Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Vlad was "okay" in the first half. He can pass somewhat and he hit a few shots, but still

Wright was out today, some injury (can't remember what). With Biedrins, Gadzuric, Vlad and Adrien as our only big men it's tough...we need Amundson and Udoh back. Adrien really looked like a rookie out there today.
Originally Posted by What up

Vlad wasn't even on the court when the Warriors made the comeback nor was he on the court when the Warriors couldn't get stops. Hard to pin this game on Vlad unless you're going with a default excuse.

If anything, Adrien and Carney didn't give us !*#+ in the minutes they played.  And I can't believe Gadzuric is that bad.  I remember in his Milwaukee days when he was formidable. (Says something about the Warriors' front court at the time).
I'm not pinning the game on him. I said I'm sick of him. The big thing was the absence of Lee, not the addition of Vlad. But you switch both of those and I think this game probably favors the Warriors. I never liked him I never will. All that size and while he can body up some bigger guys a little, he easily gets dominated by experienced/legit PF's. Then when he guards a SF he's usually slow and keeps trying to crowd his defender when he has no chance of recovering once they get by. During pick and rolls he constantly jumps out at the PG and causes that switch. While it can work, it's better if he would just lay back unless the PG tries to drive. Even when the PG pulls out he just runs out there chasing the PG. On offense he just lays around the three point line and since he's not hitting his shots, you could put Biedrins out there and it would accomplish the same goal.

As for Adrien and Carney I somewhat agree. While Adrien didn't have a good game, I don't think it was all his fault. Adrien should not be playing C even if it's Amare or someone similar that he has to defend. Adrien plays like a big, but he's still 6-7 and should never see any time at C. Carney is just
. Chucks a lot and doesn't give you much else. Didn't chuck this game, but didn't give anything else.
Gaaaaaaah, Vlad needs to get off the court. Completely outclassed with whom he is playing against.
We have no chance unless Curry/Ellis go lights out. With only Biedrins as a legit big man we're screwed...

Just waiting for Lin time.
Biedrins isn't a legit anything.

The only solace I get from this game is the dude by the Lakers bench wearing a Giants championship t-shirt and a SF fitted.  Suck it, LA.
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