OfficiaL '16 NYK offseason thread, Melo goes to bodega in bathrobe and Olympic hat

In the past few months, Who's been your favorite Melo? Multiple choice

  • A. Olympic Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Civil Rights Activist Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Brazilian hood Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Ninja Turtle movie star Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E. Old man annoyed by kids Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F. Yankee/Mets fan Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • G. Met Gala Fashion show Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If he's leaving OKC Knicks are a legit good option. Melo and KP. Established star for today and one for the future. Matchup nightmare with that trio. Get a couple of shooters and guards and that's a solid team.
I may be totally wrong but didn't KD grow up in a single mother home? Hence the "you the real MVP" speech?

Why would he care what his pops wants or what team is his favorite?
If he's leaving OKC Knicks are a legit good option. Melo and KP. Established star for today and one for the future. Matchup nightmare with that trio. Get a couple of shooters and guards and that's a solid team.

Add in LeBron being the only one in the way of a trip to the Finals & it's an intriguing option.
off topic : I've never been a Chris Rock fan , but it's ridiculous that he's getting hate . That stank burrito eater has no talent
It's based on league revenue which is mostly known to a good percentage right now. Isn't until 1st week of July until it's an exact number. So it's pretty much guaranteed the cap will be $90-92mil cap.

And the next jump I believe is factoring a new tv deal increase. I believe.
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I agree with foam though...IF and that's a big IF KD does leave OKC, then the Knicks and Celtics are really the only logical teams to go to. Puting finances aside, where else would he go? Those are the best situations for him.

Atlanta: nowhere close to winning a chip
Boston: good role players, great coach, tons of money
Brooklyn: roc nation? SIKE
Charlotte: no
Chicago: can't afford him
Cleveland: obvious
Dallas: don't think they have money
Denver: sucks
Detroit: downgrade
GSW: not gonna break up their core
Houston: LOL
Indiana: has PG and not much else
LA: Clips can't afford him and the Lakers need to rebuild
Memphis: downgrade
Miami: can't afford
Milwaukee: downgrade
Minnesota: unless they plan on trading Wiggins...
NYC: we already know
NOP: nawwwww
OKC: just made the WCF
Orlando: downgrade
Philly: ***** please
Phoenix: nope
Portland: ehhh
Sacramento: lol
San Antonio: can't afford
Toronto: same
Utah: already got a good young core
Washington: ehhh lateral move/downgrade
Again I think you're discounting how much cap space the Lakers really have.

And KD isn't a singular free agent. He's a guy that where he goes, he can change the entire landscape of Free Agency, and suddenly guys who you knew where they were going, now are in a different mindset.

The Knicks are also a team where they already have a player that makes the fit wonky.

Lakers have enough room for say
1. KD at max
2. Whiteside at max
3. If they unload Lou Williams for a pick in 2017
4. Stretch Swaggy P's contract.

At that point, they could then
5. Re-sign Clarkson for $10mil a year.

So that's KD & Whiteside + 4 Young Players, 3 of which have shown great potential in one way or another. And a 4th guy who is viewed as a prospect very similar to KD.

And STILL $14.1mil left in cap space for say a Kent Bazemore. That number becomes $19.1mil if a team decides that they want to max Jordan Clarkson and we match.

Then you factor in 2017, and we then have another $17mil on top of that because of a cap increase. $22mil if Clarkson had a max deal and we matched.

KD is not going anywhere, anyway.
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