NYC ballers Sept Laguardia community College, Come Ball with Niketalks finest, Date soon to be postd

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I hear henz's range is unlimited. Stepback 40 foot jumpers on some Lebron tip

You mean:

I mean, you can leave whenever the hell you want dude, this aiin't no school trip.

Shut up, Mez�
I just did an overnight supervision shift, my *#! is not practicing tomm I'm about to sleep for 18 hours.
Originally Posted by Lrrr

whats the parking situation like over there?

Just about to ask the same question... i know during the week its crazy cause of all the trucks... But Im not sure on the weekends how it is...
Damn this thread poops all over the one in the regional section. Ill be there this sat.

Will I be the only Filipino there?

If I am, guess im going to be PG.

whats the parking situation like over there?

i have no idea, but only 1 way 2 find out.. ima get thier like 1030ish
whoa what's with the sudden date change

dudes is trying 2 ball, thats whats up
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I was actually planning on going this Sat since I need to start getting in bball shape.

Imma hit up bmxdmb aka Pharellfor3 aka Shawn Kemp Jr to see if he's down, I'll be there by noon.

u n me both brother
Can't say I ever been to the school but shouldn't we meet inside at the gym? I mean I figure you walk in the building and ask where the gym is right?
Wish I could come through my graduation though.
For ya that do end up goin 2 ball tomorrow, see if you cant put together some scouting reports
can everyone meet at 10;30-10;45 at the front entrance of some building? This way no one can get lost and i dont feel like wasting 15 min looking for abuilding on campus. We should find a place we can all meet at tonight before actually going into the gym....
Ill be warming up at 4ish am after I get outta work at Maurice :lo ... Hopefully Ill be able to wake up to make it there on time...
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