I had to grab these. I remember when I was 16 and on a whim I bought a turtle from a local pet store.

3 decades and 3 kids later I am washed but the lil dude is still thriving.

Is this you?

I had to grab these. I remember when I was 16 and on a whim I bought a turtle from a local pet store.

3 decades and 3 kids later I am washed but the lil dude is still thriving.

I want a tortoise for that very reason. Outlive me.

How much has your turtle grown since you got him?
Had some time to organize the shoe room a little bit… Pulled these out for some fresh air.
I have such a troubled history with these… I ordered a pair in college and they were fake. Then I ordered a pair from that Showzeum ‘Dame Dash’ auction and the right foot is 9.5 and the left is an 8.5.

…but that reminds me. I do have an extra set of oval dubraes sitting in the closet.
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my white on gums came finally this week after being the first NBY I ordered from these options back in early august.

i'd post picks but they're just all white on gum soles in nice white leather.... use your imaginations lol

There’s a lot of trash in here, can’t be any worse. Post them.

Nike really ****** up with the nylon tongue. I had on a pair yesterday but the nylon tongue makes the fit trash. Gotta tie my shoes to wear them cause the tongue so flimsy.
Can anyone explain to me what the Good Ground insoles on the Hamptons mean? I have only seen those insoles on that pair but just came across a pair of xxx anniversary all whites with a variation of said insoles
Was in an old hard drive looking for some other pics...found some old Sheed pics.

Soles had already started to get ashy and these pics are VERY old.

Sheeds 001.jpg
Sheeds 004.jpg
Sheeds 006.jpg
Sheeds 012.jpg
Sheeds 013.jpg
Sheeds 018.jpg

these got me regretting not making a low pair while the black patent was still up on the unlocked NBY’s 😩
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