Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

MONTA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monta saved Curry's %#! there I swear how can you keep making these stupid 3 point play fouls when you know you're beat Curry?!

Monta though
Great win for the Warriors tonight. Monta makes it look so easy. That was a difficult shot he made. Brandan Wright did a great job bringing some well needed energy in the 4th quarter. He made some key baskets & played some solid defense. He did a good job defending the pick-n-roll. The Warriors have got to find a way to get him some more playing time.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

@ Dunleavy always getting the loudest boo's.

Seriously, dude sitting across the aisle was chanting all type of #!$% about him being ugly and #!$%.
Dunleavy with the Kobe V Del Sol.
idk whats up with curry this year, his numbers look good on paper, but he's not playing the same for the most part. Might be the expectations everyone had of him this year coming off a really good rookie year getting to him
Curry does dumb *!!* but this is his 2nd season. Ala sophomore slump esque

Biedrins is our (sadly) longest tenured player and sucks. He's tradeable, jury is out on Curry
Anybody know where I can get the extremely light knee brace Monta has on above? If it's the one I think it is it's made by Nike.
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