Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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Maybe some pity box?

But all jokes aside, although I hope this ain't true, you can fully function on a torn ACL. But I never know who to believe in these situations unfortunately.

There’s really no way to know until all the facts come out and even then there’s situations where you don’t know who to believe. It sucks.
Rockets are another team that could struggle in the first round. Could see Utah LAC and SAS giving them a hard time
KP, the Mavs, and Cuban all looking funny and trash in the light man. Not good.

If this is at all true, Cuban needs to be forced to sell the team


#MambaMentality indeed
I’m thinking that the Mavs wouldn’t have made the trade if the allegation was strong or likely to be true. At least that’s what I hope.....
As I said above, I’m not going to make any judgments about the KP rape situation until more facts come out. That said, given what else has gone on with the Mavs, the fact they knowingly traded for a dude who had a rape charge pending is pretty bad look...

I didn’t like Cuban when he 1st came on the scene. Then I grew to tolerate him, if not like him. Now I’m back to **** him...regardless of whether KP is completely exonerated.
Really hope Miami can squeeze in and get that 8th seed.
I don't think they can knock the Bucks out, but they'll be a tough out.
As I said above, I’m not going to make any judgments about the KP rape situation until more facts come out. That said, given what else has gone on with the Mavs, the fact they knowingly traded for a dude who had a rape charge pending is pretty bad look...

I didn’t like Cuban when he 1st came on the scene. Then I grew to tolerate him, if not like him. Now I’m back to **** him...regardless of whether KP is completely exonerated.
Yeah, for an organization that has been accused of sexual misconduct to trade for a guy that had been accused for rape is pretty bad PR.

Is like Cuban said he didnt know what was going on, but trade for a guy he knows been accused, put a a question mark on what he really did know.
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