OFFICIAL 2015-2016 College Football Season Thread

I appreciate both the USC & Oregon, rooted for Oregon to win in both those championship games. I wanted to see UGA do well, all three fan bases me made dislike their teams 80% of the time

Now the teams I hate

FSU, UF, VT, Ohio State, Cuse, Stanford, Notre Dame, Nebraska, Penn State, starting to hate Louisville
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My dream national championship is a fatal four way match between USC, UGA, Miami, and Ohio St., with Oregon, UF, Michigan, and Florida State on the sidelines as lumberjacks.

Hopefully we can get the committee to vote on that next offseason.
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Sarkisian comments on Aiyewa

With reports surfacing earlier this week that Victor Aiyewa, a former Washington defensive back and safety, will release a tell-all story about Sarkisian this coming Friday, the Trojans head coach was asked if he knew what his former player was going to write about.

“I don’t know,” Sarkisian said. “I know Victor. He’s a good kid. He was always a good kid under our program. I felt like we had a good relationship. We moved his position going into his senior year from about a third string safety to starting linebacker, and he led the conference in TFLs. I had a good relationship with his family. I tried to not get his mom deported…wrote a letter so she wouldn’t get deported back to Nigeria, and gave him a great award at the Holiday Bowl. So, I don’t know.”

Mike Dubb was a Tampa gawd while he was at USC ...although I didn't live in Tampa at the time he was there, soon as I did I can tell he was still a legend in this city lol
USC byke
And then came out and took the lead BEFORE dude even got hurt :lol:

Well yea, it was the first possession though, of course he ain't get hurt yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :lol:

On the real, if I had to put money on it, of course I still think OSU woulda won. The talent advantage was ridiculous, even with the suspensions and injuries.

That being said, Brewer was playing pretty well before he got injured and we put up 211 yds and 17 pts in the first half. After he went down, our next 5 drives went for 19 plays for a total of 50 yards, with three 3 and outs, a pick and a fumble. Motley is not only not a good QB, he wouldn't even get snaps for a decent FCS team. He's really, really, really bad. Lawson is a true frosh and allegedly wasn't ready yet even though he'll play this year.

Point being, of course OSU was gonna get theirs, but they likely got a couple extra possessions due to the fact that we had effectively no chance to score or even put a drive together. We started a drive on the 41 yd line and punted for Christ's sake. :lol: And our d got no rest or downtime in between drives. (We actually stopped them on the first couple drives after Brewer went down I believe). Best case scenario if Brewer is in there, we get a lot more time of possession to keep OSU off the field and likely score some points of our own. It very easily could have been a one score game in the 4th quarter, and who knows what happens then.

One of the first times in years I think we actually had a really good offensive game plan (well, I guess since we beat OSU last year :lol: ). Sucks it didn't get played out for the whole game, but that is why you have to recruit playable depth. Schools like OSU have it, and we don't, and ultimately that's what separates good teams/programs from great ones.
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My dream national championship is a fatal four way match between USC, UGA, Miami, and Ohio St., with Oregon, UF, Michigan, and Florida State on the sidelines as lumberjacks.

Hopefully we can get the committee to vote on that next offseason.

Screw you.
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