NYPD shoots and kills another innocent man

Sep 7, 2012
[h1]NYPD: Police officer shoots and kills motorist on Grand Central Parkway[/h1][h5] [/h5]
A man was killed by the NYPD on the Grand Central Parkway near La Guardia Airport early this morning after the car he was in allegedly cut off an Emergency Service Unit vehicle, theDaily News  reports. According to a police source, the ESU's police escort attempted to pull over the black Honda, which held four people, when a "confrontation ensued" and a single shot was fired into the man's stomach. Hedied later  at the hospital. Details are still scarce, but early indications are that no one in the Honda was armed.

Update:  The Times  reports  that the Honda was returning from a club in Queens, and its passengers included a bartender and a female off-duty cop, who "was asleep in the back seat and did not witness the shooting."

Two officers in the front police vehicle – a sergeant and a detective – approached the Honda. The detective was on the passenger side where the window was open, the police said, and the bartender, who was seated there, told the police she heard the officers tell those inside the car to show their hands.

The police said there were reports of movement inside the car but they would not elaborate.

One shot was fired and hit the driver, a 22-year-old man, who had been drinking, the bartender told police. A "small power drill" was found in the car, but no gun.

I'm sure Ray Kelly will be defending this one too
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Lesson here (for the 4,890th time): don't give cops a reason to mess with you
Is it just me or has NYPD been pulling people over a lot more frequently in the past month or so.
Is it because of the elections coming up? New quotas or something?
I drive all the time and I use to rarely see NYPD pulling someone over for a traffic infraction, but in the past month or so I've seen it all over the city.
I read in the news that the guy was reaching under his seat when the officers asked him to show them his hands. A powerdrill can look like the butt on gun given the angle, lighting. Point of the story, if an officer says SHOW ME YOUR HANDS, don't go reaching for anything, especially something under your seat that looks like a gun.
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Poor judgment for both parties involved. Unfortunately it cost one his life. When you are told show your hands show your hands. I would have thought he was reaching for a piece too.
at the end of the day the cop has to protect himself at all costs. if he senses even the slightest danger he has to take action. unfortunately it was unecessary in this scenario but there actions are because of all the times that it did come out helping them.
Is it just me or has NYPD been pulling people over a lot more frequently in the past month or so.
Is it because of the elections coming up? New quotas or something?
I drive all the time and I use to rarely see NYPD pulling someone over for a traffic infraction, but in the past month or so I've seen it all over the city.

It could be your reasons or because of all the shootings occurring all over the city. If they don't see anyone walking that looks suspicious to them they will go after those who are driving.
NYPD are shoot first ask later. Period. Don't reach for anything until they bare next to you. They ask for paperwork do it visibly and slowly and say where it is.
I love that we live in a world where a cop can shoot someone, give any reason or no reason at all.

Simply say oops. and we carry on with life, like they didn't just take something so precious from another human being. :rolleyes
The other passengers say the cop fired right away.

Not sure why everyone automatically believes the guy "reached" fora nail gun
at the end of the day the cop has to protect himself at all costs. if he senses even the slightest danger he has to take action. unfortunately it was unecessary in this scenario but there actions are because of all the times that it did come out helping them.
this blows my mind, and a man should have to protect himself at all costs... and i wish everytime a cop pulled a gun a civillian would pull theirs out in response and blow their ******g head off. not even going to sugar coat how annoyed, and how much hate i feel everytime i hear these stories
Weird that a female cop was sleeping in the back seat and didn't even know what was occurring.

The news said he was reaching under his seat. Not a smart move. I'm not risking anything.
Two minutes from my house. Crazy.

And that off duty officer wasn't sleeping, shed be ruined if she came out against a fellow officer and said it was murdered. Sad but it is what it is.
its scary out there, specially because they need so little to justify a killing....."the man brushed his hair!" fill him with lead!
/\ exactly man. Forget all these fools tombout shouldnta reached.. he was pulled over drunk grabbing his id n such

Nypd jus scary man... they think b/c their job is dangerous everybody is a criminal worthy of being shot w/o much reason

Suprised it was jus one shot honestly... summin gotta be done... start lockin these cops up man. B/c u wear a badge doesnt make u devoid of all personal responsibility
Do you guys think it has anything to do with the fact that these dudes are placed in a place of authority with the legal right to use a firearm, which in fact majority of them never get to pull out and actually use...so maybe these cases of trigger happy dudes is just suppressed instincts of wanting to use their firearm so badly.....maybe it's a psychological issue mixed with poor training that causes these terrible judgement calls.
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