Offical Bulls VS Celtics game 6 post

23MCpizzle23 wrote:
finnns2003 wrote:
JayADiCt92 wrote:
#$! do you want him to do 23mcpizzle? bleed on the court? bleed on the ball? idiot.
thank you. no surprise it's a lakers fan saying that dumb !#%!

so your gona tell me that all that acting was called for?? $+@@ being a lakers fan dude needs to man the hell up

I hate the Celts as much as the next man, but you sound like an idiot. Quit reaching
Seeing as he has been stabbed 11 times, I don't think he has to "man up" after a bloody nose, he didn't do &%*$ but check himself and goto the bench
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