Obese Ohio Man Dies After Being Fused to a Chair for 2 years

Originally Posted by BLinK


Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

*nb4 "ohio takes another L" and the dozens of quotes and rolling emoticons that follow*
so now folks dont wanna do the ohio jokes cuz of this post?

shows how some nt members are only in it for the e-lulz...



[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Another told the local TV station hehad to throw away his uniform after helping remove the man from the chair.

Really?  Dramatic Much.  Just because you got some doo-doo on you that was prob covered in maggets and swimming in some pee doesn't mean you have to throw

away your uniform people these days are so wasteful.  just brush the doo-doo off and put it in the washer dam

jp this gross skin fused to the cloth of the chair like he some kind of superhero "Chariman"

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Another told the local TV station hehad to throw away his uniform after helping remove the man from the chair.

Really?  Dramatic Much.  Just because you got some doo-doo on you that was prob covered in maggets and swimming in some pee doesn't mean you have to throw

away your uniform people these days are so wasteful.  just brush the doo-doo off and put it in the washer dam

jp this gross skin fused to the cloth of the chair like he some kind of superhero "Chariman"

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