**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

I won't go as far to say Felton is a bum, but he's been playing like one as of late. I don't mean to sound like I watch something all you don't, but I got season tix and dude was brutal tonight, and has been pretty bad for the better part of 2 months. Some of you guys calling for his head is
cause I felt like that at the game and I've felt like that a bunch as of late but you look at his overall body of work thus far and it's been better than he's played of late. But I'm with y'all with Ray Ray's play recently, dude's been hot basura. He makes decent passes but I feel like he doesn't see the play developing in general. He can see the easy pass but I don't think he quite understands setting up angles off the P&R and I think he only sees the first pass if y'all know what I'm saying. He gives the ball up WAY to early on the break, and pounds the rock WAY too much in our half court set. I swear when Amar'e went down early when he took that spill for some reason Felton irked the #** out of me on that. Dude gave Amar'e the ball as he was crossing half court. !+* is good with that, SMFH. I thought our offense was based off spacing and ball movement, not gonna get either with Ray Ray pounding the rock for the first 15 seconds than rushing into the P&R. Personally I think he's been %$***+% awful defensively for the last month or so. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he probably has no legs cause of dumb %!@ Pringles but still, repeatedly letting BDiddy get into the lane and get toasted by 90 year old Jason Kidd & JJ Barea is just

This just an angry post game rant, I don't wanna say eff Ray Ray yet, but I will say eff Pringles, I have no problem saying that Ray's been playing like this cause !*%@#@$ Pringles has no idea how to manage minutes & a bench SMFH
i saw most of the first half and 4th quarter and from what i saw and the numbers, it was the baron davis show. he was blowing past players at will, had swag turned up all the way under the msg lights, and was like a maestro with the rock orchestrating. dude really put on a show and had 16 pts 16 assists. it seems like hes still got it when motivated and playing uptempo.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Yall still really want to keep Gallo/Fields/Chandler? You're not gonna contend with them, if I was you guys I'd be rioting outside MSG til Dolan gets Melo on a red eye to NYC.
pretty sure most people are ok with trading chandler. perhaps a few less are willing to let of of gallinari (i really don't care if he stays or goes, but he's the "teacher's pet" on this team. he can do no wrong in d'antoni's eyes, which is irritating). fields should not be touched.

my take on all this has been that the knicks do whatever is necessary to get melo before the deadline unless the knicks are certain melo is coming in july if they wait it out and they know it's a for sure for sure thing.

the knicks are 26-25   they've had some good wins this year but they've had a bunch of  "what the hell just happened" type losses as well.

you don't wanna wake up and see  espn breaking news- melo traded to bulls or whoever and agrees to 3 year extension.  then what wait it out a few more years on a guy like chris paul or derron williams or dwight howard when it's not a guarantee they'll go to the knicks.

if your uncertain it's a for sure thing melos comming, anyone on that team is expendable except amare.   wilson chandler, gallonari, and landry fields are all replaceable players,  you can find another chandler, gallo, and landry fields either through the draft or free agency.  Carmelo Anthony is a top 10 player in the league,  those being on the market don't come around that often. The NBA is a superstar league. You have a team with Amare and Melo and a decent pg in Raymond Felton, players will want to come play on a good team in the leagues biggest market.

I remember back in 05-06  knick fans were talkin about how channing frye was untouchable in trades, you don't wanna do the same thing with gallo, chandler, and fields. of course the ideal situation is to wait it out til the offseason and sign him in july but if the knicks have even the slightest of doubts about him for sure signing then they should make the move now.
Don't wanna be one of those unrealistically optimistic Knicks fans but if this team was 10-25 and made a run to be 26-25, this thread wouldn't have even a quarter of the hate that it currently does...We're like 3 wins off of last season AS A WHOLE and we still have 31 games to play..Before the season began everyone was on that "Lets pray for the playoffs" crap, and now you guys are trying to make in season moves to win a championship...Everyone is saying "We can get this center and that point guard in the summer" like things are guaranteed in this league

