***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

I just had a bad falling out with my moms last week
I said some stuff too about me and my sister growing up
And she always tries to deflect and all that
Like I feel bad a lil
But damn man my mom always tryna flip stuff around
It's hard talking to her cause she be always tryna make it seem like it's u and never her
U know my struggle b. Like she try to throw everything back like its us. Had to put the mirror up to her and face to face she can't hang up or sweep **** under the rug. Embrace those mistakes, apologize, tell me not to make them and move on. Just needed closure in hearing her apologize for some of the **** we went thru but she never could but I finally got the apology and convo that needed to be had. We all sat down, a lot of tears, a lot of truths but it brought is all together. I know why certain **** happened now, I get it.
Bruh I'm 30 years old
And just realized I was mentally abused by my mom
I'm just now realizing
**** that I thought was normal in a black family
**** that all my friends and family laugh and tAlk about what happened to us growing up
I ****** JUST realized that **** ain't normal
I've always made sure to not treat my kids the same way or talk to them the same way
That I was treated growing up
but like I said growing up in a black household at least where I'm from
**** like that was normal
I do also realize she raised me and my sister by herself
And did a pretty good job raising good kids
But still doesn't excuse the behavior
Bruh I'm 30 years old
And just realized I was mentally abused by my mom
I'm just now realizing
**** that I thought was normal in a black family
**** that all my friends and family laugh and tAlk about what happened to us growing up
I ****** JUST realized that **** ain't normal
I've always made sure to not treat my kids the same way or talk to them the same way
That I was treated growing up
but like I said growing up in a black household at least where I'm from
**** like that was normal
I do also realize she raised me and my sister by herself
And did a pretty good job raising good kids
But still doesn't excuse the behavior
I'm happy u ain't let that make who u are as a father. I'm a cold hearted dude man. I don't trust people and don't care about others. I've yawned at funerals playing temple run waiting for it to be over. I used to be an abusive person, mentally controlling and realized I was that way because of her. I had a gun put in my mouth and was tied up before I even knew what 2x2 was by someone I looked at as family so I don't trust nobody 100% besides my son. She never once before last years sat down and talked about the **** that traumatized us early. But becoming a father made me change myself. We can do better bro, we can raise our children to never see any of that ****.
Bruh I'm 30 years old
And just realized I was mentally abused by my mom
I'm just now realizing
**** that I thought was normal in a black family
**** that all my friends and family laugh and tAlk about what happened to us growing up
I ****** JUST realized that **** ain't normal
I've always made sure to not treat my kids the same way or talk to them the same way
That I was treated growing up
but like I said growing up in a black household at least where I'm from
**** like that was normal
I do also realize she raised me and my sister by herself
And did a pretty good job raising good kids
But still doesn't excuse the behavior
I'm happy u ain't let that make who u are as a father. I'm a cold hearted dude man. I don't trust people and don't care about others. I've yawned at funerals playing temple run waiting for it to be over. I used to be an abusive person, mentally controlling and realized I was that way because of her. I had a gun put in my mouth and was tied up before I even knew what 2x2 was by someone I looked at as family so I don't trust nobody 100% besides my son. She never once before last years sat down and talked about the **** that traumatized us early. But becoming a father made me change myself. We can do better bro, we can raise our children to never see any of that ****.
Glad I'm not the only one w/ the mom issues, sucks it has to be that way tho. Haven't really spoken to my moms in almost a year because she got out of pocket talking reckless about my wife. She used to say slick stuff but I let it slide cause it was mom dukes, but it got to a point where my wife was in tears because she tried to be cordial and everything but moms bringing up stuff that never happened trying to play victim. And sad thing is, she doesn't even realize why I'm not talking to her, she never apologized for the stuff that she said or anything, like she was right and me and wife are wrong.
I miss being close to my moms man, when my grandma died some years ago I feel like she kinda died with her because she became a totally different person. She has done and said some of the craziest ****, stuff I would have never expected from her back in the day. I love her but at this point I have little to no respect for her.
Yall bringing the feels in here
this.  I can't imagine a world without my mom.  I feel you guys that have lost or aren't close to your mothers. Hope things get better
No p slander tolerated. Hopefully he dress his age this time tho
I **** with P. I like the interview. He drops a couple of jewels.
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***** stop wearing that damn Saints beanie.

Which reminds me...is P on that Dom Kennedy/Papoose/Stalley **** where he was born with a hat on his head?
round table for the movie is def a good idea if he can get everybody in the same room and teleconference with C from the joint 
Seems like P needs to do what Jay Z is doing. Jay started his own sports agency, and supposedly hes looking out for the athletes so they don't go broke like majority of sports stars do. 
I read an article about No Limit Sports a few months ago. Real good read. P had a huge problem. Had some great agents and attorneys but he had a lot of his hood dudes involved too. Then he stopped caring about it and kind of just quit. Looking back, I'm sure he wishes he would have handled it maturely. Probably would have been around still.

Interview was good. I'm a BIG Master P fan though. Always appreciate the science he kicks. He knows his ****.
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