:: Official 2010 NBA Free Agency Thread ::

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

According to @PDcavsinsider, LeBron may see time at PG, which is exactly where D'Antoni (and Calipari) would play him.

Unlike the New York media, the Scores gentlemen's club in New York (the website's surprisingly safe for work) and general manager Ed Norwick have stepped up and made an offer that might be hard for LeBron refuse. Because free lap dances for life is the gift you get the person who has everything. "I'm tired of going to Knicks games and ... well, going to Knicks games." Norwick told FanHouse over the phone. "This is serious. He'd have open access to Scores -- I'll even bring him in through a private entrance if he wants." FanHouse

Norwick confirmed that James would have unlimited access to the ladies of Scores for the rest of his life once a contract with the Knicks was signed, pointing out that the lifetime access " ... might push him over the top ... if it's just about the money he wouldn't come [to New York]." Norwick also told FanHouse that additionally, James would also get a lifetime of complimentary dinners at Robert's Restagurant, which would allow him to "come in and have a girl feed him topless ... or get a lap dance between courses." FanHouse


So this is NOT a rumor
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Who's the best player on the Cavs after Lebron?
Antawn Jamison.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by Al3xis


give me a list of teams that would be better than the Knicks with LeBron and Bosh..

LA and Orlando...who else?

OKC (they should just continue to get better)

Miami (should be as good if they get someone to pair with Wade-have more cap space to work with this and next year)

Chicago (depending on who they get as well)
Originally Posted by CP1708





Is this a joke? The Knicks will be the second best team in the Eastern Conference if they rake in Lebron James and Chris Bosh. The Boston Celtics proved in 07-08 that you can throw together a few superstars and be an elite team in year one. And considering that they did that under Doc Rivers... it's scary to think what James and Bosh could do under a quality coach like Mike D'Antoni (yes, he's a quality coach despite not winning much) especially since D'Antoni's system would maximize Lebron's productivity.

Everyone was saying when the Celtics traded for Allen and Garnett "how will they have enough money left to get some other quality role players?" Well, they went out and got Eddie House, James Posey, and then Sam Cassell for half a season. Reason? Those role players bit the bullet because they wanted to play with a team like Garnett-Pierce-Allen. And Garnett and Allen were both past their prime... you don't think some quality role players would want to go to New York to play with Chris Bosh (in his prime) and Lebron James (in his prime or maybe still has his prime ahead of him, scary to think). You'd be out of your damn mind if you don't think so. So basically, that whole "how can a team of 2 players win anything?" is complete BS.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

I'm sorry, but Bron+Bosh+Gallo+Chandler doesn't scare anyone.


So, some people really think that Bron, Bosh, Gallo and Chandler wouldn't be a top 3 or 4 in the league? Lebron can make Cleveland the no.1 team  in the East with guys like Mo Williams, 34-yr old Jamison and almost 40-yr old Shaq. So, he can't make a team with an upcoming player in Gallo, Chandler and an allstar in Bosh? Not to mention the other pieces they would put together to make that team work in D'Antoni's system?

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

According to @PDcavsinsider, LeBron may see time at PG, which is exactly where D'Antoni (and Calipari) would play him.

Unlike the New York media, the Scores gentlemen's club in New York (the website's surprisingly safe for work) and general manager Ed Norwick have stepped up and made an offer that might be hard for LeBron refuse. Because free lap dances for life is the gift you get the person who has everything. "I'm tired of going to Knicks games and ... well, going to Knicks games." Norwick told FanHouse over the phone. "This is serious. He'd have open access to Scores -- I'll even bring him in through a private entrance if he wants." FanHouse

Norwick confirmed that James would have unlimited access to the ladies of Scores for the rest of his life once a contract with the Knicks was signed, pointing out that the lifetime access " ... might push him over the top ... if it's just about the money he wouldn't come [to New York]." Norwick also told FanHouse that additionally, James would also get a lifetime of complimentary dinners at Robert's Restagurant, which would allow him to "come in and have a girl feed him topless ... or get a lap dance between courses." FanHouse


So this is NOT a rumor

If Bron don't sign with the Knicks after this, new rumors bout to get started.  

New Yorkers are so funny. 