You wanna dump almost half of our roster for Carmelo when our only way of winning a title is by adding pieces AFTER this season? Then why not wait for Melo in the offseason? Because random "sources" claim the Lakers wanna trade for Carmelo when Jerry Buss basically said no way in hell, and Melo said what the eff are you talkin about? Everyone in here wants to be an NBA GM and predict what Carmelo will do, just like almost half of the people in this thread could have put money that Lebron was coming to NY after the Cavs lost to Boston..Walsh knows what he's doing...It's not that easy to find young talent in this league and before these trade rumors began, our young core was playing as well as you can expect a bunch of players in their lower 20s to play...Obviously if you're playing in NEW YORK GODDAMN CITY and there are rumors you're going to play in lame %*@ Denver, Colorado, it's going to mess with your head...You guys are mad that these guys are rattled by trade talks because they love playing in our city? C'monnnnnnnnn mannnnnnnnnn

Sorry for the rant but this thread is filled with 99% negativity any time I check it, which is why I've laid off posting in here lately...And for the record I'm willing to give up pieces for Carmelo but not half our roster
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Sorry for the rant but this thread is filled with 99% negativity any time I check it, which is why I've laid off posting in here lately...And for the record I'm willing to give up pieces for Carmelo but not half our roster

nothing wrong with a rant, i guess i just see differently on it.
i have no clue what's going on behind the scenes.  if they don't trade for melo by the deadline im going to assume their 100% certain he's going to sign with them in the offseason.

however im a firm believer in the fact that guys like gallo, fields, and chandler are replaceable. whereas a guy like melo isn't.   ill use the 1992 trade of jeff hornacek, tim perry, and andrew lang for charles barkely as an example.  hornacek was a pretty good player at the time and tim perry and andrew lang were serviceable role players for the early 90's Suns but all 3 of those guys were replaceable while the impact Barkely had on the Suns was immediate. a guy like Melo paired up with Amare could have a similar impact.

again im going to emphasize that you don't make the trade unless you have doubts he'll come in the summer. being realistic with them trying to throw the timberwolves in the trade or find a third team, Melo could probably be had by only giving up 2 of those 3 guys i mentioned and if that can be done  there's no way you don't pull the trigger on that.

D'Antoni lost this game tonight. No doubt about it. 

First of all, where was Mozgov in the 4th quarter ?

Second, Foye started to go off when D'Antoni subbed Toney Douglas out. I was pissed at dude when he helped so hard off of Foye and Foye knocked the 3 down as well and this is when he got yanked, but bottom line is that T.D. was the reason we were even back in the game. And he's our best on ball defender. Foye would have never got on the roll he got on with T.D. bumping and tripping all over him.

D'Antoni has to accept that Mozgod is going to have to be on the floor and he has to be getting 30+ minutes. Mozgov has showed me nothing but good things. He's a game changer. He's running up and down the court effortlessly. The centers on other teams are not able to run as much as this guy. Even he if not scoring he's creating an advantage, because he has the Centers on the other team tired, because they are trying to keep up with him. When they aren't able to stay with him, he's getting easy wide open buckets under the basket. He knows his spots and he's started to get comfortable with making moves under the rim now, with pump fakes and drop steps etc. This will only continue to improve if D'Antoni gives him the PT. On defense, if he's not blocking the shot, he's altering it. Just the fact that there is a 7 footer makes the PG, SG or whoever is looking to penetrate think a different way. He's not the best one on one defender, but that can improve IMO. It's still only his first year, but he's showing that giving him the minutes and experience is also giving him more confidence and he's getting more comfortable with how the game is moving, and he can develop a nice rhythm.

I agree with the break down RuffRydya08 gave about Felton. I believe that Felton sometimes wants to be so good that it becomes detrimental to the team. He starts to want to create the run or be the reason why we are up. I don't fully think this is a bad thing though, because I like that competitiveness about Felton. It just becomes a little too much sometime. I also believe that his struggles are also a product of D'Antoni's lack of ability to create a rotation that doesn't force Felton to kill himself. (Some of the blame goes to Toney Douglas as well IMO, being that he hasn't exactly been the most reliable for D'Antoni) Overall, I am still mildly satisfied with what Felton does for us.

Amare is becoming another product of too much play time, but D'Antoni really hasn't had a choice and right now Amare is bottom line our horse, so we gotta hope he's Rocky type Stallion. My son showing me he tough so far.

Fields is starting to become a little to inconsistent for me, I mean the effort is there. He's always trying to rebound, but for games like this, when he's obviously not in an offensive rhythm I expect for him to try and make a difference on the defensive end as a lock down defender. He has the size, speed and athleticism to be a great defender and I don't always see the attempt from him to be great at it.

