Official 2009 NCAA Tournament Thread. The Very Best Have Gathered Upon One Stage.

Seymore CAKE wrote:

Lance is so unintelligent.


I had a feeling they had a real chance in this matchup... When they're playing well, they'll capable of beating damn near anyone... It's only amatter of which team shows up on any given night...
this has been an ugly half.... but being down by 3 isnt bad.... hopefully gerald and kyle can get going in the second half
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Damn man............I want Mizzou to win sooo bad........but i picked Memphis to go to the final 4, didnt think mizzou could do this much (although i dont think Memphis has played anyone big all year)

I dont know if this has been mentioned yet, but the lighting at U of Phoenix is making the Miz/Memphis game look AWFUL. Its like watching an outdoor game atnight.
Memphis is done.

Tyreke is gone after this game. You won't see him on campus. I won't be surprised if Cal entertains the UK offer. Implosion.
Originally Posted by Durden7

I dont know if this has been mentioned yet, but the lighting at U of Phoenix is making the Miz/Memphis game look AWFUL. Its like watching an outdoor game at night.

You know what... you're right. I just noticed that.

By the way, Memphis is getting beatdown. I picked Mizzou to win too.
Ya know, in hindsight, i probably would've picked Mizzou to have a good shot in this game given Memphis doesn't have any ball handlers on their entireroster... but i wasn't confident enough Mizzou would make it this far to begin with, given that I hate gimmicky styles of play.
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