Official Air Jordan I Retro BLACK/ROYAL Thread FEB 2013 - Show Some Maturity People

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So every single time you go into ANY sneaker retailer trying to get info on a future or limited release from any employee that you don't know, you think they always know or that they always feel the initiative to share their "top secret info"?

I don't go into sneaker stores asking for top secret info. Most of the time, employees there don't give two ..... about sneakers.
I have been clicking refresh on the FNL website atleast 50 times a minute all day

Bro, I can understand somebody doing that if they didn't have a pair. But you have 3 pairs. Go outside, wear one of your pairs, and enjoy your time on this planet!!!
I give up...I personally appreciated the attempt to help, it hasn't panned out yet, it may not at all but it's not gonna change my life in any way.

As far as I see, he helped more than anyone else in this thread along side Captainsneakerhead (i think thats his name)

Either way, he could have kept the info to his self.

"Hey, my source told me this, so ill give you the info I have"

Do you want step by step instructions now?

I don't need step by step instructions. I have 2 pairs of royals and quite frankly I could have had 4 but I told my boy not to hold them for me and let someone be happy. BUT his info didn't help anyone in this thread so yes he should have kept it to himself cause really it cause more of a headache then actually "helping"

This whole release was a head ache, and Kam has always been a good help on this forum. Whatever information he gets from his two sources come directly to Niketalk. He has provided more help and information than you could ever say. He got information, and he passed it on. He specifically said, he doesn't know when it will happen, or what the numbers will be. Just what he was told.

His help is always appreciated. You aren't.
Read the post where I quoted all of his posts. He made it clear these were dropping this week per his source and they aren't. How does it go from "Wed - Friday if not today" to "sometime this year"? That makes no sense.

He gave false info and kept up with it. Clearly his intentions weren't bad but his source was wrong. Simple as that. The lesson should be to not be so confident about 2nd or 3rd hand info that you yourself can't back up. Plain and simple it was bad info that led many people astray.
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This whole release was a head ache, and Kam has always been a good help on this forum. Whatever information he gets from his two sources come directly to Niketalk. He has provided more help and information than you could ever say. He got information, and he passed it on. He specifically said, he doesn't know when it will happen, or what the numbers will be. Just what he was told.

His help is always appreciated. You aren't.

You should have ended your sentence with yours isnt. Cause you aren't doesn't make sense what so ever. 1st of all, I said his intentions were good and he was trying to help the community out and that's respectable. BUT his connects were so out of whack that it got everyone in a frenzy. There were too many loopholes in his info. I haven't had a chance to help NTers but when I do, it sure wont be you.
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And I bet his help is definitely appreciated when it does HELP. Jesus, now I can see why some people never post. Idiots can say whatever they want without any restrictions.
This whole release was a head ache, and Kam has always been a good help on this forum. Whatever information he gets from his two sources come directly to Niketalk. He has provided more help and information than you could ever say. He got information, and he passed it on. He specifically said, he doesn't know when it will happen, or what the numbers will be. Just what he was told.

His help is always appreciated. You aren't.

You should have ended your sentence with yours isnt. Cause you aren't doesn't make sense what so ever. 1st of all, I said his intentions were good and he was trying to help the community out and that's respectable. BUT his connects were so out of whack that it got everyone in a frenzy. There were too many loopholes in his info. I haven't had a chance to help NTers but when I do, it sure wont be you.

If you look at it from a grammatical stand point p, you aren't makes perfect sense. As in, you aren't appreciated.

I don't need your help, I was able to get my things with ease.
you can actually search this thread for posts by this user.

kamuekcmo - my only issue with what you are doing is you are telling dudes go run to spot X, Y, and Z. your source could easily confirm whats good with those locations instead of sending people to fail. thats what you did with this release.

THIS X100000. Something Sir Charles cannot seem to comprehend.
you can actually search this thread for posts by this user.

kamuekcmo - my only issue with what you are doing is you are telling dudes go run to spot X, Y, and Z. your source could easily confirm whats good with those locations instead of sending people to fail. thats what you did with this release.