Gallo continues to impress me. I love how he's forcing the refs to make a call. He's being aggressive and this opens things up for Amare and Moz, because big men are going to help off them because Gallo is just blowing past his defenders or making a good move. If he shot better we would have had a better chance to win.

Chandler is obviously being affected by the trade talks. I don't see the same Chandler I saw during the 8? game win streak. That stretch after the 3-8 start that got us to something like 15-8, dude had me dismissing Melo rumors like we had a special player. I still believe dude can become that, but it's obvious he has to overcome things mentally. He's has to find that zone and stay there. Injuries probably are playing a big part in his decline as well though, so I don't really want to go to hard on son. But I am now willing to part with dude to get Melo.

At the end of the day, I watched this game and then coincidentally the NBA TV channel is showing the second part of the double header which was Nuggets vs Warriors.
But anyway I watched the game closely, well at least Melo (and Monta, that boy is crazy) individually. I was convinced that we need him or another player of his caliber if we want to contend. He displayed almost all the traits the Knicks are missing. A guy who can control tempo and mood of the game. A guy that has the ability to effect the way the refs call the game. (Amare can also do this, but isn't as effective as Melo.) A guy that you can go to in a drought for a basket. Another post-up option, being that Amare is our ONLY post-up option. Another guy he demands a double team.

I still stand pat on not giving up too much, but I can't lie, I'm starting to feel like Fields, as much as I love what he does and believe he will get better I can't get past his inconsistencies. If we want to really contend for a chip we should jump on the road right now. Don't let Amare over work himself and possibly hurt himself for another year when you have the chance to pair him up with someone that will push the team into contention.
I might be reaching with this comment, but with all the times Chandler has publicly stated that he would never wanna leave NYC, how do we know that now that the Nuggets trade talks are heating up that he's not purposely playing like crap to ensure Denver doesn't want him? I remember early in the season when there were rumors that Carmelo told the Nuggets that he wants to play for the Knicks, Chandler went into a slump for a few games..Then once it was speculated that the Nuggets had no interest at all in the Knicks, Wilson was going off and helping the team during our 8/9 game winning streak...Now that the trade rumors are back, he's shooting like crap and his surgically repaired ankle is "hurting?"

I'm usually not one to question a player's heart when it comes to an injury but when I watch him on court, he runs just as fast as he usually runs..and with the reports that the Nuggets are hesitant to pull the trigger because they're concerned with Wilson's health, how do we know he's not purposely milking the situation to appear that his ankle is bothering him to scare the Nuggets away? That's just my theory
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I might be reaching with this comment, but with all the times Chandler has publicly stated that he would never wanna leave NYC, how do we know that now that the Nuggets trade talks are heating up that he's not purposely playing like crap to ensure Denver doesn't want him? I remember early in the season when there were rumors that Carmelo told the Nuggets that he wants to play for the Knicks, Chandler went into a slump for a few games..Then once it was speculated that the Nuggets had no interest at all in the Knicks, Wilson was going off and helping the team during our 8/9 game winning streak...Now that the trade rumors are back, he's shooting like crap and his surgically repaired ankle is "hurting?"

I'm usually not one to question a player's heart when it comes to an injury but when I watch him on court, he runs just as fast as he usually runs..and with the reports that the Nuggets are hesitant to pull the trigger because they're concerned with Wilson's health, how do we know he's not purposely milking the situation to appear that his ankle is bothering him to scare the Nuggets away? That's just my theory

  if i was playing in either new york or los angeles and i was the subject of trade rumors to a place like denver, milwaukee, or cleveland  i'd be one unhappy camper  ill put it at that.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I might be reaching with this comment, but with all the times Chandler has publicly stated that he would never wanna leave NYC, how do we know that now that the Nuggets trade talks are heating up that he's not purposely playing like crap to ensure Denver doesn't want him? I remember early in the season when there were rumors that Carmelo told the Nuggets that he wants to play for the Knicks, Chandler went into a slump for a few games..Then once it was speculated that the Nuggets had no interest at all in the Knicks, Wilson was going off and helping the team during our 8/9 game winning streak...Now that the trade rumors are back, he's shooting like crap and his surgically repaired ankle is "hurting?"