Of course. We will say he is gay

Don't get me wrong, I'd love Lebron to NY, but I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch.

Lebron lost, the team looked bad, so the "pieces are falling into place" but I'm not placing my pre-order for a Lebron Knicks jersey just yet.

July 1st has always been the date, it still is.
Boston Celtics fans were chanting "New York Knicks" during Thursday's Game 6 every time that LeBron James went to the foul line. Maybe they should've been chanting "Chicago Bulls." 

Within minutes of the Cleveland Cavaliers' elimination at the hands of the Celtics, the speculation about LeBron James' next destination resumed in full force. 

In the space of five minutes I heard from three NBA GMs via text, e-mail and phone. All three said that based on the information they have, they believe LeBron will leave the Cavs. 

More surprisingly, all of them said they believe the destination will be the Chicago Bulls. Two said they believe that John Calipari will be the Bulls' new head coach. 

One GM went a bit further in a phone call a few minutes later. "I think the Bulls are really going to go for it. Look for them to offer the Cavs Luol Deng in a sign-and-trade for LeBron. That will allow them to retain most of their cap space. Then they'll go after Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh as well." 

I'm sure we'll hear various scenarios involving the Knicks, Nets and Heat over the course of the next month. But it's hard to come up with any other scenario that would be quite as appealing for LeBron.

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[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hmmmmm.... [/font]
this will be a fun discussion for the next 6 weeks plus...for the past two years its been New yorkers having all the fun. Now Bulls fans get to share in the Lebronamania.

Does anyone think Joe Johnson might go to the Thunder..they haven't come up at all in most of these threads..him in the backcourt with Westbrook and playing behind Durant would be sweet
Originally Posted by TheShoe1010


Boston Celtics fans were chanting "New York Knicks" during Thursday's Game 6 every time that LeBron James went to the foul line. Maybe they should've been chanting "Chicago Bulls." 

Within minutes of the Cleveland Cavaliers' elimination at the hands of the Celtics, the speculation about LeBron James' next destination resumed in full force. 

In the space of five minutes I heard from three NBA GMs via text, e-mail and phone. All three said that based on the information they have, they believe LeBron will leave the Cavs. 

More surprisingly, all of them said they believe the destination will be the Chicago Bulls. Two said they believe that John Calipari will be the Bulls' new head coach. 

One GM went a bit further in a phone call a few minutes later. "I think the Bulls are really going to go for it. Look for them to offer the Cavs Luol Deng in a sign-and-trade for LeBron. That will allow them to retain most of their cap space. Then they'll go after Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh as well." 

I'm sure we'll hear various scenarios involving the Knicks, Nets and Heat over the course of the next month. But it's hard to come up with any other scenario that would be quite as appealing for LeBron.

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[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hmmmmm.... [/font]
Blah blah blah.

So, what does that mean for Rose? Do you really think Rose will work with Wade AND Lebron?
Originally Posted by TheShoe1010

Boston Celtics fans were chanting "New York Knicks" during Thursday's Game 6 every time that LeBron James went to the foul line. Maybe they should've been chanting "Chicago Bulls." 

Within minutes of the Cleveland Cavaliers' elimination at the hands of the Celtics, the speculation about LeBron James' next destination resumed in full force. 

In the space of five minutes I heard from three NBA GMs via text, e-mail and phone. All three said that based on the information they have, they believe LeBron will leave the Cavs. 

More surprisingly, all of them said they believe the destination will be the Chicago Bulls. Two said they believe that John Calipari will be the Bulls' new head coach. 

One GM went a bit further in a phone call a few minutes later. "I think the Bulls are really going to go for it. Look for them to offer the Cavs Luol Deng in a sign-and-trade for LeBron. That will allow them to retain most of their cap space. Then they'll go after Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh as well." 

I'm sure we'll hear various scenarios involving the Knicks, Nets and Heat over the course of the next month. But it's hard to come up with any other scenario that would be quite as appealing for LeBron.

[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hmmmmm.... [/font]
lord only in a perfect world
The Thunder have came up in a lot of threads, but they are fine with what they have. They need frontcourt help, not backcourt help. Especially not a ball dominant guard like Joe Johnson.
Originally Posted by TheShoe1010

Boston Celtics fans were chanting "New York Knicks" during Thursday's Game 6 every time that LeBron James went to the foul line. Maybe they should've been chanting "Chicago Bulls." 

