Official Ask A Logical Religious Person Thread. vol. Ask me anything.

Aug 2, 2009
Alright, so we all know a lot of people in the religious community (particularly Christianity) are purely illogical, condescending, judgmental and unable to any rebuttal to their religious beliefs without referencing some random passage from the Bible. Most have been brainwashed religion since birth and havent really thought about the issues at hand. As a religious person who (I believe) has a solid logical background and is generally reasonable, it pains me to watch this. I feel like they do a poor job of addressing the ultimate goal, which is finding truth, by twisting facts and evidence to support their claims.

So, I decided to make this thread. I don't claim to be some sage or brilliantly evangelical. I just think that I'm a reasonable person who has thought through all of the arguments and counter-arguments thoroughly and ended up believing in God (Christianity, specifically). I've studied symbolic and inductive logic formally and its helped me wade through all the bull out there. There are a lot of ******s out there spewing crap about religion and, at the end of the day, finish with a result that is completely counterproductive to everything their religion preaches (by ultimately turning people away from religion).

Basically, I'll answer any question asked to the best of my abilities. Logic is the key here. Pure logic.

-A lot of religious people are full of crap and irrational
-I think im rational and can have a real debate
-So bring up any points against religion and Ill answer the best I can using only logic.

Ideally, itd be pretty cool to keep this thread limited to the people that actually care about the issue.
Well first I'd like to ask what compels you to believe in a diety? You stated that you've looked at all the arguments and counter arguments but
what specifically brought to the point where you said I'm going to be a Christian?

And kudos to you for making this thread.
This won't end well. But i support what your trying to do OP. Too many ignorant, narrow minded and hypocritical "Christians" out here.
smh i dont think this is gona end well......

you know you're dealing with a bunch of %$%$#%*! right?

but on a side note, good job with the cliffs....
If you lived in a third world country and live a sinless life but never heard of god or "Jesus" you go to hell?
How does it feel to follow one of the hundreds of religions that exist and believe only yours is right? how does it feel to put baggage on and slow down scientific progress?
So this is your basic rhetoric vs God. I agree with you ninety eight percent. Most Christians look disdainfully at others beliefs. I only.have one question. So you think you can use logic to explain all the bible. That's what I meant by my first sentance.
So this is your basic rhetoric vs God. I agree with you ninety eight percent. Most Christians look disdainfully at others beliefs. I only.have one question. So you think you can use logic to explain all the bible. That's what I meant by my first sentance.
Even though there is nothing anyone will ever say to make me believe in a specific deity, I'll keep my eye on this thread for sure.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

real non-believers don't even talk about religion, they just sit back and laugh at all the religious people who get trolled
Growing up Catholic, I always had a problem with the free will vs. "God has a plan for you" issue. Care to shed some light?
Ok let's be real....if we all compiled a list of serious questions for religious folks, it would be thicker than the bible.

-How did Noah fit all those animals in the ark?
-Who created God?
-Why does God care what we do? Are we his little RPG?
-Why does God have a son? And is Jesus dying on the cross for us really a sacrifice if duke is immortal?
-How do you explain evidence that many stories in the bible are actually plagiarized from other religions/ cultures that preceded it?
Ok i'll play.

The bible has it's share of errors and contradictions.

From simple things like...

Jeremiah 3:12 "...for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger forever."

Jeremiah 17:4 "Ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall be forever."

God seems a bit flip floppy...

To big things like saying saying over and over that the earth is flat.

So a logical man would indeed admit there are mistakes in the good book.

If you can admit THAT then how do you know what is right and what is wrong? How can you have complete faith in something that isn't perfect? Doesn't that mean every person just picks and chooses what to believe and what to ignore? Doesn't that negate everything?
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