I'm usually not one to question a player's heart when it comes to an injury but when I watch him on court, he runs just as fast as he usually runs..and with the reports that the Nuggets are hesitant to pull the trigger because they're concerned with Wilson's health, how do we know he's not purposely milking the situation to appear that his ankle is bothering him to scare the Nuggets away? That's just my theory

  if i was playing in either new york or los angeles and i was the subject of trade rumors to a place like denver, milwaukee, or cleveland  i'd be one unhappy camper  ill put it at that.
You feel me? I can't blame the guy either but if Carmelo gets traded to a different team and suddenly Wil is dropping 25 a night again, I for one am gonna be EXTREMELY pissed..I don't think many people will disagree that NYC>Denver, but that makes you question the guys heart, especially if you're Denver..Let's hope he starts playing well soon, not just for us to win games but to hopefully be able to get Carmelo
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

amare a post up option.. lol

and what you expect from fields.. he is a rookie
Amare posts the guy up and then faces him up. Still starts as a post-up.

Eh, I don't know with Fields. I guess that's why I don't go all the way against him. Like I said I like a lot of what he does, and you can't always find guys who do those intangible things like he does. I DO believe he's going to be a very good player. Just want him to be more consistent and want to see him take the initiative to guard the best guy and take pride in trying to shut him down, because that would be his perfect role on a Championship contending team. That in addition to what he already does would make him a complete player.
I will NEVER hate on Fields as long as he's on this team because his coach is MIKE D'ANTONI AKA PRINGLES AKA MY IDEA OF COACHING IS "SHOOT THEN SHOOT THEN SHOOT SOME MORE" 
Let's take a look at all our good rookies under D'Antoni that are currently on the Knicks besides Fields.............
There are none
This guy can't coach his way out of a paper bag with roaches playing defense..People were constantly saying "Amar'e will be nothing w/o Nash"...Word? How about D'Antoni will FOREVER be nothing w/o Nash? Those teams that he coached were getting to the playoffs more because of Nash and less because of Pringles..Look at what happened last season with almost the same team and w/ Gentry coaching..They were a game away from being in the NBA Finals.

Fields is essentially learning how to be a better player on his own..The Knicks coaching staff needs to be changed as a whole...Herb Williams is an assistant coach? For real? The guy wasn't even good as a player and when he was interim coach for a while, the team was even worse than it already was...The Magic have a guy like Patrick Ewing (who should have been offered an assistant coaching job a long time ago
) and he has been a huge help for Howard..And Amar'e credits a lot of his maturity to Gentry, none to D'Antoni...I guarantee if we had a coach or assistant coach that was good at helping players develop, Fields would be much more consistant than he currently is..Same goes for Gallo
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I will NEVER hate on Fields as long as he's on this team because his coach is MIKE D'ANTONI AKA PRINGLES AKA MY IDEA OF COACHING IS "SHOOT THEN SHOOT THEN SHOOT SOME MORE" 
Let's take a look at all our good rookies under D'Antoni that are currently on the Knicks besides Fields.............
There are none
This guy can't coach his way out of a paper bag with roaches playing defense..People were constantly saying "Amar'e will be nothing w/o Nash"...Word? How about D'Antoni will FOREVER be nothing w/o Nash? Those teams that he coached were getting to the playoffs more because of Nash and less because of Pringles..Look at what happened last season with almost the same team and w/ Gentry coaching..They were a game away from being in the NBA Finals.

Fields is essentially learning how to be a better player on his own..The Knicks coaching staff needs to be changed as a whole...Herb Williams is an assistant coach? For real? The guy wasn't even good as a player and when he was interim coach for a while, the team was even worse than it already was...The Magic have a guy like Patrick Ewing (who should have been offered an assistant coaching job a long time ago
) and he has been a huge help for Howard..And Amar'e credits a lot of his maturity to Gentry, none to D'Antoni...I guarantee if we had a coach or assistant coach that was good at helping players develop, Fields would be much more consistant than he currently is..Same goes for Gallo

im not a Knicks fan by any means but i've never been big on mike antoni when he was in phoenix either.  a mike antoni team can only go so far with his coaching style.  ill give mike antoni another season before he's gone.
D'Antoni is a problem for us and isn't the coach that will get us to the Finals unless he's paired with a great defensive assistant. I agree some of his coaching style maybe deterring Fields from developing and being consistent, but I won't hang Pringles all the way out there, because I also feel like there are some elements in his system that do create advantages for players and can be big elements of a Championship team. His style has also allowed us to be at an advantage against teams that are clearly better then us talent wise.
But besides Felton, there is no player that has improved under D'Antoni besides their PPG improving...Gallo does now what he always has...Same with Chandler, Douglass, etc..Never looked at a player during the D'Antoni era and thought "wow he has really improved his defense/rebounding/passing/etc.. And even with the increase in scoring, it's usually due to their volume of shooting...I can put money that if you compared the amount of shots that Felton used to take compared to how many he does now, you would see why his average has increased..And Amar'e ended last season on a tear, and many were calling him one of the best players in the NBA during the playoffs so D'Antoni or his style are definitely not responsible for Amare's game being more well rounded
That Shawne Williams center crap is gettin annoying.

