Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

No Lee or Biedrins on the floor = No consistent rebounding outside of Adrien.

Welcome back the 09'-10' Warriors
wow curry finally makes a shot

1/6 tonight
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

So Monta average 48 minutes per game ?
Last year under Don Nelson, it seemed like he did.

But really, Smart's trying to find spots where he can sit, but without Monta, we would not be where we are right now.
Tough loss. That schedule up ahead is
. Without Lee we're getting stomped by the Fakers...the next few weeks will say a lot about our chances to do something this year.
Only caught the last few minutes. Let's get the first loss at home out of the way and get another streak going. Tough loss for Monta to swallow given his outstanding shooting performance. At least the Ws made an effort to make it a close game after being down what looked like a blow out.
Boy was Lee missed this game. Rebounds and FT's really killed the Warriors, and Lee is #1 in boards and #2 in attempts for this team. And then you factor in less Vlad and this game could have been way different.

God I'm sick of Vlad... Getting sick of Smart too for playing/starting Vlad so much. Just give Wright some PT. He can't spread the floor unless that mid-range jumper is working for him, but in less minutes he still averages a better FG%, more rebounds and more blocks than Vlad. He's a much better help defender and while he's soft it's not as bad as Vlad's $$%!** play.
Vlad wasn't even on the court when the Warriors made the comeback nor was he on the court when the Warriors couldn't get stops. Hard to pin this game on Vlad unless you're going with a default excuse.

If anything, Adrien and Carney didn't give us !*#+ in the minutes they played.  And I can't believe Gadzuric is that bad.  I remember in his Milwaukee days when he was formidable. (Says something about the Warriors' front court at the time).
The Warriors front court better bring it next game versus the Nuggets because their front court will come to play. Might go to see that one.
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