^You stink
Let them have their moment.

Kinda bummed that I lost 50 bucks on the Lakers winning the title.... But glad they lost nonetheless
Originally Posted by CP1708

Dirk and JA, congrats. But understand that this series won't mean anything unless they finish the job. You know what I'm sayin.

I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm sayin they need to "finish the job" no disrespect or anything.
For Dirk's legacy, sure... It does nothing if they don't win it all.

But for where this franchise has been the last couple of years, it sure as hell feels good.
Yes, ok good you got what I was sayin.
They certainly deserve to celebrate big, but there's a bigger picture. Winning a second round series over us is nothing if they don't finish. But they should have good rest vs Memphis/OKC.
Wow I've never seen a team shoot that lights out before. Unreal...

But in the end I'm glad to see Dirk advance and have a legit shot to get to the Finals..
Good to see the majority of the Lakers keep it classy.

JJ Barea said Kobe & other Lakers checked how was doing after game & apologized for Bynum cheap shot.

"We don't want to see that happen. We definitely don't want to see that happen. We don't want to see any of their players get hurt." -- Kobe
So if I'm Dwight would I still want to be traded to the Lakers?

I'm sure they'll have a different team next season but the chances of kobe tying mj seems a bit impossible though.

The Mavs do need to win. I understand let them have their moment but cmon  it's time to get the damn job done.
Eh don't really have a rooting interest now. Guess I'd like to see OKC/MEM/or CHI win it all
. Wouldn't mind seeing Dirk get that title he was robbed of in '06 either.

My girl is happy as $+!@ though
She don't have to watch games anymore
Originally Posted by Statis22

Best, playoffs, evar if Dallas gets dusted by OKC/Memphis, word to my Rocket brethren.


Dallas fans(Cowboys and Mavs) are some of the douchiest people ever.
I actually like Dirk and wouldn't mind seeing him win a ring, but said douchey Dallas fans would be unbearable
Dwight can have Pau and Kobe instead of what he has now, and still be the main Laker in 3 years for us to build around. Gets best of both worlds. Try to win for 2-3 years, then be main man when we can sign new players.
If Dallas and Miami make it to the finals again, Dirk and the Mavs can have their revenge. 
Personal opinion, even if they get him -- Dwight Howard is not turning back the clock with this core group by himself.

He increases their strengths and does nothing to strengthen their weaknesses. And I don't believe he is good enough to offset another year of age to the rest of the group. If Derek Fisher and Ron Artest are still starting next year, that's a big issue.
They need to get rid of Fisher ASAP. dudes been done for awhile. If they add Howard that easily gives them a championship IMO.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Why the heck aren't you going OFF on CP right now? 

I remember at least half a thousand "Mavs/Playoffs" from him

Don't tell me you wanna be the better man. ENJOY THIS.
I respect the dude more than anyone on this board probably.

We probably disagree more than anyone else, but hell, that's what makes us fans.

It feels good to know that we have once again proved people wrong; first back in 07 when no one thought we could be a contender and Dirk carried us to the Finals. Proved em wrong twice this year, when no one gave us a chance to win either series.


Just like CP said, the job isn't over until there's a ring on Jason Kidd and Dirk Nowitzki's finger.

It's going to be a hard battle, but we're half-way there.

I'll rejoice if-and-when we win it all. Because if we don't, beating the Lakers was all for nothing.

And if we do win it all? I'm raising hell.

Even if we make it to the Finals and it's the Heat we play, I'm probably going to get banned before the series even starts.

I said it with the Lakers, and I'll say it with these punks (not saying the Lakers are punks), I want to play the Heat in the NBA Finals.

We'll destroy them and their little boy band.

I said it in the series thread, but I'll say it here too. It's hard for me to say good series to LA fans, because I know they feel like it wasn't a great series for them. You guys had a great run, and even though everything seems doom and gloom right now, I still think you guys are the guys to beat in the West.
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