Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

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  • Kawhi Leonard

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  • James Harden

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  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

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Just my opinion,

But precationary or not, having to sit players 4 games into a season for rest, when they are fresh off of an Achilles injury, broken foot, Microfracture, hamstring, and they aren't young...that's not that isn't good at all. I would be very worried about that.

Not saying that it's a death sentence, but it's extremely alarming when old guys who had serious injuries the year before are either not suiting up at all yet, or are sitting out games 4 games into the season.
If old guys had an injury last year due to a heavy load..... isn't that more reason to limit their mins? Especially when you're playing b2b or 3 in 4, or 4 in 5? The Grizz have shown since '11 that when they're healthy they can compete with literally any team. If you spend a quarter billion in player contracts in the offseason, you need to keep those guys healthy for the playoffs :lol:

They literally had 30 dudes suit up for them last year due to all of the injuries. TA is 34 years old, Marc Gasol was playing 36 mins a night before he tore his foot up, Conley had a sore achilles, sat out some games to let it heal, Joerger didn't adjust his mins at all when he came back then they had to shut him down for the year for the same injury :lol: It's a marathon with these vet teams man.

Look at the 2010 Celtics. They started getting banged up, Doc cut just about everyone's mins for the last two months or so of the reg season so that they would be healthy enough to compete in the playoffs.

8th seed last year was right at .500. Memphis can easily surpass that. They've been one of the most consistent West teams over the past several seasons.
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If old guys had an injury last year due to a heavy load..... isn't that more reason to limit their mins? Especially when you're playing b2b or 3 in 4, or 4 in 5? The Grizz have shown since '11 that when they're healthy they can compete with literally any team. If you spend a quarter billion in player contracts in the offseason, you need to keep those guys healthy for the playoffs :lol:

They literally had 30 dudes suit up for them last year due to all of the injuries. TA is 34 years old, Marc Gasol was playing 36 mins a night before he tore his foot up, Conley had a sore achilles, sat out some games to let it heal, Joerger didn't adjust his mins at all when he came back then they had to shut him down for the year for the same injury :lol: It's a marathon with these vet teams man.

Look at the 2010 Celtics. They started getting banged up, Doc cut just about everyone's mins for the last two months or so of the reg season so that they would be healthy enough to compete in the playoffs.

8th seed last year was right at .500. Memphis can easily surpass that. They've been one of the most consistent West teams over the past several seasons.

Finally, we agreed on something :lol:

100% my sentiments. We were 39-26 last season before losing 14 of our last 17. We were competing for a top 5 seed despite all of the injuries and inconsistencies we dealt with. At the end of the day, we just have to trust the process. I'll rather see us make the playoffs close to 100% healthy more than anything because I'm a believer that health has played a bigger part in our lack of success than anything.
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LeBron wasn't eem trippin off of the media circus. He just didn't wanna have to look at that every time he turned around :x
LeBron wasn't eem trippin off of the media circus. He just didn't wanna have to look at that every time he turned around
She probly the reason he airballed that free throw. Saw her face and the ball just slipped
D Booker

Are are struggling so far in this early season.....
I can't speak for the other two, but with D'Lo he keeps getting tapped on his mid range jumpers. Mechanically, he's sticking out his legs (he's done that since forever) and holding the ball a half second too long. But I'm happy with the post game, foul drawing, rebounding, passing is top notch, defense is okay.
Grizz resting players like they really gon win something long term :lol: ...they should just collect their 40-50 wins n lose in the 1st 2 rounds instead of screwing the fans out of watching decent games/players
It's heavily rumored the Thunder are going after Rudy Gay. The Ilyasova for Grant deal clears up over 7 more mil of space plus gets us under the cap so we don't have to match traded salaries within 15% anymore. So we could for example take Kantner's 17 mil and trade him for up to 24 mil worth of player. Some think Grant's coming right after the Thunder didn't exercise their opton on Roberson means something but I doubt it. Presti loved him during the draft and Colangelo even leaked that Presti has been trying to trade for him for the longest. Presti just loves his lottery picks, even when they suck. I'd rather a reclamation project but whatever. We're not winning nothing for a long time if ever at this point.

Probable 2 game skid coming up. League did us dirty making our first game against GS the second night of a road back to back (first game against LAC). I just hope Russ spazzes and takes like 50fga or something noteworthy happens. Maybe Dre hits 6 3s
So you're saying the Thunder and Warriors will both be 3-1 when they face each other on Thursday? Well played NBA, well played.
i hope somebody else scoops up vine and keeps it going. its too necessary during the nba season.
Grizz resting players like they really gon win something long term :lol: ...they should just collect their 40-50 wins n lose in the 1st 2 rounds instead of screwing the fans out of watching decent games/players
Clippers would've eliminated GSW and had a shot at the finals if Paul & Blake were healthy last year.

Part of this **** is luck. If you're healthy come playoff time, your odds are better.

After GSW, I wouldn't really be surprised if Memphis eliminated any other West team.Theyve hung tough with everyone when healthy
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Grizz resting players like they really gon win something long term :lol: ...they should just collect their 40-50 wins n lose in the 1st 2 rounds instead of screwing the fans out of watching decent games/players
Clippers would've eliminated GSW and had a shot at the finals if Paul & Blake were healthy last year.

Part of this **** is luck. If you're healthy come playoff time, your odds are better
would've eliminated? lol you sure?
Grizz resting players like they really gon win something long term :lol: ...they should just collect their 40-50 wins n lose in the 1st 2 rounds instead of screwing the fans out of watching decent games/players
Clippers would've eliminated GSW and had a shot at the finals if Paul & Blake were healthy last year.

Part of this **** is luck. If you're healthy come playoff time, your odds are better
would've eliminated? lol you sure?
Steph was injured, actually missing playoff games, and LA has always played them tight. LA would've definitely eliminated them
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Away games have higher likelihood to be a loss.
The team just had a 1 day off after a back to back, before last night game.

Now starting today, Memphis will play 4 games in 7 days all at HOME.

All home games are a must win. So, I'm assuming we wanted to have the starters at 100% before this home stand.

It would have been worse to have come home with a close away loss AND with your 2 best players being tired to start a home stand in a winnable game.

It was the statistically smart thing to do.

We can go back and forth about this all day. The same people saying it doesn't make sense would be the same people laughing at Conley/Marc getting hurt long term and Memphis invested the money into them. If the 4 games in 5 night stretch happened in January, no one wouldn't even say anything. Its not about it being early in the year, but its just the fact our schedule sucked starting out.
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