OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

[h1]Cafardo's Latest: Jenks, Teahen, Wood, Mulder[/h1]
By Nat Boyle [July 12 at 11:41am CST]

Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe has some rumors from around the league. Let's sift through them.
  • The Dodgers, Brewers, and Phillies remain interested in Mark Mulder who is finishing his rehab and hopes to entertain offers in a week.
  • Cafardo speculates if former Royals GM Allard Baird will deliver Mark Teahen, a former player of his, to the Red Sox. Baird is currently assistant to the GM in Boston.
  • The Mets might be able to add about $5 to $6MM in payroll before the deadline.
  • Brandon Wood would have to be a part of the package for Roy Halladay if the Angels were to make a serious push.
  • There's a "good chance" Kenny Williams is looking into Halladay, says Cafardo. He wonders if Williams, who now has back-of-the-bullpen depth, would trade Bobby Jenks to shave payroll.
  • The Red Sox are confident with the pieces they have, even if obtaining Halladay might guarantee them a championship. Regardless, the Jays "would likely not want to deal Halladay within the division," says Cafardo.

[h1]Roy Halladay Rumors: Sunday[/h1]
By Nat Boyle [July 12 at 10:08am CST]

Tired of Roy Halladay rumors yet? Have some more.
  • Joel Sherman of the New York Post has listed 10 do's and dont's for blockbuster deals.
  • Bill Shaikin of the Los Angeles Times says Frank McCourt can make World Series champions out of the Dodgers if by acquiring Halladay and he could start by offering Russell Martin in a package with prospects Devaris Gordon and Josh Lindblom. Shaikin concedes, "This is not to say the Jays would accept Martin, Gordon and Lindblom for Halladay, or even that the Dodgers would offer that package. The coaching staff would be reluctant to lose Martin at this point of the season, and the organization has all but deemed Gordon untouchable."
  • The Philadelphia Inquirer's Bob Ford says Citizens Bank Park wouldn't deter Halladay from going to the Phillies.
  • Troy E. Renck says the Rockies won't change their business model to acquire Halladay. They are committed to building from within and that a seven-year, $150MM contract after 2010 would not happen. If they can't retain him, then Renck can't advocate giving up a hypothetical package of Ubaldo Jimenez, Ian Stewart, and two top prospects to get him. Dave Krieger of the Denver Post agrees.
  • In the same piece, Renck says the Dodgers could land Halladay if they will part with Clayton Kershaw, and that the Phillies remain the favorites. Still, Renck expects Toronto to take Halladay off the block and to instead cut payroll by dealing Alex Rios.

lets goooooo
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Damn, wish I can watch the game ... stuck here at Lakewood Mall.

Ain't this by your crib 562?

I feel like I'm in the sneaker showcase / Official Hypebeast Thread

So many black dudes wearing bright colored skinny jeans, they really think they're doing it

I'm almost ashamed for my city.
In my opinion, if you have a chance to get who I consider the best pitcher in the major leagues, giving up Kershaw and Martin should be a no brainer for youguys. Russell Martin isnt that good of a hitter anymore, plus your offense would be fine without him. I realize that Kershaw MIGHT become a great pitcher oneday, but you would be trading for the BEST now. If you have a chance to get what you can only hope Kershaw MIGHT be in the future, you pull the trigger.Period.

IMO, you trade for Halladay, you win the World Series.
I'm more than willing to part with Russ even if he's still on the fairly cheap, but I will in no way let Opie get away. We don't have big $$ to letcheap players go to replace them with big dollar FAs. If we send Kershaw who will replace him in the rotation, there isn't anyone in the organization thatcan do it consistently and be as reliable as Clayton.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos



Im all for given up Martin if it gets you Roy back

and Kershaw is throwing some
stuff today

i caught a ban so will stay low on this screen name to stay out of trouble for a month
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

I'm more than willing to part with Russ even if he's still on the fairly cheap, but I will in no way let Opie get away. We don't have big $$ to let cheap players go to replace them with big dollar FAs. If we send Kershaw who will replace him in the rotation, there isn't anyone in the organization that can do it consistently and be as reliable as Clayton.

First of all, yes the Dodgers DO have the money. If they choose not to use it, thats one thing. But the Dodgers are a big market, big money team. You have themoney. I just think that winning a World Series would be pretty attainable with Halladay and Billingsly as your 1/2 for every playoff series. I dont reallyunderstand your question about who would replace Kershaw in the rotation. Halladay > Kershaw.....and its not even close.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

I'm more than willing to part with Russ even if he's still on the fairly cheap, but I will in no way let Opie get away. We don't have big $$ to let cheap players go to replace them with big dollar FAs. If we send Kershaw who will replace him in the rotation, there isn't anyone in the organization that can do it consistently and be as reliable as Clayton.

First of all, yes the Dodgers DO have the money. If they choose not to use it, thats one thing. But the Dodgers are a big market, big money team. You have the money. I just think that winning a World Series would be pretty attainable with Halladay and Billingsly as your 1/2 for every playoff series. I dont really understand your question about who would replace Kershaw in the rotation. Halladay > Kershaw.....and its not even close.
Are you serious?

Kershaw is 21 with the best ERA in the NL since May 1. You don't trade him.

Russell Martin isnt that good of a hitter anymore,
^Im glad you think its funny. But a .258 hitter with no power is certainly not a good hitter.

You can agree to disagree that Kershaw isnt tradable, but the fact of the matter is, when a team has a legitimate shot to win a WS, Id rather have the bestpitcher in baseball than an inconsistant 21 year old who shows flashes of brilliance.
Originally Posted by dland24

^Im glad you think its funny. But a .260 hitter with no power is certainly not a good hitter.

You can agree to disagree that Kershaw isnt tradable, but the fact of the matter is, when a team has a legitimate shot to win a WS, Id rather have the best pitcher in baseball than an inconsistant 21 year old who shows flashes of brilliance.
Batting average is an empty statistic. Martin has a .373 OBP right now, second only to McCann. Secondly, he caught a record number of games hisfirst two and a half seasons, and had a horrible slump during the first half of this season. Martin was considered untouchable and easily one of the top 5Catchers in baseball before his bad first half. Considering that it took the Dodgers 3 years to realize that they need to rest him, and that he's beenplaying well during the last couple weeks (.854 OPS in July) I would call it nothing short of foolish to trade Martin.

Kershaw is not tradeable. Period. I know you want us to trade him, but it's not gonna happen.

He's given up like 4 runs in his last 6 starts or something like that, so I'm not sure where you got inconsistent from. He walks a lot of guys, but hedoes that consistently

Of course anyone would rather have Halladay pitch one game than Kershaw, that doesn't mean you trade Kershaw for Halladay. I mean, there's no wayyou're going to convince anyone that it would be a good idea.
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