Official 11/23 N Y Jets ( 7-3 ) vs. Tenn. Titans ( 10 - 0 ) vol. 10 - 1 .......


The last time Favre played us(4 years ago)... he stunk it up.... Our D is much better, Favre isn't as good....

I am worried about the Jets run D shutting down our RB's though.

22-13 Titans
pace, harris, and jenkins will make Fatboy work so hard for a yard he may actually lose 15 pounds

Jets fans actin like Chris Johnson ain't any good. Come on.

Jets could win this game, but no way I put faith in Brett goin two straight without givng up stupid int's. Won't happen. It's in the dudes DNA toforce throws for no reason, Titans D makes him pay for that.

Should be a great game. Help us out Titans.
He just isn't a better all around back than Jones at this point....he is better than Leon tho.

^^ and David Harris hasn't played the last 3 weeks, and probably won't this week
We are not going to be able to run the ball on this Titans team. Their guys up front are too good and Thomas Jones needs good blocking to do anything. Thisgame is really on Farve's shoulders and we are going to see if we got our money's worth for him. I think we can pull this game out. Our guys upfrontcan't stop the Titans rush and I am not that worried about your wr's burning us especially when we got lil Ashomuga aka Revis on one side of the field.
^ favre was my favorite qb when he was with the packers, imagine now
not to sound like a 10 year old girl but dreams do come true

I hope the jets win. titans got a hell of a defense especially the front 7. Since we know the d-line of the titans is gonna come for brett's head
I think the jets need to do screens to leon washington and to jericho to get the ball out of farve's hands fast and to keep him from getting hit
on every pass play also to set up a couple long bombs down the field.
Originally Posted by onewearz

jerricho gonna make another "cotch" like this on sunday


That was such a sick catch, I don't know how he pulled that in. Cotchery is
I've like Cotchery since 04 when he got hit and flipped but landed on his feet and went the distance for a TD.
I love the fact that we had a long week to prepare for these fools. I hate the fact that our coaching staff probably isn't good enough to take advantage.
I want the Jets to lose so I can see more Mercury Morris

"They've got 6 iceburgs left on this titantic journey, nobody's made it EXCEPT US!"

Oh and ALlen, i'll be @ recovery room watching the Dallas game
I'm really worried about the fact that Nick Harper is not gonna play.... Garrard couldn't exploit Chris Carr last week, but Favre is another story.
Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

I've like Cotchery since 04 when he got hit and flipped but landed on his feet and went the distance for a TD.

I don't know how the hell he managed to do that, but it was so sick. The 'coolest' thing I've ever seen to happen in the NFL.
^ i got chills seeing that

favre's gonna get busy in this one, can't wait.

and wifey asked me to paint the bathroom
that s**t aint getting done
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