inception is visually stunning and an all around good movie, but it doesn't have too much depth. i went into the movie expecting a psychological thriller and instead I got an action movie. that's my own fault, i shouldn't have walked into the movie with expectations. felt like i was playing call of duty during the snow scene. the action scenes seemed unnecessary in general. i thought the movie would be more about identity, reality and perception. the movie only touched on these themes.


i had no idea he was up for american psycho. i agree that would have been amazing to see after titanic. i guess titanic is a classic to some people. i saw it in theaters and enjoyed it, never hated on him for the "pretty boy" thing. catch me if you can is also underrated. he has a good body of work. he's my favorite actor of this generation, but he needs to have his own unquestionable classic.
Originally Posted by DubA169

inception is visually stunning and an all around good movie, but it doesn't have too much depth. i went into the movie expecting a psychological thriller and instead I got an action movie. that's my own fault, i shouldn't have walked into the movie with expectations. felt like i was playing call of duty during the snow scene. the action scenes seemed unnecessary in general. i thought the movie would be more about identity, reality and perception. the movie only touched on these themes.


i had no idea he was up for american psycho. i agree that would have been amazing to see after titanic. i guess titanic is a classic to some people. i saw it in theaters and enjoyed it, never hated on him for the "pretty boy" thing. catch me if you can is also underrated. he has a good body of work. he's my favorite actor of this generation, but he needs to have his own unquestionable classic.
The Departed? 

Originally Posted by DubA169

inception is visually stunning and an all around good movie, but it doesn't have too much depth. i went into the movie expecting a psychological thriller and instead I got an action movie. that's my own fault, i shouldn't have walked into the movie with expectations. felt like i was playing call of duty during the snow scene. the action scenes seemed unnecessary in general. i thought the movie would be more about identity, reality and perception. the movie only touched on these themes.


i had no idea he was up for american psycho. i agree that would have been amazing to see after titanic. i guess titanic is a classic to some people. i saw it in theaters and enjoyed it, never hated on him for the "pretty boy" thing. catch me if you can is also underrated. he has a good body of work. he's my favorite actor of this generation, but he needs to have his own unquestionable classic.
The Departed? 

Originally Posted by CP1708


Spoiler [+]
I was just sitting in the movie theater thinking "Please fall, please fall"
2nd time this past summer a Leo movie did that.
You see what Leo is up too next? 

Hoover movie with Clint Eastwood directing
Possible Sinatra film with Martin Scorsese
Devil in the White City (KLJ posted that in General I believe)
And then a JFK movie about the FBI and mafia possibly conspiring to kill JFK. 

And I saw mentions of an Oliver Stone film, as well as a movie called Prisoners..........LEO!!!! 

That guy going to kill the next 4 years. 

And lord.  That man does WORK.  And he in charge of the next Superman?  Sign me the @#$% up for that.  (I know he not directing, that does not matter one bit if he is putting the ideas out there)

Legendary directors produce crappy movies all the time.

It's just a ploy to get viewers.

Will the movie be better than it would have if he WEREN'T attached?

No doubt.

But, it's not as big of a deal since he isn't directing.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by DubA169

inception is visually stunning and an all around good movie, but it doesn't have too much depth. i went into the movie expecting a psychological thriller and instead I got an action movie. that's my own fault, i shouldn't have walked into the movie with expectations. felt like i was playing call of duty during the snow scene. the action scenes seemed unnecessary in general. i thought the movie would be more about identity, reality and perception. the movie only touched on these themes.


i had no idea he was up for american psycho. i agree that would have been amazing to see after titanic. i guess titanic is a classic to some people. i saw it in theaters and enjoyed it, never hated on him for the "pretty boy" thing. catch me if you can is also underrated. he has a good body of work. he's my favorite actor of this generation, but he needs to have his own unquestionable classic.
The Departed? 

I felt like that was Matt Damon's and another notch in Jackie boy's belt.
And Daniel Day-Lewis stole Gangs from him. Shutter Island was all him, but I wouldn't call it a classic.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by DubA169

inception is visually stunning and an all around good movie, but it doesn't have too much depth. i went into the movie expecting a psychological thriller and instead I got an action movie. that's my own fault, i shouldn't have walked into the movie with expectations. felt like i was playing call of duty during the snow scene. the action scenes seemed unnecessary in general. i thought the movie would be more about identity, reality and perception. the movie only touched on these themes.


i had no idea he was up for american psycho. i agree that would have been amazing to see after titanic. i guess titanic is a classic to some people. i saw it in theaters and enjoyed it, never hated on him for the "pretty boy" thing. catch me if you can is also underrated. he has a good body of work. he's my favorite actor of this generation, but he needs to have his own unquestionable classic.
The Departed? 

I felt like that was Matt Damon's and another notch in Jackie boy's belt.
And Daniel Day-Lewis stole Gangs from him. Shutter Island was all him, but I wouldn't call it a classic.
Originally Posted by CP1708


Spoiler [+]
I was just sitting in the movie theater thinking "Please fall, please fall"
2nd time this past summer a Leo movie did that.
You see what Leo is up too next? 