I know he drop a few passes but these people look off Mozgod too much.
But he has to learn how to space the floor. I saw too many times where he was too close to the ball handler make it easy for congestion and contested shots.
He is almost stupid aggressive on defense. He left Jordan alone too many times.

Chandler has to realize he is messing with his FA money too by playing bad. I don't want to say he's doing it on purpose like everyone else.

Real talk what's Bdiddy contract situation looking like? because him with some shooters would be deadly right now
[h3]Stern Pushing For Walsh To Remain In Control Of Knicks[/h3]
Feb 09, 2011 18:07 PM EST


NBAcommissioner David Stern has worked behind the scenes to make sure thatDonne Walsh remains the president of the Knicks, according to a source.

Three years ago, Stern lobbied owner James Dolan to hire Walsh to restore respectability to the franchise in the wake of the Isiah Thomas fiasco.

Last Friday, the New York Post reported that Dolan has hesitated onexercising the option on the fourth and final year of Walsh's contractbecause he still has Thomas on his radar. He has until April 30 toexercise Walsh's option.

In a rare occurrence, Stern released a statement on the day Walsh was hired as president, April 3, 2008.

The statement read, “In Donnie, the Knicks have secured the servicesof a seasoned basketball professional who is held in high regardthroughout the league and to whom I have often turned for input onbasketball matters over the years.
Dolan needs to be kidnapped and held hostage to prevent ruining things.....again. No one can be that stupid. Seriously. This man is so focused on keeping his boyfriend close to him at all times...This has to be considered sabotage. I would say David Stern should fine him for such stupidity, but that would just raise our Cablevision bills....
We need to get d'antoni fired

Game was terrible, Blake was going off

Moz was doing good until antoni took him out and we started getting murdered

Chandler was no where to be found , gallo played good TD amare, did ok but where was everyone else

We really need a whole new coaching staff

And also we need melo
Same old story, a bad loss and we need to fire our coach RIGHT NOW... despite A. Not having any quality replacements available and B. not understanding what firing a coach would do to this team in the middle of the season. Meanwhile, a big win against a top team and everyone will be back to "DONT TRADE ANYONE... GUYS LIKE CHANDLER AND FIELDS DONT GROW ON TREES!!!!!!" Same old.. we need to play more defense and also lets get Carmelo Anthony too
then magically Amare will get the defensive mindset of Kevin Garnett and we'll be fine.

If we make the playoffs, D'Antoni is safe... deal with it. Assuming we don't have an awful start to next season (whenever that is), he'll probably be here another year too. Unless we lose 18 out of the next 20, we're not firing him midseason and while some would be thrilled if he got canned, right now it would come at the expense of our team and this year's playoff hopes.
i agree we need a new coach... when they fired isiah and wanted a new coach i thought the knicks would go with avery johnson or mark jackson but wouldn't want the latter because of no experience... but a lot of knicks fans wanted mark... so realistically who would yall want as a new coach? i mean realistically as in coaches that are actually available and are not coaching or even assistant coaches...you could laugh all you want but my choice would be mike brown... hes all about defense and he win consistently with a garbage team... they had lebron which is a huge difference but who else was helping lebron on that team? you can say lebron made that much of a difference which i agree with but the defense helped a lot as well...and dolan needs to get his head straight if hes really thinking of getting isiah back instead of walsh...
when i was watching the game last night, like alot of people already stated chandler needs to go, why was he in the game?

i remember they were down my 3 points, TD passed him a corner 3, he hesitated, pump faked then got blocked by Jordan.. smh I was like yoooooo why is he even in the game?

and i agree why did Dantoni take out mozgod?

smh.. this has got to be fixed

clif notes

1, watch the game

2 chandler is scared/shaky

3. why take out mozgod?
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