OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

I don't know why they were playing Albert so shallow.

Kemp would've been playing normal depth, that ball is caught.

This game was given away.
what the %!%# is matt kemp doing, he $%%%!%* misjudged that
We are now tied for the best record in baseball with the Yankees,

33 innings against the Cardinals.....3 runs,

Clayton Kershaw 8IP (Career High), 0ER.....No Decision,
@ the yanks finally gettin their moneys worth.

Be prepared for the cards to sweep us tomorrow.
He was playing soo shallow to keep a single from winning the game. Damn if you do and damn if you dont.

If they play at regular depth, a single wins the game or it stops the runner at 3rd base at play shallow and usual lineout wins thegame......or albert being in a slump just misses a homerun, but its still an out.

Pick your poison.

Finally this damn game is over......I gotta move today.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

He was playing soo shallow to keep a single from winning the game. Damn if you do and damn if you dont.

If they play at regular depth, a single wins the game or it stops the runner at 3rd base at play shallow and usual lineout wins the game......or albert being in a slump just misses a homerun, but its still an out.

Pick your poison.

Finally this damn game is over......I gotta move today.
I understand the strategy with a man on 3rd. Not with a man on 2nd and with 2 outs and with a hitter like Pujols. Torre obviously has moreexperience and knowledge, but I don't agree with the strategy.

Even if Pujols hits a single, you can still hold the runner at 3rd with a solid throw.

Damn, we had this one.
its days like the last few that keep me from watching sports center tomorrow.. dodgers making themselves look like they are no team to beat. lame.

oh well. long season still.. remember we lost 8 in a row last august. and look how far we got.

we just need pitching. letting lowe and penny (i know, i know) was a big mistake.. took too many good pitchers out of the rotation.
Broxton with another blown save.

Martin missed that tag at the plate clearly. THough it should have not lead to that instance to begin with.
Originally Posted by Catastrophe A

They should have walked him

Come on now Pujols?!

I retrospect, yes. But Holliday on deck....pick your poison. I feel you I guess.

My biggest problem (from strictly a baseball strategy standpoint) was the top of the 14th inning. Furcal leads off with a single, and then Hudson is given thesacrifice bunt sign. I hate this call (I think I even mentioned it in here live). Hudson sacrifices him to second, and takes the bat out of your best hittershand. Why not let Orlando swing away there? He may get out, sure. But chances are he doesnt hit into a double play, seeing as how he has only done that 7 timesthis season. I know you want a runner in scoring position, but the bottom line is, Id rather have my best hitter batting with a runner on first, than notgetting to hit with a runner on second. Its almost like I knew you werent gonna score.

I know managing baseball in the MLB is difficult beyond belief, but this seemed like a complete no brainer to me. I mean, that would NEVER have happened in thepast up here if the situation was the exact same with Bonds instead of Manny. You want your best hitter to have a chance to hit in that situation.....100% ofthe time.
49-0 after 8 innings and we blow it. We need one solid reliever and a number 2 or 1 starter.

Great catch by Man ram.

Damn Kemp misread that ball.
I know it's Rosenthal, but....

[h4]More buzz: Last week | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday[/h4] [h4]Pressure on Dodgers - 12:33 a.m. (Thursday)[/h4]
The Phillies' trade for left-hander Cliff Lee only added to the pressure on the Dodgers to bolster their pitching staff.

Blue Jays right-hander Roy Halladay remains a possibility, but only if the Dodgers are willing to part with the necessary prospects.

Roy Halladay: '09 stats​
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Starting pitcher​

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The Blue Jays would not require the Dodgers to include right-hander Chad Billingsley or lefty Clayton Kershaw in a deal for Halladay, according to major-league sources.

But Dodgers GM Ned Colletti has said publicly that the Jays want five or six of his team's best young players.

The Jays, in need of a shortstop, surely would have interest in Ivan DeJesus Jr., who has been out the entire season with a broken right leg, or Devaris Gordon, a younger shortstop who is the son of reliever Tom Gordon.

Among the other Dodgers prospects who could interest the Jays: Outfielder Andrew Lambo, right-hander Josh Lindblom, third baseman Josh Bell and right-hander Chris Withrow.
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