Within minutes of the Cleveland Cavaliers' elimination at the hands of the Celtics, the speculation about LeBron James' next destination resumed in full force. 

In the space of five minutes I heard from three NBA GMs via text, e-mail and phone. All three said that based on the information they have, they believe LeBron will leave the Cavs. 

More surprisingly, all of them said they believe the destination will be the Chicago Bulls. Two said they believe that John Calipari will be the Bulls' new head coach. 

One GM went a bit further in a phone call a few minutes later. "I think the Bulls are really going to go for it. Look for them to offer the Cavs Luol Deng in a sign-and-trade for LeBron. That will allow them to retain most of their cap space. Then they'll go after Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh as well." 

I'm sure we'll hear various scenarios involving the Knicks, Nets and Heat over the course of the next month. But it's hard to come up with any other scenario that would be quite as appealing for LeBron.

[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hmmmmm.... [/font]
Luol Deng for LBJ?
Cleveland and Danny Ferry are dumb but not THAT dumb.

If LBJ leaves, it will strictly be a FA move. Cavs will never agree to a sign and trade
LeBron doesn't need you, New YorkNot all stars pine for NYC or the Knicks -- and the King is plenty big, as isEmail Print Comments300 Share219 Retweet41 By Chris Broussard
ESPN The Magazine
The notion that every player -- or at least every star player -- in the NBA wants to play in New York tickles me.

In the early 2000s, while a Knicks beat writer for the New York Times, I remember being baffled because many of my colleagues and readers thought every skilled free agent was headed to New York -- even though all the Knicks could offer such max-salary talent was the mid-level exception. They thought Grant Hill would leave Detroit for the Knicks (for less coin) and Chris Webber would spurn Sacramento for the Big Apple (and chump change).

Now, New York assumes it's getting LeBron James. At least the Knicks actually have the salary cap space to pull this off. But while New York has a decent shot at LeBron, the idea that LeBron -- or any other great player -- needs New York or harbors this intense desire to play there is a joke.

LeBron, an endorsement king, is already the face of the NBA despite being ringless in tiny Cleveland. The Internet and globalization have largely made where a player plays irrelevant in regards to marketing and popularity. So to suggest LeBron needs New York is nuts. The only thing that can make him bigger is a title, not a town.

New York is not the center, err, mecca of the basketball universe, as advertised. Sure, every player who traipses through the Garden while helping his team wax the Knicks praises the city, telling the local media he'd love to play in New York. But many free agents, not wanting to burn any bridges, do that in every palatable NBA city. Yet in New York it becomes a back page and hysteria ensues.

And where did this idea that the NBA needs the Knicks to be good come from? (Of course, having a contender in the nation's biggest market would be nice, but the league seemed to do pretty well in the 1980s and 2000s when the Knicks were doormats.)

[+] EnlargeAP Photo/Mary Altaffer
LeBron James at a Knicks news conference: Don't assume it'll happen this summer.That idea led the conspiratorially minded to think David Stern would fix the lottery to make sure Yao Ming and then James ended up in New York. How'd that theory work out?

Don't get me wrong: I love New York. It's a fabulous city. But that doesn't hold much sway when the best basketball players are deciding where they want to play, especially when someone else can pay more.

Look at last summer. Steve Nash, who lives in New York in the offseason and owes his hallowed status in the game to Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni, toyed with the Knicks but re-signed with Phoenix. Ditto for Hill, who took less money to return to the Suns, and Jason Kidd, who seemed to use the Knicks to get a richer deal from Mavericks owner Mark Cuban.

I did not grow up in New York. Neither did most NBA players. And for people who don't grow up in New York, the Knicks are not on their radar. Growing up as a basketball fan, the Knicks were about the 13th team I thought of when it came to the NBA. If I had been an NBA-caliber player, playing for the Knicks would have been the furthest thing from my mind.

I was digging the Lakers, the Sixers, the Bulls, the Pistons, the Spurs -- you know, teams that won. The Celtics, Rockets and Blazers were higher on my list of good franchises than the Knicks.

