Offical Bulls VS Celtics game 6 post

rondo with the cheap foul

Cap'n Kirk doin' the someone-come-hold-me-back-so-i-can-look-tougher dance for 15seconds before the coach gets there
I was watching the beginning of the Orlando/Sixers game and they went straight to this LIVE.

Hinrich was ready to go a few rounds, my man had that Ali bop.
who's watching the comcast sportsnet telecast, these announcers are going so hard on rondo and the whole celtics bench
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by JaFlash

Rondo did the smart thing.

He's not stupid.

Can't get suspended.
Smart? Getting potentially kicked out the game is smart? That's a dumb thing to write

I was referring to him backing away. He is needed in game 7. He throws a punch he is prob ejected and supspended for game 7
Rondo's really proven himself to be a punk with the cheap %!! fouls.

He should've been thrown out for that foul. Flagrant 1 isn't enough. You kiddin me??

Another player doing that to Rondo would've been thrown out for that #%%+. Refs are on some BS
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