Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Nice tie Barnett.
gl in the 2nd half, i'm out. HNY all, be safe! Smh playing Miami the new year.
Lets close this out. Pretty much a must win for us with the rest of the roadtrip looking the way it looks.
Damn, game began? Waiting for my room in Napa at the hotel bar with no tv but bad music.

Happy New Year's y'all. And westcoastfinestEdit - glad we won
Well they got the game they should win on this road trip, but now get ready for some ugly games ahead against Miami, Orlando, and possibly New Orleans.
Missed the end, but glad we won. This was the most winnable game on the road trip so we needed it. If we can win just one of the next couple that would be real good.
Glad we got this win.  Was definitely the most winnable on this trip.

Refs were straight BS though with that foul call on Monta when dude was getting bear hugged.

Thank God for the good ole Capt.  Still a Warrior at heart.

Anyway, Happy New Years y'all.  Be safe.
Glad we pulled out the win. It would be a great start to the new year if we get a win in Miami and end their win streak at the same time.
Wow just a one point win! Must've been a really good game.

Yeah that commercial was wack. Not much thought put into it.
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