence and how old are these teen girls u hanging with?

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Broner is a clown and it's not like he's a great boxer dude should have taken that check Jay tried to cut him

I had absolutely no clue that cwc rapped. She's not that bad honestly. Crazy how ctg had her totally out of character. Every time I see her she's always so bubbly and happy. Ctg is so negative and hateful. He's one of the celebs that I 100% wouldn't acknowledge if I were to cross paths with him. Him and khloe are at the top of my list. I'm not the type to get star struck anyway, but I wouldn't even look twice for certain people.

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I'm sure he and khloe would be sooo broken up

How old are you?

:lol :{

Nothing beats sooperhooper saying Future gives him confidence talking to women as a 30 year old.

LOL. Bless his heart.
breakfast club on their A game..the t. walker, big boi, ryan holiday, and rico love interviews are 
T. Walker interview pure :hat I was kinda shocked Charlly didn't know who Ben Horowitz was.
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Drafted? ...to college? >D

Dude sleep walks through interviews. Why is he there?
they gotta be telling him to sauce up that role for the show man :lol

anytime there on other platforms envy is clear as **** & gives real insight
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