Official Air Jordan I Retro BLACK/ROYAL Thread FEB 2013

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Honor? Dude I'm not buying these to sell, I'm buying to wear. Disagree. Dude A buys an 11 and wants a 10. Dude B buys a 10 and wants an 11. Dude A trades with Dude B, who had a pair taken away? The salty Dude C.

Exactly. It's not a zero sum game. Both parties got exactly what they wanted.
Yeah I don't see it either.

Like he said, Dude A waited hours in line, he got a size 13.
Dude B also waited in the cold hours in line, and swaps.
That's 2 people that put in the work that got their pairs.

Now if you're in line with somebody, they took the last size 13 and it's not his size, you guys had hours in line to socialize about which size you're getting. If he knew you wanted a size 13, tell him to take the 13.5 or 12 instead.

Let's just give up that pair, in case somebody decides to wake up at 10am and wants to walk in and buy his size... because it's only right. pffffft!!!!
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Nice on feet pic.. yeah i would of paid $200 quick no questions asked these things are 

yea man, they look great there. And 200 is almost half of what theyre going for on ebay now
Struck out with these online, went to to store round the way, had a line of about 40 deep......saw a guy walk out the store, offered him 200, he took it!!! A bit over retail but I'll take it.....

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Nice pickup and great pic! ItsTayStuntin I'm diggin your pics as well. I think the best pic of these I've seen may be the jimmy jazz pic. Something about the shiny, clean leather in that pic that really makes the blues pop.

Also, these didn't release within 5.5 hours of me, and there were still only 12 pairs up for RSVP at that spot, so I was stuck to online only. But now we FINALLY have a store opening locally, this Friday, that will get all the limited type releases and I couldn't be happier. I have only struck out online for 2 shoes out of the last 12 months releases, but I'm glad to be able to have at least some control over things and to get shoes on RD without shipping!
not really...soles inc on the beach had them...shoe gallery i think and possibly Mr r sports...but very limited indeed

Mr r sports didn't get em, shoe gallery and soles inc on the beach did. I lined up at shoe gallery at 6 am I was probably 20th in line, sold out way before I even got in, luckily a guy ahead of me had my size and sold it to me for 220

yea i said possibly...but congrats, not a bad price...i need to get a pair soon :\
You aren't entitled to ANYTHING in this world, especially a shoe size. Resellers=profit. Trading the same shoe for a different size does not equate to profit, might actually equate to loss in profit. Now peep my sig

On mobile, can't "peep your sig" but you people need to learn to read. See my post above. When NTers are on the other side of the deal, they gather pitchforks and all hate it when they see it. You're taking something you don't want from someone else that wants it. To the guy behind you (which we all are some of the time) you just caused him to have to go to resellers exams you took what he did want. I didn't say my opinion one time and where I stand on this, so quit telling me the facts I stated are wrong based off of where your individual morals lie (not all directed at poster I quoted, multiple people quoting me here). When your size is sold out and you take someone else's then trade it, you just "profited" the amount you would have lost on the reseller market to get your size, reverse opportunity cost if you will, which the kid behind you is now paying. I help people out but I'm still 100% looking out for number 1 first, so I get it, but NTers do not like this being done to them and blame "the game, beasts, kids" when it happens to them. Well NT, you are the beast this time around lol

Bro you are mixing like 5 arguments in one. I copped online and due to the limited quantities (which is the differentiating factor), I thought this to be MY best chance at finding MY size for under 300.00. You are generalizing lots of people in one.
Honor? Dude I'm not buying these to sell, I'm buying to wear. Disagree. Dude A buys an 11 and wants a 10. Dude B buys a 10 and wants an 11. Dude A trades with Dude B, who had a pair taken away? The salty Dude C.

but for most people its not always easy to link up with the person who has your size, and is trying to trade for the size you have. They will end up on the resale market for an absurd price to justify the pair they are going to have to buy in their size off ebay for an absurd amount.
There's nothin to disagree with in what I said.
You said, "...and those people are just as bad as the kids doing it for cash."

I disagree. 

Trading sneakers = culture.
Selling sneakers = hustle.

To be honest, I don't hate on resellers, I blame the people that throw double or triple the money to buy shoes from them.

When we do that, we're just telling them, "Hey bro, put in a little work for some sneakers, and I'll pay your rent next month."

If we limit the $ we spend on resale to $20-$30 over retail, a big chunk of resellers would disappear or move on to something else.
Without any explanation or follow up email, O Sneaker just quietly refunded my pre-order from OCTOBER 10th !!!!

That's crazy. Maybe they became more limited than they thought. I hope that's the case and it's not they canceled to sell for more.
Struck out with these online, went to to store round the way, had a line of about 40 deep......saw a guy walk out the store, offered him 200, he took it!!! A bit over retail but I'll take it.....

View media item 272957

Nice pic, info on jeans?

Thanks everybody, the jeans are nothing special, just a pair of Levis (i'm drop a shameless plug of my IG jdhillon23) in case you want to look at more shoe/food pics, always follow #NT back also
Bro you are mixing like 5 arguments in one. I copped online and due to the limited quantities (which is the differentiating factor), I thought this to be MY best chance at finding MY size for under 300.00. You are generalizing lots of people in one.
Still not reading all of my post.  I specifically said, "(not all directed at poster I quoted (which was you in this case), multiple people quoting me here)"  I am fine with what you did.  I have waited in lines and struck out before, everyone was lucky that there were 12 different hyped shoes releasing this weekend so that they could grab another with the same hopes.  My posts say multiple times, NT MEMBERS, so I am purposely generalizing because I am covering a large sample size here.  My original post was generalizing, but you grabbed one part of it and made it specific to your case.  Do you fam, no worries.  I hope you get that trade because you're right, it will make you and the other person really happy.  On the other hand, I wear a size 10, so F you!
i udnerstand that some sizes are harder to move than others, but its too bad there isnt a shop you can walk into, like a FCNY that would do size swaps for like 20-30 bucks
Exactly. It's not a zero sum game. Both parties got exactly what they wanted.

Right, I get the conditional logic.

I just believe that the justification by saying, "I'm not a reseller" doesn't really stand if you look at it objectively. Either way takes a pair from some who really "wanted them". Say the kid, size 13, in front of you bought the last size 11 (which you theoretically wear), and you bought the last size 10. The size 10 standing behind you lost their pair. Now it's true that you got their before him, but objectively, you just took his size that you don't wear.

Now, I'm not saying you can't do this. Everyone's free to buy whatever size they want and do whatever they want with them. You can't be mad you lost your pair because someone else had a one up on you. Whether you buy to trade or sell, that's your right to do whatever you want after you cop. I'm just saying you can't use that phrase, "but I'm not a reseller".

Just enjoy your pair cause you spent your hard earned money/time to cop.
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I'm patiently waiting for this coming week hopefully I catch em

Not going to pay $300+ for these... :smh:

Might have a connect who's getting a bunch of pairs from TX about a FSR hopefully I get hooked up for the right price :smokin
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Honor? Dude I'm not buying these to sell, I'm buying to wear. Disagree. Dude A buys an 11 and wants a 10. Dude B buys a 10 and wants an 11. Dude A trades with Dude B, who had a pair taken away? The salty Dude C.

but for most people its not always easy to link up with the person who has your size, and is trying to trade for the size you have. They will end up on the resale market for an absurd price to justify the pair they are going to have to buy in their size off ebay for an absurd amount.

That's an assumption man. If I do not find an 11, I'm gonna let em go for what I paid in total (shipping + retail). I do the same with concert tickets, if I can't make the show they get sold for "face value". I believe NT calls this "hooked up".
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