Official Ask A Logical Religious Person Thread. vol. Ask me anything.

Originally Posted by zichardruniga

why cant people just accept the unknown and stop believing/making up bs, the unknown drives us to learn and create, if our fate is already determimed by your god(s) and you know of it then whats the point of you waking up and doing stuff? just because? that seems to be the most popular answer among the faithful
Excellent point. I always found it unsettling to think that our lives are just predetermined by some god. What is the point of living if you're just living out a scripted existence, you might as well not exist in my eyes. There really can't be excitement in a life of that nature. It's almost the equivalent of watching a basketball or a football game but knowing which team is going to win, not very riveting at all is it?
I know there was an "Ask Christian" thread somewhere on here, but I couldn't find it. That is why I am bumping this. Not worthy of making a whole new thread.

Listening to a podcast and thy were talking about a story of parents/kids "walked out" of a Catholic School because the principal refused to hire a potential hire because he was gay.

So they were talking about one person said the reason so many kids are walking away from the church is because they don't evolve with the times.

Do yall discuss that at church?
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