Offical Manny Pacquiao VS Ricky Hatton May 2nd 9pmET/6pmPT HBO PPV

Im over here tryna catch the KO on ESPN news and they dont show the KO. They just show one of the knockdowns.

@ that KO. Hatton was DONE.
Originally Posted by heat23

Originally Posted by tha2one

3,000 POST!

Im a PROUD Pinoy right now!!!!! man!!!


Thats what he deserved, as for Floyd Senior..


Flag colors? Perfect!
Can you also do one fading from blue to yellow to red?
Oh man! i dont know how to do that!

Originally Posted by tha2one

3,000 POST!

Im a PROUD Pinoy right now!!!!! man!!!


Thats what he deserved, as for Floyd Senior..

congrats pare on the 3k post!

pacman ftw! mabuhay ang pilipinas! mabuhay!!!!
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Someone with a DVR, please post a gif.


You know damn well we were all watching choppy net streams.

its dumb late but tomtacks had an excellent feed. real clear.
Originally Posted by tha2one

Originally Posted by heat23

Originally Posted by tha2one

3,000 POST!

Im a PROUD Pinoy right now!!!!! man!!!


Thats what he deserved, as for Floyd Senior..


Flag colors? Perfect!
Can you also do one fading from blue to yellow to red?
Oh man! i dont know how to do that!


It's perfect as it is anyway!
Originally Posted by ballinsincekneehigh

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Dude I wanted Pacman to lose. Why are you on my @(#*??? Hop off...


Thats right homie take your L hahah

What L? Only loser I see here is some dude acting up over the internet. Some dude infatuated with my posts. You're persistent in trying to give me an"L". Yet you're just making yourself look like some angry little toddler who lets all his aggression over an internet message board.

Seriously dude? Really that desperate for any remnant of a victory? Lmao...Wow...
manny manny manny it was too early i couldnt even hear any of the manny chants start. what an amazing performance!
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by ballinsincekneehigh

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Dude I wanted Pacman to lose. Why are you on my @(#*??? Hop off...


Thats right homie take your L hahah

What L? Only loser I see here is some dude acting up over the internet. Some dude infatuated with my posts. You're persistent in trying to give me an "L". Yet you're just making yourself look like some angry little toddler who lets all his aggression over an internet message board.

Seriously dude? Really that desperate for any remnant of a victory? Lmao...Wow...

Ok Okk you got me......Dont hit me with the correct spelling and all that haha. Lame. Go Manny yay...Yes I bandwagon, you mad doggie?
Dunno if this got posted or not... Just entered the thread. My bad if it was.
Full match:
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by BC2310

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by BC2310

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by ballinsincekneehigh

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by jacksonvilleNC

Finally we have filipino athlete to look up to

See I hate that talk...

Not because its true...

Because it took so long for so many Filipino people to become conscious of him...

Where were ya'll when I was a fan of his in 2003 when he beat Barrera?

Where were ya'll when he lost to Morales?

When he fought to a draw against Marquez?


I hate that....Don't jump on the bandwagon now. I've been a fan and I've stopped being one since he got that controversial win against Marquez in their 2nd bout...

Much respect to the Republic of the Philippines and all of its beautiful people, but seriously STOP hopping on the bandwagon....DUDE HAS BEEN A BEAST FOR NEARLY A DECADE!!!!!!!!!

$!@$ youre a lame. You swear others watch boxing as muchas others. Just be happy idiot

Then don't watch boxing if you're going to be ignorant dude. Hop off, don't be mad because you're clueless....

Boxing needs casual fans, but even casual fans can be somewhat knowledgeable.

My dude I acknowledge the fact that you're a boxing fan but you're talking all this bandwagon business and you said you were a MP fan since '03 until his 2nd fight with Marquez, highly contro split dec. doesn't that mean you're jumping bandwagons?
I mean it was a controversial decision but if you were a fan shouldn't you stick with your guy no matter what. it's not like manny himself made the judges decision for them.

Manny P4P King of the Boxing world!!!
I'm gonna go drink San Miguel's

I'm not a fan because he "won" that fight...

I'm not a fan because he didn't push for a 3rd fight...

Marquez wanted to fight. Pacman usually is all "yeah I'm with whateva" type steez, but not for Marquez? I mean I started liking him because of his "Its wateva" type steez, but suddenly that steez was compromised because of the prospect of a 3rd fight with Marquez???