Why should anyone outside of New York have been a Knicks fan? They were horrible in the '80s, Michael Jordan's punching bag in the '90s and an embarrassment in the 2000s.

When the modern Knicks did reach the Finals in '94, it became a slugfest, Exhibit A for non-artistic, unwatchable basketball.

Even New York's rep for producing great players is overblown. First of all, there only a few recognizable players in the league who are from New York City -- Lamar Odom, Ron Artest, Sebastian Telfair, not to mention Stephon Marbury (just to name a few). And many of them are viewed as underachieving or troubled.

So why in the world would today's young stars grow up dreaming of playing in New York?

Sure, guys love New York, but it has more to do with its hip-hop roots than its hoop roots -- and even its place in hip-hop has waned over the years.

And before you get hyped about LeBron or any other player wearing a Yankees cap, realize that boys and men all over the country are wearing them. Though LeBron is a fan, it's a fashion statement -- like Jay-Z said, he "made the Yankees cap more famous than the Yankees did" -- that often has nothing to do with New York.

I was talking with a couple of NBA guys last year, one a current star and the other a high-profile former Knick. We were talking about where LeBron might go as a free agent. Both insisted he'd stay in Cleveland.

This surprised me because I expected the former Knick to push for New York. But he made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that the only reason to go to the Knicks was if they were paying more money.

"What about playing in the Garden, and the fans, and the prestige of being a Knick?" I asked.

He laughed, then mumbled a curse, then said LeBron should stay in Cleveland.

So much for that Knicks mystique.

You also must realize that Madison Square Garden, the World's Most Famous Arena, is not exactly helping the Knicks' cause. I've heard players, executives and coaches trash the Garden as a dump.

And compared to the new, state-of-the-art arenas that most every other team has, it is pretty unimpressive. Quite frankly, it seems dark and dingy. (This is not lost on Knicks ownership: To its credit, it's spending roughly $800 million on renovations that will be completed in 2014).

The crowd can definitely get hyped, but the only real draw there is that famous actors, actresses and rappers are often in the front row. Otherwise, to most 20- and 30-somethings, it's the place where MJ dropped a double-nickle and where Reggie Miller burned the Knicks in eight seconds.

This may sound like an anti-Knicks column, but I choose to think of it as a reality check. New Yorkers need to realize that nobody's checking for the Knicks; not like the Lakers, the Bulls, the Celtics and others.

The arrogant claims that the life's dream of a kid born in Akron, Ohio -- or Dallas (Chris Bosh), or Chicago (Dwyane Wade) -- is to play for the Knicks just makes you look foolish and out of touch.

Like one of your native sons, Mark Jackson, would say, "You're better than that."

If LeBron comes, more power to you. Enjoy him and support him. And if he brings New York the title, or titles, it's been waiting 37 years for, then maybe, just maybe, the Knicks will become a team youngsters throughout America grow up dreaming of playing for.
i can see them doing a sign and trade for bosh after or before bron get her but bron will not be apart of a sign and trade
Originally Posted by AiRjOrDaN1217

Originally Posted by TheShoe1010


Boston Celtics fans were chanting "New York Knicks" during Thursday's Game 6 every time that LeBron James went to the foul line. Maybe they should've been chanting "Chicago Bulls." 

Within minutes of the Cleveland Cavaliers' elimination at the hands of the Celtics, the speculation about LeBron James' next destination resumed in full force. 

In the space of five minutes I heard from three NBA GMs via text, e-mail and phone. All three said that based on the information they have, they believe LeBron will leave the Cavs. 

More surprisingly, all of them said they believe the destination will be the Chicago Bulls. Two said they believe that John Calipari will be the Bulls' new head coach. 

One GM went a bit further in a phone call a few minutes later. "I think the Bulls are really going to go for it. Look for them to offer the Cavs Luol Deng in a sign-and-trade for LeBron. That will allow them to retain most of their cap space. Then they'll go after Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh as well." 

I'm sure we'll hear various scenarios involving the Knicks, Nets and Heat over the course of the next month. But it's hard to come up with any other scenario that would be quite as appealing for LeBron.

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[font=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hmmmmm.... [/font]

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