Hoover movie with Clint Eastwood directing
Possible Sinatra film with Martin Scorsese
Devil in the White City (KLJ posted that in General I believe)
And then a JFK movie about the FBI and mafia possibly conspiring to kill JFK. 

And I saw mentions of an Oliver Stone film, as well as a movie called Prisoners..........LEO!!!! 

That guy going to kill the next 4 years. 

And lord.  That man does WORK.  And he in charge of the next Superman?  Sign me the @#$% up for that.  (I know he not directing, that does not matter one bit if he is putting the ideas out there)

Legendary directors produce crappy movies all the time.

It's just a ploy to get viewers.

Will the movie be better than it would have if he WEREN'T attached?

No doubt.

But, it's not as big of a deal since he isn't directing.
the departed is a remake. i think Nicholson steals every scene he is in. which is exactly what leo does to depp in gilbert grape. but yeah i guess so far his best movies to date are the departed, shutter island, the basketball diaries, what's eating gilbert grape

i just want to see him completely OWN a movie. like what deniro did in raging bull or taxi driver.
the departed is a remake. i think Nicholson steals every scene he is in. which is exactly what leo does to depp in gilbert grape. but yeah i guess so far his best movies to date are the departed, shutter island, the basketball diaries, what's eating gilbert grape

i just want to see him completely OWN a movie. like what deniro did in raging bull or taxi driver.
right now i would say the baskebtall diaries is the best role he has completely owned and i would call it a cult classic. that movie would have suffered if he didn't star on that. it was better because he was the main focus.

the departed would have worked with any good actor. it's "just an action movie" to me. an above average action movie, but nothing that should be a hard job for an actor.
right now i would say the baskebtall diaries is the best role he has completely owned and i would call it a cult classic. that movie would have suffered if he didn't star on that. it was better because he was the main focus.

the departed would have worked with any good actor. it's "just an action movie" to me. an above average action movie, but nothing that should be a hard job for an actor.
They include expanding flexibility for completing trades (such that player salaries traded only need to be within approximately 250 percent of each other), eliminating base-year compensation rules, increasing qualifying offers required to make a player a restricted free agent, shortening the time period a team has to match a restricted free agent's offer sheet, replacing the biannual exception with a second midlevel exception, and dropping the age limit back to 18.

So, no hard cap he also added.


Changing trade limit from 150% to 250? Damn, that would encourage more trades.
I like increasing QO's for RFA's.
Shortening the time in which offer sheets can be matched? Love it.
TWO MLE's? That's dangerous to team like ORL, LAL, and Miami.

Dropping the age limit back to 18? Guess they're tired of Calipari.

Not having a hard cap, interesting.

Does this mean no reduction of salaries?
They include expanding flexibility for completing trades (such that player salaries traded only need to be within approximately 250 percent of each other), eliminating base-year compensation rules, increasing qualifying offers required to make a player a restricted free agent, shortening the time period a team has to match a restricted free agent's offer sheet, replacing the biannual exception with a second midlevel exception, and dropping the age limit back to 18.

So, no hard cap he also added.


Changing trade limit from 150% to 250? Damn, that would encourage more trades.
I like increasing QO's for RFA's.
Shortening the time in which offer sheets can be matched? Love it.
TWO MLE's? That's dangerous to team like ORL, LAL, and Miami.

Dropping the age limit back to 18? Guess they're tired of Calipari.

Not having a hard cap, interesting.

Does this mean no reduction of salaries?
[h1]Union's CBA Proposal Leaked[/h1]Dec 08, 2010 1:39 PM EST

In a podcast conveyed to NBA players, union chief Billy Hunter said that he will not agree to a hard cap with the league seeing large growth in revenues.

Details of the union's proposal for the next collective bargaining agreement were obtained by the New York Times.

They include expanding flexibility for completing trades (such that player salaries traded only need to be within approximately 250 percent of each other), eliminating base-year compensation rules, increasing qualifying offers required to make a player a restricted free agent, shortening the time period a team has to match a restricted free agent's offer sheet, replacing the biannual exception with a second midlevel exception, and dropping the age limit back to 18.

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Does this mean no reduction of salaries?
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by CP1708


Spoiler [+]
I was just sitting in the movie theater thinking "Please fall, please fall"
2nd time this past summer a Leo movie did that.
You see what Leo is up too next? 

Hoover movie with Clint Eastwood directing
Possible Sinatra film with Martin Scorsese
Devil in the White City (KLJ posted that in General I believe)
And then a JFK movie about the FBI and mafia possibly conspiring to kill JFK. 

And I saw mentions of an Oliver Stone film, as well as a movie called Prisoners..........LEO!!!! 

That guy going to kill the next 4 years. 

