Eh, Kidd won, so he can get credit.  Doesn't matter who did what and how, Dallas won, we didn't.  Credit goes to the Dallas 12 players, not us, that's how it goes. 

And yeah, those game threads are weird.  I feel bad for the dudes that have to be in there swimmin with all the morons. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Jesus.  No he's not.  The team that wins, their players get credit.  Let it go. 
Swimming or not, it's good to be a moron and not the ones fishing!


And just as I expected, DeShawn will start on Westbrook tonight, maybe logging 10-12 minutes at most against him. Kidd will chip in during crunch plays, hopefully Russ will be gassed by that point.

Also, a very interesting note... Beaubois? Yeah he was playing with the second team during practices, while Brewer (who had logged some minutes against Kobe), was on the third team. What's it all mean? Essentially, it means that we're more likely to see Beaubois than we are Brewer. Why would we see Beaubois?

Russell Westbrook. He's the only player with the height, length, speed, and explosiveness to really get under his skin, I'd think. The two key points are the length and speed though. He's not nearly as strong as DeShawn or Kidd, but he's quicker than both of them, and is just another guy who can chip in 8-12 minutes guarding Russell.

And God forbid if we start seeing 2009-2010 Beaubois.

I wouldn't mind seeing Beaubois rain in 9 threes again,
[h2]Source: Doc Rivers to have surgery[/h2]

By Chris Forsberg

Boston Celtics coach Doc Rivers has returned to Boston from his Orlando, Fla., home to undergo surgery on Tuesday for a non-cancerous growth on his throat, a league source said.


AP Photo/J Pat CarterDoc Rivers says that coaches are at risk of throat problems due to all the yelling they do during games.

Rivers will not be able to speak for two weeks after the procedure, according to the Boston Herald, which first reported the story.

"My wife will be the happiest person in the room about that," Rivers said, according to the newspaper.

Rivers, who inked a five-year contract extension with the Celtics last week, underwent a biopsy in mid-October to determine if lesions found on his throat were cancerous. After those test results initially came back negative, Rivers joked about the scare.

"I'm going to be around for a little while, it looks like," Rivers said in October. "I'm sure that disappoints everyone."

Rivers revealed then how, at the urging of former Celtics coach Jim O'Brien, he's undergone annual examinations of his throat and vocal chords for the past three years because of the stress placed on those areas by his profession. Doctors found a concerning spot during an examination, forcing Rivers to undergo the biopsy, which showed the lesions to be non-cancerous.

"Jim O'Brien suggested it two or three years ago and said every coach should do it," said Rivers, who has been spreading the word himself. "I'm glad I did it. I think most coaches should because we yell and use our throat a lot. It makes you more susceptible."

Chris Forsberg covers the Celtics for

2 sections i'll highlight from this article:

"But against Memphis, things became a bit more clear. Game 7 said it all — OKC beat Memphis 70-49 with Harden on the floor and lost 41-35 without him. The reason? The Grizzlies defense could key entirely on Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant, stick O.J. Mayo on Westbrook and leave Mike Conley on Thabo. Not only that, but Marc Gasol even shaded over Durant most of the time because Kendrick Perkins is such a non-threat."


"For the series, Harden was a +30 and Thabo was a -16. After Memphis made the adjustment to start Mayo and have him guard Westbrook in Game 5, Harden was a +48 to Thabo’s -23.

And the Mavericks are going to employ a similar strategy to protect Jason Kidd who will struggle staying in front of Westbrook. DeShawn Stevenson will start on Westbrook, leaving Kidd on Thabo. Again, more reason to have Harden start. It’s the same story all over again."
Maybe it's a bit different, I'd think that Harden is a better defender than JET is, but..

Same kind of thing happens with Dallas with Stevenson/JET, but that doesn't mean I want him to start. I know it's a different situation, but who's going to come off your bench and score if Harden starts?

Harden would be best with one of either Westbrook or Durant on the floor, not both, IMO. Harden is too versatile to be used as just spacing for Westbrook and Durant. He can get his shot, not just spot up shots.

Stevenson was a -22 total against LA, while Terry was +57.
Doesn't mean I want JET to start.
Wonder if Doc's voice will sound more hoarse now or less.
JD617 wrote:
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ


I hope whoever wrote that and those who believe it continue to think of Kidd as a Kobe stopper and/or the guy who shut down Kobe

Give credit where it's due. You're just blatantly ignoring the facts at this point.

Credit? For calling Kidd the Kobe stopper?
Credit to Jason Kidd for doing what he did.

You got your answer to your original question a few pages ago. Why do you keep going on about this?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

You the only one bringing it back up tho.
When did JKidd lock down Kobe Bryant?

Like if that was even possible we would've saw that when the two met in the finals.
When did JKidd lock down Kobe Bryant?
I specifically asked when did JKidd lock down Kobe Bryant not if JKiddplayed good D on Kobe. For some reason you felt the need to tell meJKidd had played good D on Kobe as if that was the question asked.Maybe you are confused or don't understand the question. If you wannasay on the Mavs the player who can play the best D on Kobe is JKidd Idon't give a %%%!

I didn't even bother to mention the WCFmatchup. I mean I think you already know how I feel about the Mavs. Idon't know why you even went in to all that.

I asked when did JKidd lock down Kobe. The answer is it never happened and it never would. The statement is absurd

I know who made the statement and it wasn't you. Yet you still found away to quote me asking a specific question, ignore said question andsay a bunch of *#!% nobody cares to read.
I was waiting for dude who said it to answer. Not all that stuff youposted. You didn't even agree with me in your initial response oranswer with a "No he never did." You just made a statement irrelevantto the question.You took that ridiculous question as an opportunity toget on your soapbox before game1 of the WCF.

