Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

good game. Y'all pretty much out gunned us since it's apparent no defense was played on either side.

We lost that defense we used to pride ourselves in. Adelman is trying to turn us into Sacramento.
Jesus, Warriors/Oakland fans are annoying. Need Brandan Wright to return to how he was playing before the injury
If it wasn't for David Lees key rebounds in the last couple mins in the 4th and the put back with a 3 point play Warriors would have been doomed. Also is Vlad playing so we could use him as trade bait? B/c i rather see J lin suited up ready to play his minutes instead of Vlad. That guy wouldn't be able to make a shot if the hoop was 10 feet wide.
Jlin doesn't seem ready for the stage right now.... He's got a lot to learn, as any undrafted rookie does, so I expect there to be many nights like today where he's in a suit.

Find it odd that he sits between two coaches and away from all the players...
Originally Posted by Mikkol109

If it wasn't for David Lees key rebounds in the last couple mins in the 4th and the put back with a 3 point play Warriors would have been doomed. Also is Vlad playing so we could use him as trade bait? B/c i rather see J lin suited up ready to play his minutes instead of Vlad. That guy wouldn't be able to make a shot if the hoop was 10 feet wide.
I believe Vlad got PT tonight because he actually had a good camp and preseason.  I'd add the idea of using Vlad as trade bait because he does have an expiring contract.  As much as the entire Bay Area would love to see Lin on the court, I too don't believe he's ready to handle the back up PG duties.  In time I believe he'll get into the mix but I don't believe he will be playing a lot.
Btw, great win on opening night minus that horrendous defense that they so-called preached in training camp.  I'm glad to see that they are running half court plays and everyone is on the same page finally.  Clippers and Fat Davis is up next...I can see the Warriors being 2-0 going into Sunday's game with the Lakers. 
Originally Posted by Jalrulz

132 points tho? stilll playing nellieball?

Seems that way. But man that style of basketball is fun as hell to watch

Props to GS for taking it to the Rockets last night. That dude Monta
It was an "entertaining" game BUT I don't know how many more games we will win like that especially if you letting guys like Chuck Hayes run a lay up drill on you.  Man, seriously, Houston was running a lay-up clinic on us.

Monta though


Biedrins and Lee

I thought Wright did pretty good last night BUT I thought he was quicker.  He looked pretty slow out there.  We gonna need reggie williams to be our 6th man though so hopefully he picks it up.

Defense was still atrocious and i'm wondering if it's just our cast of players or what but we need defense asap.

All in all, very happy for the win and it was a great day for Bay Area sports.
Originally Posted by Mikkol109

If it wasn't for David Lees key rebounds in the last couple mins in the 4th and the put back with a 3 point play Warriors would have been doomed. Also is Vlad playing so we could use him as trade bait? B/c i rather see J lin suited up ready to play his minutes instead of Vlad. That guy wouldn't be able to make a shot if the hoop was 10 feet wide.
Jeremy Lin will be suited up for Friday since it's AZN Heritage night.
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