Offical Bulls VS Celtics game 6 post

tossed? ejected? !@!
y'all act like he threw a punch.
Originally Posted by JaFlash

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by JaFlash

Rondo did the smart thing.

He's not stupid.

Can't get suspended.
Smart? Getting potentially kicked out the game is smart? That's a dumb thing to write

I was referring to him backing away. He is needed in game 7. He throws a punch he is prob ejected and supspended for game 7

Rondo wasn't backing up cause he wanted to avoid suspension. $!+%@ just realized what he did and didn't want it
Originally Posted by jcuk3tm0

Originally Posted by THE SAUNA

who's watching the comcast sportsnet telecast, these announcers are going so hard on rondo and the whole celtics bench

they always do. i had to turn it off at the end of last game because it got a little out of hand
Man I wish I was home to hear him and the other cat.Stacy had me crying when Rose crossed Miller up last year.

He needs to get Randy Brown a job though
Damn this game is killing me. Got a +!!#!+% 8 page essay due tomorrow and go 3 more pages to go
. No way I can stop watching now
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

big deal, he tried to toss Hinrich aside.

but he's such a +*%@% to be back peddling huh? i guess he should fight him and get tossed/suspended when he's the most important player on the team right?

like Kirk was actually gonna do anything.
stop riding dude
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

tossed? ejected? !@!
y'all act like he threw a punch.
dude threw Kirk into the boards, there was no need for that especially with his history from the last game AND like someone just compared theNash/Horry situation as a perfect example.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

tossed? ejected? !@!
y'all act like he threw a punch.

Since when do you have to throw a punch to be tossed???? *Looks at avy* Makes sense now...
Smart move Rondo
he should know he's already under the microscope, then he pulls this garbage. Don't be surprised if they alter the call fromtuesday now that they see rondo is capable of being dirty. And I bet he thought Kirk wasn't gonna retaliate.

Rondo is going to get his !%% beat by the end of this game ...

What does he have ... 0 pts ?

He's scared .
Originally Posted by ChiTownRivera07

My Man Stacey King Said He Gon Write A Letter hahahhahahahahahha

for sure, he also said stevie wonder called him and said that was a flagrant on rondo in game 5,
he was like thank you stevie
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

tossed? ejected? !@!
y'all act like he threw a punch.
Hope you being sarcastic man..that was stupid stupid foul. Thought Rondo was smarter than that.
I'm just imagining if KG was in the game....
who would the bulls send to goon him??
if Kirk was gonna do anything, he would dropped Rondo instead of shove him. anyone can talk all that noise when the ref is between the two.
Originally Posted by Julian Wright

Rondo wasn't backing up cause he wanted to avoid suspension. $!+%@ just realized what he did and didn't want it
kirk isn't exactly mike tyson.
Rondo been hanging around KG too much. Trying to get at little white PGs...
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