OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS OFFSEASON THREAD: (95-57) NL West Champs --- NLCS Chumps

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

A rich real estate developer would be risky, but yet, he wouldn't hesitate to sign those big name free agents.
It's not about the big name free agents IMO. A lot of the great players don't hit free agency.

It's about spending big money in the draft and in international free agency. Not only are prospects great because they can provide great value for next tonothing on your major league roster, but they are the currency needed to trade for those big name players before they hit free agency.

Having a consistent winner is the goal of each organization. There are too many variables to think you could guarantee yourself a WS by just going out andspending $200 Million on payroll. The best way to build that consistent winner is to build from within and use the prospects who are blocked at the ML level orwho are at a position where you have a lot of depth to trade for veteran guys who can help you win. The wrong way to do things is to sell off your best hittingprospect one year, then the next year when you know you're going to have a hole at 2B, you trade Tony Abreu for 6 starts of Jon Garland and then don'tuse Garland at all in the playoffs.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

so it comes back to McCheap been a cheap #+% and showing no money
Not necessarily.

He's not rich enough to own and operate the Dodgers to the reasonable expectations of Los Angeles fans.

I don't think that equates being cheap.

Despite not having pretty much any cash, he has still kept the payroll at respectable levels, while being able to put a pretty decent product on the field.

He isn't the worst owner, he's low on funds, but I think he's done a respectable job considering all the circumstances.

That said, if you're low on funds, and don't have any way of getting the TV revenue until after 2013, what sense does it make to constantly sell off orgive away the most valuable assets in the organization and consistently sign guys for contracts that give you very little value (Schmidt, Pierre).
I remember reading all of this as a junior in HS, its bringing back the memories of tearing the stadium down, moving us downtown, and the rich parking lotattendant thoughts.

It really makes me wonder about the season ticket deal. Maybe im better off holding out until all of this is sorted out. Itd be purchasing somewhat blindly,not knowing whats inside the box.

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

I remember reading all of this as a junior in HS, its bringing back the memories of tearing the stadium down, moving us downtown, and the rich parking lot attendant thoughts.

It really makes me wonder about the season ticket deal. Maybe im better off holding out until all of this is sorted out. Itd be purchasing somewhat blindly, not knowing whats inside the box.


You won't have to worry about that, there's no room in Downtown.

I would hold out myself, not knowing if they will have the money to offer arbitration to the core players.
562, if I was you I'd probably wait. I don't see people in a rush to buy seasn seats, so I don't think your seats will be much worst if you wait.And the only other fee involved with season tix is like a $25 handling fee. But 81 games is a loooooot of games. You splitting them or just going to as many asyou can?
Yeah, I think i am going to stand pat and wait it out. The more I wait the less optimistic I feel about doing it this season, Im willing to wait it out though.

Its the uncertainty thats killing me.

And I am planning to go all in on my own. Its an automatic loss I know, but I want to take who I want when I want it. Its not realistic to say im trying tomake it to all of the games, but just having the option to do so when I want, have seats to call my own, and not have to worry about sellouts and"priority" on sale dates fuels my want for em. Maybe 2011 if this doesnt pan out, but we'll see.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Yeah, I think i am going to stand pat and wait it out. The more I wait the less optimistic I feel about doing it this season, Im willing to wait it out though.

Its the uncertainty thats killing me.

And I am planning to go all in on my own. Its an automatic loss I know, but I want to take who I want when I want it. Its not realistic to say im trying to make it to all of the games, but just having the option to do so when I want, have seats to call my own, and not have to worry about sellouts and "priority" on sale dates fuels my want for em. Maybe 2011 if this doesnt pan out, but we'll see.
And having priority for playoffs is also a plus.
pmac come on, hes cheap as $#+!. sabathia was practically begging to be signed and he didnt want to pay lee the rest of his "astronomical"15 milliondollars. that right there tells you enough, he has no business owning this team. if he genuinely wanted to win, it wouldnt have been an issue.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

pmac come on, hes cheap as $#+!. sabathia was practically begging to be signed and he didnt want to pay lee the rest of his "astronomical"15 million dollars. that right there tells you enough, he has no business owning this team. if he genuinely wanted to win, it wouldnt have been an issue.
Yup, the only thing left for CC to do was to beg, he open the door, and the Dodgers closed it.

They can't sell CC merchandise at Dodger Stadium.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Yeah, I think i am going to stand pat and wait it out. The more I wait the less optimistic I feel about doing it this season, Im willing to wait it out though.

Its the uncertainty thats killing me.

