Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

I would, Casspi did well tonight but I have him ont he waiver waiting to pick up Redd, Landry and if all those fails, I'll get Jianlin.

I'm not too sure about Bayless, so far he has been inconsistent but if he does get the start (might happen if they trade Miller for a center) then he is agood pick up.

Damn, Lawson finally wakes up after I drop him. Dunleavy's been stinking it up lately and of course, Arenas, the one bright spot of my line up lately getshurt.
Hopefully it's not a serious one.
JR Smith
Holy mother... I knew he was gonna have a game like this this year. Now to hope that he can produce a couple more like this!!
I dropped Ersan for Yi.

I don't know how long I'm gonna hold onto Tmac since he's only getting 8min / gm
Should I drop Josh Howard for Yi?
Current line-up is:
G: Stuckey, Arenas, Ellis, EGordon, Hedo, Dunleavy, Redd, JHoward
F: Thompson, Bosh, Aldridge, Landry, GWallace, Granger
C: Kaman, Nene, Bogut, Haywood

Right now, if everyone stays healthy, I think it is a very solid team.
I feel like I am still short in assists though, especially if Arenas misses some time and I only see 2 players I could drop, JHoward or Dunleavy.
I'll try and pick up Calderon again later I guess, Earl Watson is looking like a good option for me right now too.
Ideas, suggestions?
I was mad when I dropped Ersan last week and the following game, he had a good game.

I'm not mad anymore though.

(If you're wondering, I dropped Ersan for Jarret Jack who got dropped for Jameer Nelson.)
Originally Posted by RFX45

Should I drop Josh Howard for Yi?
Current line-up is:
G: Stuckey, Arenas, Ellis, EGordon, Hedo, Dunleavy, Redd, JHoward
F: Thompson, Bosh, Aldridge, Landry, GWallace, Granger
C: Kaman, Nene, Bogut, Haywood

Right now, if everyone stays healthy, I think it is a very solid team.
I feel like I am still short in assists though, especially if Arenas misses some time and I only see 2 players I could drop, JHoward or Dunleavy.
I'll try and pick up Calderon again later I guess, Earl Watson is looking like a good option for me right now too.
Ideas, suggestions?
I'd rather have Jianlian over Josh Howard.
Thanks, just picked-up Jianlin and dropped JHoward.
I might drop Dunleavy for Watson or Lowry too but I'll give him a game or two more before I make a decision.

And damn I can't wait until Granger returns.
im going to wait for dunleavy to have a good game and try to trade him off.

shoulda done it last week

i hope granger doesnt come back anytime soon, for the sake of troy murphy and dunleavys production

btw, Ty Lawson, Chalmers, or Conley? AI is also a choice, but i already have brand, speights, and lou will.

and Omri, Hibbert, AR, or TT?

Looking to drop either Ersan, Tmac, or Dunleavy. Most likely going to hold out for now, but im going to start looking at my options.
My order of preference, Omri, Conley, AI, AR, Hibbert, but damn. tough choices
from the choices above, I'd get Casspi and Hibbert and drop Ersan and Tmac.
Casspi gives you pts, reb, 3's, fg% and a steal/blk here and there.
Hibbert will give you fg%, decent pts, reb and blks, especially with Fosters nagging injury he'll get more pt again.
He also had 2 games with 6 blks each in the past 3-4 games. If my PF and C aren't stacked at the moment, I'd pick Hibbert up myself.
thinking bout trading kaman and chalmers for rondo and biedrins cuz I need to improve my fg%, steals, and assts. good move? IIf Biedrins is a bust when hecomes back, haywood, dampier, and hibbert are on the wire.
Id do that. Hay, Damp, Hib are decent. Hib is starting to get PT again. he's inconsistent though. Damp would get you FG%, REBS, BLKS, but he'll getlike 10-15 minutes a game against teams that have quick, jump shooting centers like the Suns and Raps. So dont expect much when the Mavs face those type ofteams. i dont know much about Haywood, but he'll give you the usual.

Rondo is >>>> Chalmers though. Kaman is putting up good numbers it seems, but with Rondo and one of the three guys mentioned, you can make up forthe lost. Rondos a good rebounder too.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

thinking bout trading kaman and chalmers for rondo and biedrins cuz I need to improve my fg%, steals, and assts. good move? IIf Biedrins is a bust when he comes back, haywood, dampier, and hibbert are on the wire.
Do that trade. Who knows what Kaman's stats will be when Blake Griffin makes his debut, but I'm sure Kaman will take a hit. Biedrins isexpected to return this Saturday along with Turiaf. What I'm hearing is that since they're both returning at the same time, they'll ease into thegame, limiting their minutes and whatever. So at first, Biedrins might irritate you because he won't be getting his usual playing time, but at least youknow why.

Obviously, Rondo >>> Chalmers. Nothing more needs to be said.

But why is Haywood a FA in your league? I'd snatch him up a.s.a.p. Haywood is a beast with rebounds and blocks. Not to mention he shoots 52% from thefield.
J Rich, Odom, Dalembert
Marc Gasol, TMac

id be getting J rich and co.

current roster
g-CP3, arenas, G.Hill, C.Brewer, W.Chandler, Tmac
F-Dudley, B. Wallace, G.Wallace, Z.Randolph, Speights
C-Gasol, J. O'neal
nah I like Gasol over all those guys. Sam D is the only one who hasn't been slumping on the other side. to the guy that said I shuld get Haywood. I droppedhim for a Bogut or Perkins (better fg%) I think.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

nah I like Gasol over all those guys. Sam D is the only one who hasn't been slumping on the other side. to the guy that said I shuld get Haywood. I dropped him for a Bogut or Perkins (better fg%) I think.
You're switching points for rebounds.

Perkins has the edge in FG%, but how many shots does he really take a game? Perkins takes 7.6 shots per game and makes 4.9 of them. Haywood takes 7.3 shots pergame and makes 3.8 of them. So they both take the same amount of shots per game and Haywood makes one less that Perkins. In the grand scheme of things, howmuch does that really affect your FG%? Not by much.

Haywood has the slight edge in blocks and has the definite edge in less turnovers. I'd say Haywood easily over Perkins, but then again, if you'rethinking about adding Haywood, you might want to consider dropping someone else (if they're weaker than Perkins).
well to's don't count in my league. haywood and perkins actually attempt the same amt of shots and perkins makes 1 more shot and helps all around more.he's more likely to get an asst or two. Kaman, Bogut, Rashard, and Bynum are my other big men so I dnt think I really need him and I'm 3rd in board and2nd in blks. If Perkins slips or I make a trade then I'll consider grabbing Haywood.
For Saturday...

Mike Conley @Mavs


Lou Williams @Jazz

BTW - can't remember who told me way back when, but picking up Landry & Evans has saved my team.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

well to's don't count in my league. haywood and perkins actually attempt the same amt of shots and perkins makes 1 more shot and helps all around more. he's more likely to get an asst or two.
Yeah, and? Haywood is more likely to get a steal or two.

I'm just saying.
i was looking at my roster who to drop for Tyrus Thomas and i cant find anyone to drop i could drop either Lou Williams,Brand, or Bogut
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