OFFICIAL 2015-2016 College Football Season Thread

Sumlin pros: Apparently keeps a nice afro. Could go drink for drink with me at a bar.

Sumlin cons: Everything else.
Sumlin pros: Apparently keeps a nice afro. Could go drink for drink with me at a bar.

Sumlin cons: Everything else.

Hey he beat bama however many years ago, you can always keep looking back on that :lol:

I still have no idea why he's still there
Not true at all...

Styles different, but a lot of mechanics and intangibles are the same. Lamar is just a much better runner and basically a better athlete, but Teddy is plenty mobile for a quarterback and he has the same instincts to elude. He just doesn't always run away with it.. They both throw from the same arm slot on the majority of their passes and have that same arm whip. Jackson is adept at the hard count, which Teddy is excelling at already in the NFL. Both poised and very tough from the outset of their playing careers. 6-2/6-3, slender...It's not a lazy comparison by any means. Merely, coincidental.
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Did these guys really just say UL is gonna be in the top rankings starting next year after they finished 8-5?
:lol: how much of that oil money y'all willing to dip into to go out and get kelly

Oil is dipping, man. That money ain't going too far right now. The chancellor wanted him gone but found out pretty quick the oil money isn't as long as it once was.

Let's say you're not getting Kelly. Who else is available that'd you'd rather have than Kev?
Anybody with a pulse that gives at least one damn. About to take it up our backsides on the recruiting trail in January for a second a guy that either produced 59 yards in a bowl game and got trounced or didn't make a bowl game at all, depending on what year you wanna look at.
Calling for Sumlin's head at this point is ridiculous :lol:

11, 9, 8, and 8 wins.

There aren't many coaches available id consider a clear upgrade at this point.

The defensive was much improved this year and the offense struggled because the offensive line play was so bad.

The state of the program could be much worse.

Sumlin deserves another year or two before getting kicked to the curb.

Edit: it's just irrational at this point to expect to be a playoff team every year :lol:
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:lol: People like you are the reason I gave up on TAMU football ever being something significant earlier this year...the reason we'll always be a middle-of-the-road laughing stock.

We don't need to be a playoff team every year, but we should expect to score more than 14 points per SEC game and beat a 7-5 AAC team and not struggle against a Duke team (until College Football Jesus aka Johnny Manziel decides he's sick of Sumlin's ****) to win a bowl game.

10-1 odds we don't close on any of the important recruits this year...McCollouch, Brandon Jones, Blacklock, Cuffee, Murphy, Quartney Davis, Tyrie Cleveland, etc. 3 or 4 of those dudes will end up at Texas, despite the dumpster fire going on there right now.
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:lol: People like you are the reason I gave up on TAMU football ever being something significant earlier this year...the reason we'll always be a middle-of-the-road laughing stock.

Funny cause I'm thinking the same thing about you. People like you overreacting and wanting change just for the sake of change :lol:

You wanna fire Sumlin so we can roll the dice on another unknown? :lol:

Give Sumlin a chance to build something. The over reactions of someone going from being a good coach to a bad coach from one year to another is ridiculous.

The program is still in a good state. Sumlin's biggest mistake was just handing the offense over to Spav. Till that point, with the reputation and up and comer status Spav has, I can't blame Sumlin to take the risk of not losing him. It doesn't look like it worked it, but the sky isn't falling.

Now if we're seriously gonna after Kelly, sure then fire Sumlin. I don't see many clear upgrades, so making a lateral move at this point would just be a setback,
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