Official "(500) Days of Summer" Thread

Originally Posted by cornzilla

It was really good, but towards the end it got super depressing.

Spoiler [+]
I mean I knew that going into the movie that he wasn't going to get the girl, but somewhere inside me I was still rooting for him to finally be able to work it out. However the ending was a little redeeming and was the only way they could have ended it. Kind of ironic in that the new girls name is Autumn.
LOL sorry I fixed it.

Best believe that part was planned. This movie had a lot of subtle details (that one not so much lol) I'd love to discuss the movie in further detail oncemore people actually have seen this
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Great, so all the bandwagoners are going to listen to The Smiths instead of The Shins now. I guess that's one good reason why they aren't together anymore.


you know, i've said stuff like this before.. and i'm glad I don't do it so much anymore, being elitist about music is lame.
Eh. Being a music elitist is one of the best parts about listening to music. And if you aren't an elitist in some form, whether you choose tovocalize it or not, you aren't much of a fan.
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Great, so all the bandwagoners are going to listen to The Smiths instead of The Shins now. I guess that's one good reason why they aren't together anymore.


you know, i've said stuff like this before.. and i'm glad I don't do it so much anymore, being elitist about music is lame.
Eh. Being a music elitist is one of the best parts about listening to music. And if you aren't an elitist in some form, whether you choose to vocalize it or not, you aren't much of a fan.
Sounds to me you just feel like being a douche. Being an elitist period is lame as hell.
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Great, so all the bandwagoners are going to listen to The Smiths instead of The Shins now. I guess that's one good reason why they aren't together anymore.


you know, i've said stuff like this before.. and i'm glad I don't do it so much anymore, being elitist about music is lame.
Eh. Being a music elitist is one of the best parts about listening to music. And if you aren't an elitist in some form, whether you choose to vocalize it or not, you aren't much of a fan.
The hell?
I'm going to try to see this on Thursday since it's the only time I'll be able or willing to go to the Metreon.
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Great, so all the bandwagoners are going to listen to The Smiths instead of The Shins now. I guess that's one good reason why they aren't together anymore.


you know, i've said stuff like this before.. and i'm glad I don't do it so much anymore, being elitist about music is lame.
Eh. Being a music elitist is one of the best parts about listening to music. And if you aren't an elitist in some form, whether you choose to vocalize it or not, you aren't much of a fan.

What the hell?
every time I see Joseph Gordon-Levitt since angels in the outfield.
Itlooks like he hasn't aged a bit
Originally Posted by rockforlight


You are straight trippin'. The Smiths catalog is one of the best EVER. You can't mess with the collaboration of Morrissey/Marr. It's the

.............Yo, I PM'd you about this, but can you take the "TEAM AM FAM" out of your sig, I don't recall you being in the Team/Fam, Thankyou.

Wasn't paying enough attention to General to see this thread pop up. The Metreon in SF was packed for every showing on Friday, including the 1230am that Isaw. Truly a beautiful movie, the story just felt so real.
I definitely need to see this now - yesterday Ron Bennington (my favorite radio personality), who is super critical of movies, said it was the best romanticcomedy since Annie Hall.
Didnt realize how old Joseph Gordon-Levitt was

Gotta check this out. He was
in Brick
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

I definitely need to see this now - yesterday Ron Bennington (my favorite radio personality), who is super critical of movies, said it was the best romantic comedy since Annie Hall.

That's what's up
The closest theater releasing it is 113 miles away?

Anyway, can we show a little love to Gordon-Levitt in 10 Things I Hate About You, and the movie in general?
It looks a like good movie, i'll go watch it when it comes out.. but am i the only one who thinks Joseph Gordon-Levitt looks like Heath Ledger?
^ I could see that. Levitt's a good up and coming actor. As long as GI Joe doesn't suck terribly he's gonna break out on the mainstream scene.
I was expecting much more from this film but it disappointed.

JGL and Zooey D are likable actors and obviously Zoeey is cute.The film just tries way to hard to be indy/quirky/hipster-- it's too self conscious of thisand it's really oft-putting---- Much like the character of Summer. Sorry guys but it's hard to like a character that's an indecisive waffler evenif she's pretty. That or maybe I've known too many women like that

verdict: 6/10
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

I was expecting much more from this film and it didn't disappoint.

JGL and Zooey D are likable actors and obviously Zoeey is cute.The film just tries way to hard to be indy/quirky/hipster-- it's too self conscious of this and it's really oft-putting---- Much like the character of Summer. Sorry guys but it's hard to like a character that's an indecisive waffler even if she's pretty. That or maybe I've known too many women like that
<- ignore paragraph

verdict: 6/10 9/10 (9 was upsidedown)
Should be in my city on the 7th.. can't wait.

Rocking the Zooey desktop/wallpaper right now
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