Say it aint so I say....That broke my heart. Real talk. It hurt me when Pacman didn't push for a 3rd fight.

Why's manny gonna push for a third fight when he's got more paper to make, he got a lotta leaches and needs as much paper as possible, I'm sure that they will fight again and it will put all discussions to a rest until then it's pointless to argue.

It's funny to me how you were typing in x10 font about how Hatton was gonna win in 7 and I know you already said you shouldn't of went against the man and you were right

DONT BET AGAINST PACMAN!!! HE is THAT DUDE!!! When he does fight MM or Marquez I'm sure you'll be on the thread in your big font stating how MM or Marquez is gonna win in 8 and how Manny's gonna be seeing double in his hotel room
Not likely Manny Haters HATE HARDER!!!
Okay not a Manny "hater"...

This is exactly what I mean, dudes coming in here talking like Pacman is God. He's not going to beat Mayweather or Marquez easily IF he does win. Which is he is capable of. I wanted Hatton to show the world that Manny is still human. I was wrong for going against Manny, I admit it. But ya'll blow things out of proportion when it comes to that dude.

Let me just paste what you posted before the fight started so I can prove my allegations of hating on MP:

SneakerHeathen wrote:

When Pacquiao gets back to his hotel room....

& He finally looks at himself in the mirror....

He'll probably be seeing a few Pacquaios....


There will always and forever be only one Ricky Hatton, the man who will do what Marquez did...

Beat Paquaio....

The catch?

This time someones going to get credit for beating that hype machine.

Hatton in 7.


My Dud you're a MP Hater or at least thats how you're coming off, I know that Manny wouldn't walk through MM or JMM but I believe he would win bothfights, If you werent a hater you wouldn't of posted that laughable statement about him looking in the mirror
you gotta admit from what you posted earlier you do sound like a hater

It's even funnier that Hatton got dundeezed like that, out cold for a long minute, he's gonna have nightmares about MP. Then you're hating on himfor having subpar english, my dude YOUR A HATER and HE A FIGHTER!!!
Originally Posted by BC2310

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Okay not a Manny "hater"...

This is exactly what I mean, dudes coming in here talking like Pacman is God. He's not going to beat Mayweather or Marquez easily IF he does win. Which is he is capable of. I wanted Hatton to show the world that Manny is still human. I was wrong for going against Manny, I admit it. But ya'll blow things out of proportion when it comes to that dude.

Let me just paste what you posted before the fight started so I can prove my allegations of hating on MP:

SneakerHeathen wrote:

When Pacquiao gets back to his hotel room....

& He finally looks at himself in the mirror....

He'll probably be seeing a few Pacquaios....


There will always and forever be only one Ricky Hatton, the man who will do what Marquez did...

Beat Paquaio....

The catch?

This time someones going to get credit for beating that hype machine.

Hatton in 7.


My Dud you're a MP Hater or at least thats how you're coming off, I know that Manny wouldn't walk through MM or JMM but I believe he would win both fights, If you werent a hater you wouldn't of posted that laughable statement about him looking in the mirror
you gotta admit from what you posted earlier you do sound like a hater

It's even funnier that Hatton got dundeezed like that, out cold for a long minute, he's gonna have nightmares about MP. Then you're hating on him for having subpar english, my dude YOUR A HATER and HE A FIGHTER!!!
Subpar english? When did I comment about his english?

When I quoted him saying "I just fighter?"

That was not a bash...You misunderstood. That was a statement. He is still humble after what he did tonight. That takes a lot to just say "I'mjust", especially in this sport. This sport is a sport of egos. People don't say "I'm just". People toot their own horns all the timeand for him to be that humble and say he's just a fighter takes a lot...

He's not just a fighter, he's a helluva fighter. Damned good fighter that proved me wrong. Don't take me out of context because YOU can'tunderstand where I'm coming from or understand how big of a statement that is....

You fail....

I posted my reasoning multiple times for why I'm no longer a Pacquiao fan. In fact I was a fan probably longer than you. I lost my respect for him for agood reason.

Posting a prediction is not hating lol. Picking someone to beat another is not hating. Calling someone a hype machine (to really no fault of his own) is nothating.

He is a hype machine. Alot of people proved it tonight.
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