Includes payouts until January 2021. What better way to pump life in the economy than to give money to the people. You know people have left target with a new tv?
Some of yall got too much faith in the GOP

Don't hold your breath

I can't see them doing package after package. Even the first one they were going back and forth.
There will probably be another round of checks. That's not the Trump/GOP's major hang-up. Most in the GOP don't want it but Trump seems ok with giving that to the Dems in a negotiation.

It is money to bail states out, saving the Post Office, voting my mail, extending unemployment benefits they have a issue with.

The GOP wants to get more money for big business, and a payroll tax cut, in return for the checks. They will push that compromise when the time comes.

So people that care about just the checks will be happy, those that care about the long term stability of economy will be upset.
What does everyone do that is receiving this stimulus? Out of curiosity...

My $1200 is sitting in my bank account. Hopefully I won't have to use it, but it's there if things take a turn for the worst. I'm an "essential" worker (with super big air quotes), so I at least have a fairly stable job situation, but most of our business is/was school and sports-related, so business is not booming.
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