Not appreciated.
Yeah, JD is the only one bringing it up.
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

You the only one bringing it back up tho.
When did JKidd lock down Kobe Bryant?

Like if that was even possible we would've saw that when the two met in the finals.
When did JKidd lock down Kobe Bryant?
I specifically asked when did JKidd lock down Kobe Bryant not if JKiddplayed good D on Kobe. For some reason you felt the need to tell meJKidd had played good D on Kobe as if that was the question asked.Maybe you are confused or don't understand the question. If you wannasay on the Mavs the player who can play the best D on Kobe is JKidd Idon't give a %%%!

I didn't even bother to mention the WCFmatchup. I mean I think you already know how I feel about the Mavs. Idon't know why you even went in to all that.

I asked when did JKidd lock down Kobe. The answer is it never happened and it never would. The statement is absurd

I know who made the statement and it wasn't you. Yet you still found away to quote me asking a specific question, ignore said question andsay a bunch of *#!% nobody cares to read.
I was waiting for dude who said it to answer. Not all that stuff youposted. You didn't even agree with me in your initial response oranswer with a "No he never did." You just made a statement irrelevantto the question.You took that ridiculous question as an opportunity toget on your soapbox before game1 of the WCF.

Not appreciated.
Yeah, JD is the only one bringing it up.

Every single one of those quotes are from yesterday
when I was arguing with JA about it. You come in much later and post an article as a response. I reply to that. JD comes today to cross out my post from last night talking about credit and not the damn question when the last two pages of this thread save your post of the article and my reply to it have nothing to do with anything else being talked about until JD brings it up again.

So tell me how I'm bringing this back up when it was already thoroughly discussed?
Weird day on NT. 

Got told that matchups matter less than 82 games worth of stats do. 

Wandered into a thread where people say Lebron is better than Larry Bird already, and has been better than Pipper for years.....

Saw someone say Perkins is a top 5 center. 

Lotta good stuff bein smoked in this world. 

Anyhoo, prediction.  I think Dallas gets game 1 simply off the rest/fatigue factor.  Dallas nice and rested, OKC barely came out the locker room after game 7. 

Series wise, even with the 0-1 hole, I'll take OKC in a long series but I say that meaning they must get game 2 for leeway.  Dallas takes both at home, OKC will have too much lean on them to come back 4 outta 5.  I already mentioned the whole let the big dogs go off and stop everyone else angle, certainly coaches that get paid a lot more than I do won't go with that.  So I think Durant and Dirk do just fine, and it'll be Harden that really helps bring something to OKC along with Russ.  Russ can certainly make mistakes, and those are costly vs Dallas, but if Harden is out there as well for stretches, that's their best 3 man lineup and those 3 are better than any 3 Dallas throws out there.  Ibaka and Perk down low should play enough D and rebound, but they are a hole on offense unless Ibaka gets those nice 12-15 footers he likes. 

Same as always, hope for a great series, and hope we see another game 7.  (Yes, I think OKC can win on the road in game 7, stretch, but plausible given the fatigue factor will even back out after a couple games, then it will become simply about matchups/adjustments) 
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

[h3]Report: Owners Initially Asked For $45 Million Hard Cap[/h3]
May 16, 2011 3:21 PM EDT


The NBA’s initial proposal for a new collective-bargaining deal called for a $45 million per team hard salary cap along with non-guaranteed player contracts and significant cuts in annual salary increases.

The details, spelled out in an April 26 memo issued by National Basketball Players Association Executive Director Billy Hunter, marks the league’s push for a major overhaul of the NBA’s economic model and emphasizes to players an aggressive bid to significantly slash costs and shorten contracts.

The memo was sent to all NBA players and was dated just days prior to the league delivering to the union a new labor proposal, which a source said still included the $45 million hard cap but added a phase-in of the cap over a few years. Union president Derek Fisher publicly dismissed the latest proposal as too similar to the original proposal.

The memo’s most eye-popping element is the league’s proposed $45 million hard cap, which cuts the current $58 million soft cap by nearly 25 percent.

Via John Lombardo/SportsBusiness Journal

If Thats how they're playing it lock out here we come
It really is key that Dallas wins it's first two home games. If we lose one does it mean we automatically lose the series? Of course not, but it makes it really tough..

If we go 2-0, I'd think we'd split in OKC, and go back to Dallas to try and close it out in game 5.
If we go 1-1, I'd still think we'd split in OKC, but that'd give them confidence coming into our house again.

That's all if's though, we gotta let these first two games play out, then we can talk about the future of the series.

A 2-0 hole against Dallas might be too much though..
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

It really is key that Dallas wins it's first two home games. If we lose one does it mean we automatically lose the series? Of course not, but it makes it really tough..

If we go 2-0, I'd think we'd split in OKC, and go back to Dallas to try and close it out in game 5.
If we go 1-1, I'd still think we'd split in OKC, but that'd give them confidence coming into our house again.

That's all if's though, we gotta let these first two games play out, then we can talk about the future of the series.

A 2-0 hole against Dallas might be too much though..
This series really needs to start. I can't take this much longer. Everything you just said holds true for every series. 
Shut up, I know, but we've been sitting and twiddling our thumbs for over a week now, what you want from us?!

You know I'm going to keep yapping regardless.
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