And lord.  That man does WORK.  And he in charge of the next Superman?  Sign me the @#$% up for that.  (I know he not directing, that does not matter one bit if he is putting the ideas out there)

Legendary directors produce crappy movies all the time.

It's just a ploy to get viewers.

Will the movie be better than it would have if he WEREN'T attached?

No doubt.

But, it's not as big of a deal since he isn't directing.

Nolan ain't doin it to get his name in the paper, his team will be the ones writing it, creating the story arc.  That isn't a ploy to get viewers. 

Nolan doesn't half @#$ anything. 

I loved the Departed, Matt was great, Jack was great, Mark was great, but that was Leo's movie.  I don't see how anyone could think differently. 

But still, his foundation is solid, if he knocks out these next few roles, his resume will be untouchable.  Can't wait to see it all unfold. 

BTW, Body of Lies, underrated. 

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by CP1708


Spoiler [+]
I was just sitting in the movie theater thinking "Please fall, please fall"
2nd time this past summer a Leo movie did that.
You see what Leo is up too next? 

Hoover movie with Clint Eastwood directing
Possible Sinatra film with Martin Scorsese
Devil in the White City (KLJ posted that in General I believe)
And then a JFK movie about the FBI and mafia possibly conspiring to kill JFK. 

And I saw mentions of an Oliver Stone film, as well as a movie called Prisoners..........LEO!!!! 

That guy going to kill the next 4 years. 

And lord.  That man does WORK.  And he in charge of the next Superman?  Sign me the @#$% up for that.  (I know he not directing, that does not matter one bit if he is putting the ideas out there)

Legendary directors produce crappy movies all the time.

It's just a ploy to get viewers.

Will the movie be better than it would have if he WEREN'T attached?

No doubt.

But, it's not as big of a deal since he isn't directing.

Nolan ain't doin it to get his name in the paper, his team will be the ones writing it, creating the story arc.  That isn't a ploy to get viewers. 

Nolan doesn't half @#$ anything. 

I loved the Departed, Matt was great, Jack was great, Mark was great, but that was Leo's movie.  I don't see how anyone could think differently. 

But still, his foundation is solid, if he knocks out these next few roles, his resume will be untouchable.  Can't wait to see it all unfold. 

BTW, Body of Lies, underrated. 

[h1]Union's CBA Proposal Leaked[/h1]Dec 08, 2010 1:39 PM EST

In a podcast conveyed to NBA players, union chief Billy Hunter said that he will not agree to a hard cap with the league seeing large growth in revenues.

Details of the union's proposal for the next collective bargaining agreement were obtained by the New York Times.

They include expanding flexibility for completing trades (such that player salaries traded only need to be within approximately 250 percent of each other), eliminating base-year compensation rules, increasing qualifying offers required to make a player a restricted free agent, shortening the time period a team has to match a restricted free agent's offer sheet, replacing the biannual exception with a second midlevel exception, and dropping the age limit back to 18.

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Does this mean no reduction of salaries?
I don't know the extent of the project, and I'm sure it'll be a DAMN good movie, I just don't know if it'll be up-to-snuff if he were directing it.

The Departed is Mark's movie, he was the last one standing!!

It's definitely between Leo and Jack. Will The Departed be Jack's last great movie he's in? We'll see.

I don't put Leo up there as THE best ever.

He's excellent, no doubt. We've had this discussion before I'm almost positive. Actors I would put above Leo would be like Jack, Depp, Tom Hanks, De Niro, Pacino, Zel, if we're talking this generation.

It's really hard to compare actors of different generations. Marlon Brando was great, one of the best, but movies back then are different from movies now.
I don't know the extent of the project, and I'm sure it'll be a DAMN good movie, I just don't know if it'll be up-to-snuff if he were directing it.

The Departed is Mark's movie, he was the last one standing!!

It's definitely between Leo and Jack. Will The Departed be Jack's last great movie he's in? We'll see.

I don't put Leo up there as THE best ever.

He's excellent, no doubt. We've had this discussion before I'm almost positive. Actors I would put above Leo would be like Jack, Depp, Tom Hanks, De Niro, Pacino, Zel, if we're talking this generation.

It's really hard to compare actors of different generations. Marlon Brando was great, one of the best, but movies back then are different from movies now.
i think we had this discussion in the summer after all the big moves were made. went for like 4 pages then people got pissed off because they couldn't tell what thread they were in. it's true we can't totally fault leo because unfortunately movies just ain't the same. i'm sure leo could pull off raging bull or the deer hunter

deniro might have the best resume ever when it comes to classic movies. i go back and fourth between him and jack.
i think we had this discussion in the summer after all the big moves were made. went for like 4 pages then people got pissed off because they couldn't tell what thread they were in. it's true we can't totally fault leo because unfortunately movies just ain't the same. i'm sure leo could pull off raging bull or the deer hunter

deniro might have the best resume ever when it comes to classic movies. i go back and fourth between him and jack.
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