THIS X100000. Something Sir Charles cannot seem to comprehend.

I understand it perfectly, my intentions were for people to stop attacking KC for trying to help.
If you look at it from a grammatical stand point p, you aren't makes perfect sense. As in, you aren't appreciated.

I don't need your help, I was able to get my things with ease.

His help is appreciate, yours isn't would be perfect sense. By ending with You aren't, you're saying I am not appreciated which is off the topic of "help". But enough with English 101 here.
I've been on NT since 09 (got a new account when the switch happened because I didn't like my old username), and bickering like this has always been why my postcount is low. I have no idea what kind of sense of achievement some of y'all get by correcting eachothers english, complaining, and just being dumb ***** in general. This site is about sneakers, not talking trash on the next man's for having a different opinion of the quality of HIS pair. Y'all needa cool out with that. I helped several people secure royals in their sizes, and finally a connect came through for my size. The rat race was intense on this one though.    
Has anyone thought about this, with the social media nowadays, info r wildly spread in an instance, may be kam info was legit in the first place, but then ppl went crazy about it, calling and hitting the stores, then tops of FNL found it out, and decided to change plan in the last second, could this possible?
Oh, and yall criticizing someone for sharing insider info... are you kidding me? 
 If I were him, and faced this kind of bombardment, I wouldn't share any info ever...
Has anyone thought about this, with the social media nowadays, info r wildly spread in an instance, may be kam info was legit in the first place, but then ppl went crazy about it, calling and hitting the stores, then tops of FNL found it out, and decided to change plan in the last second, could this possible?

Anything is possible

- Kevin Garnett
Has anyone thought about this, with the social media nowadays, info r wildly spread in an instance, may be kam info was legit in the first place, but then ppl went crazy about it, calling and hitting the stores, then tops of FNL found it out, and decided to change plan in the last second, could this possible?

There are so many variables involved that anything could be possible.
Oh, and yall criticizing someone for sharing insider info... are you kidding me? :smh:  If I were him, and faced this kind of bombardment, I wouldn't share any info ever...
If you repeatedly tell people one thing and then are completely wrong, expect a little backlash. He's been talking about a FNL restock for weeks. No one's saying he's a bad guy or was trying to deceive anyone, but the info turned out to be bunk. Isn't there a lesson to be learned here? It's not to withhold info, it's to be a little less specific and definitive when it's not YOUR info but a 2nd or 3rd hand source. Not too difficult to understand Sanzer.
Imma call it early-
Thread of the year!!! [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
If you repeatedly tell people one thing and then are completely wrong, expect a little backlash. He's been talking about a FNL restock for weeks. No one's saying he's a bad guy or was trying to deceive anyone, but the info turned out to be bunk. Isn't there a lesson to be learned here? It's not to withhold info, it's to be a little less specific and definitive when it's not YOUR info but a 2nd or 3rd hand source. Not too difficult to understand Sanzer.

There needs to be more people like you in this world.
Oh, and yall criticizing someone for sharing insider info... are you kidding me? :smh:  If I were him, and faced this kind of bombardment, I wouldn't share any info ever...

You want insider info? If you live on the east coast and you hear that a KICKSUSA or Villa is opening near you, more likely then not, they will have royals there.
Just cause the restock for Fnl didn't happen this week doesn't mean it will never happen though. I still believe kcmo was right about there being a restock, just wrong about when. And he wasn't the only one proclaiming about this restock. He was right about it being all over twitter
This whole page has nothing to do with the original topic, I dont even want to go back any further...
By people saying employees don't know and that they are lying, that is pretty much telling them to go to the store.
I guess if someone feels they have to act on an opinion. Kcmo had info and gave it. How people react and what they do with it is thier own problem. If u took info from here, called stores to be told no way then translated that into we gotta drive 100 miles to the nearest and/or camp out out for hours cause u thought they are full of it then u look like and are a tool. Kcmo basically just gave info and suggested checking up with places then tried to manage all the pestering fools.
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