And I am planning to go all in on my own. Its an automatic loss I know, but I want to take who I want when I want it. Its not realistic to say im trying to make it to all of the games, but just having the option to do so when I want, have seats to call my own, and not have to worry about sellouts and "priority" on sale dates fuels my want for em. Maybe 2011 if this doesnt pan out, but we'll see.
And having priority for playoffs is also a plus.

i think 41 game packs have the same priority, cuz theyre also considered "season ticket holders" but i could be wrong
i agree with the sellouts and good games, you'll already have tickets, but the amount of cash you'll lose for all the other games you cant attend willbe more than buying those tix on the general on sale date. if you have a 40 hour job and live 45 min away (w/ normal traffic) its gonna be tough going to somany games. and to do you really think you'll be able to sell your tuesday,wednesday, and thursday series vs the nationals for more than $5?

i was thinking about gettin sum too but, i'll lose to much money. im too busy to go and stubhub's fees are ridiculous to try and sell on there.craiglist is full of flakes, and ebays fee's are up there too
if you are going to buy tickets, you should be able to make it to most games. you wont get anything back selling them on stubhub unless its a big weekend game.think of all the times you see those 3 or 4 dollar tickets on stubhub for the outer loge or infield reserve for weekday games. also dont forget that parking isprobably going to cost you the same as one of your season seats.
I don't think it's fair to blame McCourt for not signing CC

Considering the fact that we had all that dead weight with Pierre, Schmidt and Jones contract, and the Dodgers history with recent FA signings, it would havemade little sense to sign CC.

CC would have meant no Manny, which would have been a perplexing decision.

Calling him cheap because he didn't sign a pitcher who ended up getting 161 Mil over 7 years is unfair IMO.

The offer that has been reportedly offered to Cleveland included Dee Gordon and Chris Withrow. That's our best hitting prospect and best pitching prospect.There were more guys involved but no specifics have been reported. Cleveland took a @+@$*! deal from Philly, from everything anybody says.

I think we're all saying the same thing in different words. McCourt's pockets aren't incredibly deep as it is, and the revenue streams aren'tas great as they could be considering the TV situation. Because of that he can't spend like he's Steinbrenner, Henry or even Moreno. That doesn'tmake him "cheap," he's spent his fair share of money. Now if he had more money, and chose not to spend it and rake in the profits, that'd bea different story
I didn't even think of the parking thing. That alone will cost you probably a little less than a grand.
Yeah, McCourt is a penny pincher, although he's done some good things to help this team make it over that hump.

But at the end of the day, the dude is a business man and he wants to make $ first.

This team is going to have a new owner, and I hope its someone who takes into account the Dodgers need to bring the championship back to Los Angeles.

562 don't be spending $1500 on some damn tickets, just sit still.

[h1]Dodgers Interested In Re-Signing Vicente Padilla[/h1]
By Tim Dierkes [November 4 at 9:19am CST]

The Dodgers signed righty Vicente Padilla to a minor league contract on August 19th; he'd been designated for assignment by the Rangers. Padilla pitched well in 39.3 regular season innings and in two out of three postseason starts. According to Dylan Hernandez of the L.A. Times, Dodgers GM Ned Colletti recently expressed interest in re-signing Padilla. The interest appears mutual.

Padilla's agent Adam Katz downplayed a recent "hunting accident" wherein the pitcher grazed himself in the thigh with a bullet. Padilla reportedly spent less than an hour being treated in a Nicaraguan hospital. Colletti told Hernandez he didn't know enough about the matter to determine whether it would affect his interest in re-signing Padilla. More troubling is Padilla's lengthy history of alcohol problems, but most MLB teams tend to ignore DUIs.

Padilla certainly won't be signing another three-year, $33.75MM deal. He might be able to get one year and $5-8MM. Aside from the Dodgers, the Brewers, Mets, and Diamondbacks are three clubs known to be hunting for starting pitching.

Gotta keep this guy on board.
I'd be fine with Padilla.

But any more than 1 year wouldn't be a good idea IMO.

Let's not forget that some of his teammates in Texas went to the GM Jon Daniels and personally thanked him for releasing Padilla, even though they were inthe middle of a pennant race.

Then again, I thought Adrian Beltre had "figured it out"
Bro, they thanked Daniels because they didn't want to get beaned in the head.

Padilla has been a model citizen / team mate in Los Angeles and I wouldn't expect nothing less if he were to get a 2-3year deal.
Damn "Tucan", why'd go and shoot yourself for?

I'm for resigning Padilla, he is a solid 4-5 starter.
I hope he changed, instead of just acting right for a couple of months because he was in a contract year.

I don't think it would be worth the risk of finding out if it was more than a year contract. We can't afford to get guys hurt if he wants to startheadhunting putting our position players at risk. If it's more than a one year deal, you can't really just release him.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Bro, they thanked Daniels because they didn't want to get beaned in the head.

Padilla has been a model citizen / team mate in Los Angeles and I wouldn't expect nothing less if he were to get a 2-3year deal.

During contract years, players do sum incredible stuff. When they sign that new contract, back to the sale ol !!%%
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