Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

i really wanna get lou williams but iono if i should drop brand or marion i already have a pair of players from the same teams (s-jax and gwallace) and(billups and nene) what should i do im need of treys and assist
I have HAD IT with Richard Jefferson. Dropped his $%! from 2 of my teams (still have him on a third).

On the flip side, Beno has been wonderful for me.
I still don't see the big deal with Tyrus Thomas so personally, I wouldn't pick him up. I also read somewhere that Taj Gibson is being favored over himnow, just a bit more inconsistent I guess. If you were to pick him up though, I'd probably drop Courtney Lee. I'm not really sure what he has donelately but I read that he has been down and with all the blowout games Nets experiences, his minutes are most likely cut enough as it is.

I'd keep Brand and Marion over Lou Williams at this time. Brand was really affected being benched but for the good. Marion seems to be working hard againand with Dirk out, he'll get more into the offense.

People on the same teams do not bother me much. In one of my leagues, at one point I had Hedo, Bosh, Calderon, Bibby, JSmith, Aldridge, Miller, Oden, EGordonand Kaman all in one team.
should i trade brandon jennings for al horford? or which big man should i trade for him? i have a lot of guards (kobe, tyreke, crawford, westbrook, jameer,bj) on my team already.
He does provide steals but isn't that pretty much all he does?
He really is the only on dimensional player I see in your roster unless you are willing to drop one of your injured players?
I think when AI starts playing healthy again he will also get you the steals, when it comes to AI though, there just isn't anything concrete anymore so itis a chance.
If that were me though, I wouldn't get Tyrus, I'd look at Hibbert more at the moment while Granger is out.
ive had it with ai, lee, and tmac. brand is on his way out soon too.

everyone i pick up, somehow gets injured. at least the people ive dropped for them arent doing much better (hawes + cdr)
Originally Posted by y0uNgNdAnG3RoUs723

should i trade brandon jennings for al horford? or which big man should i trade for him? i have a lot of guards (kobe, tyreke, crawford, westbrook, jameer, bj) on my team already.
you can get more value for bj3. maybe trade rw instead. only downside of bj3 is his fg% lately.
Will Josh Howard be the same again? He isn't getting the same pt but he just isn't producing at all. Time to drop him?
And Hibbert with another 6-blocks game.
man u get rdy to pull the trigger quik too much. jh is still warming up. he's coming off the bench. one reason why his stats r down. he's had a fewdouble digit pt games and dropped 20 wen he came back. i'd try to stay patient with him.
It's just in the past 4-5 games, Howard has scored double digits but hasn't given much else.
Someone dropped Landry so I'll drop Howard for him but wasting my waiver on AI has cost me.
I dropped AI and no one has picked him up yet so if I do not get Landry, I'll just pick AI again.

Also, with Pryz getting hurt, is there anyone worth a look in the Blazers that could take that spot?
I'm thinking Bayless but the Blazers needs a big and Aldridge might get more reb but I can't imagine his scoring improving much.

Also a heads up, Earl Watson is worth a look for those lacking a PG. He gave pretty good numbers when he started in the Sonics/Thunders before iirc.
Him being put in the starting line up over Ford has made him productive, especially in the short handed Pacers.
Fantasy Basketball experts, criticize my team, tell me what i need to look for. Tmac is going to be dropped for Sefolosha perhaps. 12 team league

You need 3's and assists. Chandler, Arenas and Dudley aren't going to get you much 3's and CP3 and Arenas are your only assist producers and Arenasisn't even that consistent in that department. I would try and get maybe QRich for TMac if possible.
Aaron Brooks/Biedrins (receiving)
Marc Gasol/Tmac (giving)

hows that sound?

Gasol/Jermaine O'Neal/Corey Brewer
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Is Juwan Howard going to get the bulk of the playing time now?
Pretty much. He and started tonight and I think his back up is Anthony Tolliver.

Trailblazer fans must be sick.
I swear i have such bad luck with fantasy.

i drop redd, he starts coming back making a somewhat solid production.
i take diaw, he starts sucking. i pick up CDR, he gets injured.
i take AI, he gets injured. i pickup Tmac, he doesnt get no burn. once i drop hawes, he gets inserted back into the starting lineup.
pickup ersan, dude shoots about 10% these past two games. drop lee, he does his thing tonight.

only solid pickups were dunleavy, speights, and frye.
Picked up Yi, but not in time for the game... had to drop Pryzbilla


@ JR'sstat line: 27 pts on 10/16 including 6/9 3pts in less than 20 mins
... but nothing else.No boards, assists, steals, blocks, fouls, or turnovers



but my dude can't hit a FT to save his life
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