NYC ballers Sept Laguardia community College, Come Ball with Niketalks finest, Date soon to be postd


Looked like a Foul tho
Damn I missed out. I overslept my alarm cuz I had a mean hangover. Damn Boat Trip. Will be there next time. Either the 20th or 27th. Whatever.
@ that GIF.. It was most definitely a foul (which was called) thats Y Iaint make that..
SMH at the people that are calling us bums lol...please, please come out next time so we can see who the real ballers are
LOL @ whistling for 11 minutes straight
man I wanna come out to one of these

you dudes are mad short though

I played some half court games today outdoors, it was me, this old school dude and a chick and we won like 5 straight.

I hit like 6 straight jumpers on dude, so I had the ball at the top of the key on a check, dude just randomly runs right into me and headbutts my damn eye. NowI have a damn slit all across my upper eyelid, word to Rocky.
I watched almost two videos full and the quality of play wasnt looking too good, but it looks like you had some good times though. One thing though - itspickup-full-court-basketball, so run!!

I wish I could be there too, cuz some of you look like fun people to be around.
Originally Posted by henz0

@ that GIF.. It was most definitely a foul (which was called) thats Y I aint make that..

Which NTer is that on the assist? Son is nice
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Damn cant make the 20th. Busy all day. :-(

Originally Posted by Al3xis


Both of yall been MIA

@ that GIF.. It was most definitely a foul (which was called) thats Y I aint make that..

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

yo...who's out there w. a shooting sleeve?
Word, I forgot homeboys SN lol

The Fresh that loves UT and hates AI?

Nah, l Knicks Fresh Knick l

Can someone make a gif of part 7 of me walking and shooting from the 3... Thanks...

that was me with the shooting sleeve, and i was knocking down 3's left and right. whats the big deal if i got a sleeve on? haters
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